Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 13 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


     1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

               a. Knowledge: After the lesson , Ss will be able to:

                       - Practice details about the house.

                       - Know how to answer “ Yes/ No questions”.

b. Skill: Listening, speaking, and reading.

c. Attitude: Love your house.

     2. Competences:

 - Self-study ability;

           - Communicative ability;

           - Co-operative ability;

           - Problem solving and creation ability.


1. Teacher: Textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, cassette tape.

2. Students: Textbooks, extra boards,….


1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

2. Checking up: None

               3. New lesson:


doc 11 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 2220
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  1. Activity 2: Presentation (10ms) Helping Ss to scan the text to - find the words. Set the scene Listen * New word - garden (vườn) Stick the pictures on the board Look forward - vegetable (n)(Real Object) Get some notes - write (v) (Explanation) Introduce the new lesson - soon (Adv) (Example ) Ask the questions Guess and answer: - dear (Explanation) garden, vegetable, - letter (n) (Real object) Makes some suggestions write, - Thanks for your letter * Rubout and Remember Give examples Listen and note * Example: Explain and practices on the Copy down 1. Is your house big? examples -> Yes, it is / No, it isn’t. Practice 2. Is there a hotel near your house? Note some grammar notes Listen -> Yes, there is / No, it isn’t. Remind all using for listening Note 3. Are there any trees near your house? -> Yes, there are /No, there aren’t. Activity 3: Practice (20ms) Helping Ss know Minh’s neighborhood. Play the tape twice or three Listen A1. Practice/ Prediction times Get note Ngan: Is your house big? Try more Nhi: Yes, it is. Explain how to do exercise well Group works Ngan: Pair works Nhi: Let Ss listen the exercise again Give the correct acting: Yes, it is./ No, Encourage students to practice it isn’t. Yes, there is/ more No, there isn’t. Yes, there are./ No, there Ask them to answer aren’t. Have them give the answers Check all the answers Make any correction. Note Have Ss read Nga’s letter. Read Nga’s letter. Match questions and
  2. 4. Homework: (1m) - Aim: Help Ss ask and answer “Yes/ No questions” about their house. - T: Have Ss learn new words and structures by heart, copy down all the lesson and practice all at home. - Ss : Learn newwords (garden, beautiful, vegetable, ), copy down all the lesson and practice all at home. - Ss prepare “ Unit 7: ( A3-A5)” - T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. CHECK AND EVALUATE TOPIC / LESSON: - T: Is your school small? - Ss: No, it isn’t. - T summarizes: Ss study hard. V. FEEDBACK: Week : 13 Date of planning: 22/11/2020 Period : 38 UNIT 7: YOUR HOUSE A. Is your house big? (A3-A5 ) I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude a. Knowledge: After the lesson , Ss will be able to - Describe the house and things aound the house. - Listen the description about the house. b. Skill: Listening, and speaking. c. Attitude: Love things around the house. 2. Competences: - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: Textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, cassette tape. 2. Students: Textbooks, extra boards, . III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2. Checking up: Has Ss answer some questions (4ms) a. Is your house small?
  3. Helping Ss listen to the description Ask some questions belong to the Pair works A3. Practice with a partner text Guess the Example A: Play the tape twice answer: Hoa: What is that? Let Ss practice the text b. flowers, c. Lan: It’s a hotel. Remind and helps them on bank, d. Hoa: What are those? exercise supermarket, Lan: They are stores. Have them give the correct Check all the Example B: dialogues answers Nhan: Is there a lake near your Help them on pronouncing house? Make any correction Pair works Bao: Yes, there is. Call each student practice Nhan: Are there any trees near your together house? Help them on pronunciation Note Bao: No, there aren’t. Let students listen to the tape Listen to the A5. Listen carefully tape - Picture a: Tree -> to the right. Guess the - Picture b: Tree -> behind Give the tapescript answer: - Picture c: Tree -> to the left picture a -> Answer key: Picture a Have students choose the correct Try more TAPESCRIPT: picture by listening to the tape. Individual There are some mountains Check and gives the comment work behind the house. There are some Check the tall trees to the right. There is a lake answer to the left. Activity 4: Consolidation (4ms) Helping Ss remember Minh’s information. Present the model dialogue to * Dialogue exchange make the extra conversations Look at the Phong: What is that? (HSYK) Explain the ways how to board Khang: complete well Listen to take Phong: Is there a near Help them on doing note you house? (HSYK) Give some note on practicing Ask for help Khang: well with the Phong: Are there any Check and makes any correction problems near your house? (HSKG) Pair works Khang: Check all on Phong: Thank you. the board 4. Homework: (1m) - Aim: Help Ss remember how to describe things the house. - T: Have Ss learn new words and structures by heart, and practice at home.
  4. and answer about your places. Listen * Chatting/ Questionnair Have Ss listen some Guess the 1. Do you live in the city? ( HSKG) questions answer: No, it 2. Where do you live? ( HSYK) Ask Ss answer them isn’t, Ho 3. Is your school big? ( HSYK) Evaluate Phong, Yes, it 4. Is there a market near your house? ( HSKG) Correct is, . Give the feedback Check Activity 2: Presentation (5ms) Helping Ss to scan the text to find the words. Look at pics * Picture cues Ask the questions and answer 1. Who is that? ( Ba -Chi) (HSYK) Guess the 2. Where does he/ she live? Make some answer: Ba, ( in town-in the country) (HSKG) suggestions Chi, Correct * Vocabulary Present some new Give the - apartment (n) words meanings - clinic (n) Explains on some Copy down - market (n note Get note - zoo (n) Give examples Copy down - noisy # quiet (Adj) Explain and Practice - here (Adv) practices on the Listen - picture (n) = photo (n) examples Note * Slap the board: Note some grammar Individual noisy quiet market zoo note works Remind all using all Look at the clinic supermarket paddy field examples on game * Example: introducing Listen 1. I live in a house in Ho Phong town. Read all in model Play game 2. Do you live in the city? Lets students reread Copy down -> Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. all these new words Try to answer 3. Hoa lives in a house in Can Tho city. Present a game the teacher’s 4. Does she live in a hotel? words questions -> Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. Explain how to play Pair works this game Have students play game
  5. Introduce Ss Minh, house Tuan lives in a house in town. Tuan and Nga . Nga lives in a house in the country. Have Ss listen and Correct and complete the table copy Play tape Have Ss exchange the result Evaluate and correct Give the answer key Give the feedback Activity 4: Consolidation (4ms) Helping Ss talk about their house. * Write it up: (HSKG) Listen About you Present and reminds Pair works I live in a house in Ho Phong town. Near my Ss make the similar Guess the house, there is a river. It’s very quiet. pagagraph about answer: I live * Listen to complete: ( HSYK) themlves and listen in a house 1. There is a _clinic_ near my house. to the teacher’s in . 2. I live in Ca Mau __city__. voice Get feedbacK 3. My village is very __quiet. Have students Complete the 4. Living in the city is __noisy__. pracrice each other. sentences 5. I __go__ to school by bike. Help them on doing Correct Let them give the Take note answers Check and corrects all the answers