Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 15 - Huỳnh Thanh Tùng


                   Section C : On the move ( A3-A4)

I. Objectives                                                      

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get the information about means of transports and Hoang’s routine.

- Skills: Listening, Reading, speaking and writing.

- Attitude: Positive about means of transports and one’s routine.

                 Students know how to learn English in the right way.

2. Competence and quality

- Self- study ability;

- Communicative ability;

Co-operative ability;

- Problem solving and creation ability.

II. Preparation 

- Teacher: Lesson plan, text book,cassette tape and player... 

- Students: Textbooks, notebooks, pen, ruler.

III. Procedures     

1. Class organization ( 1’)

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  1. - so (adv) - Check new words - Rewrite new - end (v) words Activity 3. Practice (25’) Aim: Help Ss practice about means of transports and Hoang’s routine. - Explain how to do the exercise - Follow 3. Listen and write: Eg: a. Ba goes to work by How do they travel? motorbike. -> By bus. b. Lan often travels to VN by plane. - Let SS listen to the cassette. - Listen c. Nam sometimes goes downtown by bus. - Have Ss write answers on the - Write answers on d. Nga goes to school by bike. board. the board. e. Tuan always goes to school by bus. - Correct the answer. - Copy the answer f. Mrs Hương goes every where by car. g. Mr. Ha goes to center/central VN by train. h. Miss Chi is a teacher. She usually walks to her school - Let SS listen to the cassette. - Practice in pairs. 4. Answer the questions a. Hoang gets up at half past - Let them practice in pairs. - Practice in pairs. five. b. He goes to school at half - Have Ss give the answer. - Give the answer. past six. c. No, he doesn’t. - Help them correct the answer. - Correct the d. Yes, he does. answer. e. Classes start at seven. f. They end at haft past eleven. Activity 4.Consolidation (3’) Aim: Help Ss develop writing and speaking skills - Have Ss ask and answer the - Ask and answer -What time do you have questions the questions breakfast? -What time do you get up? -What time does he go to - Have Ss write complete - Write complete school? sentences. sentences. a) Name/get up/five/morning. b) What time /you /have/lunch? - Check and gie feedback. - Copy the answer c) Chi’s school/small. 4. Homework (1’) - Write the lesson into notebook.
  2. - Check and give feedback - Copy the answer 3. How does Liên go to school? 4. Do you live in the country? Activity 2. Presentation (7’) Aim: Help Ss practice about Present progressive positive statements 1. Listen and repeat: - Use pictures to introduce new - Listen. New Words: lesson. - video game (n) - ride (v) - drive (v) - Let SS repeat the new words. - Repeat the new - wait for (v) words and pay Structures: attention to their Present progressive tense: meanings. S + tobe + V_ing - Play the cassette. - Listen to the I am playing video games. cassette. He is riding a bike. - Ask SS to make questions with - Make questions as We are going to school. “How ” the teacher ask. S + tobe + not + V_ing I am not waiting for a bus. - Point to the pictures and have - Look at the She is not playing games. SS answer. pictures pointed and They are not traveling by bus. answer. Tobe + S + V_ing ? Am I going by bus? - Ask Ss to practice new words. - Practice Is he driving to his office? Are you waiting for the train? - Have Ss copy new words and - Copy down. Wh_questions: structures. What is he doing? What are you doing? Activity 3. Practice (25’) Aim: Help Ss practice about means of transports and Hoang’s routine. - Let SS practice the sentences in - Practice the Ask and answer questions: small groups. Ask them to sentences as the - What is he doing? change the subjects. teacher asks change -> He is doing his homework. - Show them pictures. the subjects. Be sure - What is she doing? - Ask them to close the books, to change the form -> She is riding her bike. look at the pictures, listen to the of the verbs questions and try to answer. followed. - Ask SS some more questions - Write the answers about themselves. in the notebooks. - Have them practice in pairs. - practice in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Ask and answer the questions. - Check and give feedback - Copy the answer
  3. 3. New lesson Activity 1. Warm up (5’) Aim: Help Ss remember previous lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content - Use pictures C3-4 P83-84. - Follow Write it up a. I am writing b. She is riding her bike. - Have Ss write the answer - Write the answer. c. He is driving his car. C4 P84 Example Exchange S1: What is he/she doing? S2: He/She is - Check and give feedback. - Copy the answer S1: What are they doing? S2: They are Activity 2. Presentation (7’) Aim: Help Ss scan new words and practice - Show SS pictures and explain - Listen. New word: the new lesson. - businessman(n): nhà doanh - Say new word and let them - Listen and write. nghiệp, thương gia repeat. 2. Practice: - Listen to the cassette. - Listen to the 4. Listen and number the cassette. picture as your hear: a-b; b-f; c-d; d-a; e-c; f-e - Let them listen sentence by - Write the a. Mr.Tan is a businessman. sentence, have them write down sentences He’s driving home from all sentences. work. b. Mrs. Thanh is waiting at the station. The train is late and she is very angry. - Have Ss choose the correct - Choose the correct c. Nam and Quang are letters for the sentences. letter for each going around the city by situation. motorbike. d. Việt is a student. He is riding his bike to school. - Let Ss read the questions and - Practice in pairs. e. Mai lives near her school. the answers. She is walking home from school. f. The boy is waiting for the - Let them reread. Have them - Practice. bus downtown. read all the three parts a – b – c. 6. Read. Then ask and answer questions with: