Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 15+16 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

 * Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students can

Pronounce correctly the sounds /s /and /ʃ / in isolation and in context

* Extend and practise vocabulary related to ‘tet’: things, activities and practices 

Vocabulary: Peach Blossoms,To make a wish,To hang,calendar

 Skill: Reading, writing and speaking

*. Attitude: love the subject, love English.


- Self-study ability;

          - Communicative ability;

          - Co-operative ability;

          - Problem solving and creation ability.


1. Teacher - Materials: lesson plan. Ss’ books, textbooks

2. SsTextbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary


1. Class orderGreeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

2.Checking up : Ss write some word  : celebrate  -  celebration.To decorate.,Fireworks,To gather – family gathering

To be called ... (3ms)

3. New lesson  

doc 19 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1660
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  1. them repeat the words. Check Peach Blossoms calendar their pronunciation To make a wish T gives feedback Activity3:Practice(20ms) Aim:Help ss marching and Label the pictures -Ask Ss to work in groups of work in groups of 4 so Ex2- Label the pictures 4 so that Ss can help each that Ss can help each 1.b 2.i other with some vocabulary. other with some 3.d 4.j -In order to avoid repeating vocabulary 5.f 6.g the vocabulary task in Getting 7.h 8.e started, T may Ss to look at 1.b 2.i 9.k 10.c 11.a the pictures first and see if 3.d 4.j they know the words. Then ask them to do the matching. T gives feedback ask them to match the Explain that some verbs and verb with as many Ex3 - Matching nouns go together and some nouns as they can 1. cook special food don’t, e.g. plant/ decorate + a find. When T is sure 2. go to a pagoda tree, but not cook + a tree. that Ss understand 3. give lucky money -T may write a verb on the what they have to do, 4. visit relatives board (e.g. read) and ask 1. cook special food 5. clean the furniture them to match the verb with 2. go to a pagoda 6. decorate our house as many nouns as they can 7. plant trees , T goes through the words 8.make a wish together with them, the verbs 9. hang a calendar first and then the nouns. 10. watch fireworks Check that Ss understand the the shopping meanings of the words and let 12. buy peach blossoms them match. T gives feedback Ask them to work independently first - Ask them to work and check with their independently first and check partners with their partners. Ex4 – Write the phrases Alternatively, T may cut up strips of paper with the verbs and nouns separately on them and ask Ss to work in groups to match them. Sometimes more than one answers Ss to work in groups possible. to match them. T gives feedback Sometimes more than This activity is to help Ss one answers possible. remember the vocabulary
  2. - Ss T: Do you visit your old teacher ? Ss - T summarizes: Ss study hard V- FEEDBACK:
  3. modal verb ‘should’ and the verb (+) S + should + V ( BI) correctly (-) S+ shouldn’t + V (BI) -T refers to the classroom (?)Should + S + V (BI) ? as the place and e.g: We shouldn’t talk loudly in class. demonstrates ‘run’, ‘keep We should keep quiet in class. quiet’, ‘talk loudly’, “ play football” signs on board. Then asks Ss for simply ‘yes’ (to show it can be done in the classroom) and ‘no’ if not. -Then T writes example Ss to look at the four on board next to the signs, signs in the studio and T gives feeback let them complete the Activity3:Practice(20m sentences. Draw their s) attention to the fact that 2-Practice Aim:Help ss Complete it is a TV studio where Exercises 1: Complete the sentences the sentences people are working. 1. shouldn’t 2. should -Use the pictures and the 1. shouldn’t 3. shouldn’t 4. should language acquired in the 2. should previous activity to practise the target Ss to fill the blank for language of the rule. ‘should/shouldn’t’ in We use ‘should’ for more familiar situations. things that are good to Exercises 2: Complete the sentences - Ask Ss to complete the do. 1. should 2. shouldn’t four sentences. Make sure We use ‘shouldn’t’ for 3. shouldn’t 4. shouldn’t that they combine things that are bad to do ‘should’ and the verb 1. should correctly 2. shouldn’t T gives feeback - Ask Ss to look at the four signs in the studio Ss to do the ticking and and let them complete the crossing, then compare Exercises 3: Should- Tick  and sentences. Draw their with the partners shouldn’t – Cross X attention to the fact that it 1.behave well 1.behave well  is a TV studio where  lots of sweets X people are working. lots of sweets 3. plant trees  - Go round and see if they X 4. break things X write the sentence 5.go out with friends  correctly. 6. make a wish  T gives feeback 7. fight X Remember: Ask Ss to fill Ss to read the letter, T 8 play cards all night X the blank for the rule. may check their We use ‘should’ for things understanding of the that are good to do. letter before they move Exercises 4: Write the sentences on to activity 2 through 1. We should behave well.
  4. after ‘will’ in the third 3. Phong will go out singular form, (e.g 4. Phong won’t st Phong’s father wills 5. Phong won’t give a present repaint the house or Phong’s father will Prepare repaints the house) or use communication ‘to’ with the verb (Phong’s father will to repaint the house) T gives feeback . Activity4:consolidation (5ms) Aim:Help Ss write TRUE sentences of what E.g.1. Phong will play games with his Phong will/won’t do at friends. Tet. 2. Phong won’t sit up late to/and Emphasise that students study. write TRUE sentences of what Phong will/won’t do at Tet. T also reminds them of the kind of words they have to add in order to complete the sentences. . Homework (1m) • - Aim:Help Ss Use comparative and superlative adjectives to describe things in nature • Ss : Practise exercises again • T :Try to remember five things/ activities you like about Tet. Ss : -Practice the lesson again and - Make two sentences with should, two sentences with shouldn’t T:. Rewrite your travel guide at home Ss: - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words - Ss : Prepare communication IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: What will you do before Tet? - Ss T: Do you visit your grandparents ? Ss - T summarizes: Ss study hard V- FEEDBACK:
  5. them if they know the nationality - Japan – the Japanese names of the countries, - Scotland – the where they are and what else Scottish they know about the - Great Britain – the countries. T may even allow Bristish Ss to answer in Vietnamese. The more they can talk about the eight countries and their people the better.( Scotland is part of Great Britain and there are ‘two’ Koreas: North and South) - Ask Ss to do the matching Ss to do the matching of flags and countries. of flags and countries Practice T gives feeback 1. The Scottish, 1- Exercise 3 Activity3:Practice(20ms) Scotland 1. The Scottish, Scotland Aim:Help ss Complete 2. The Thai, 2. The Thai, Thailand the sentences Thailand 3.The Japanese, Japan - T can make 8 hats with the 4. The H’Mong, Viet Nam flags at the front. - Call 8 Ss and ask them to wear the Ss work in groups. hats. Divide the class into 4 Divide the class into 4 2- Exercise 4: Read and decide which groups and see which group groups and see which group of people celebrates New Year can call out the right names group can call out the that way the most quickly. right names the most 1: H’Mong - Ask SS to answer: Where quickly. 2. Thai are you come from? 1: H’Mong 3. Japanese And the other ss will say his/ 2. Thai 4. Scottish her nationality T gives feeback -Ask Ss to look at the Ss to look at the pictures, discuss and make a pictures, discuss and guess about which country make a guess about the pictures are about. Then which country the ask them to match the pictures are about. pictures with the four groups Then ask them to of people. If Ss fail to do so, match the pictures don’t worry. Ask them to with the four groups keep this question in mind of people. If Ss fail to Exercise 5: Find and check the and go to the reading. do so, don’t worry. meaning T gives feeback Ask them to keep this Feathers - a. the covers of the rooster, question in mind and chicken or bird Ss are not expected to know go to the reading. cool down - b. become colder of the New Year practises in remove - c. take away these four countries. first footer d. the first person to enter - T ask Ss to pay their your home after New Year’s Eve Ss are not expected to
  6. Ss: - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words - Ss : Prepare skills 1 IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: will you plant trees ? - Ss T: Do you visit your friends ? Ss - T summarizes: Ss study hard V- FEEDBACK: Sign and report Week 15 Date 8/12/2020. Lưu Quang Thơ.
  7. today's party. 6. 6. Who ___ (he/wait for?) I guess for his mother. 7. 7. How often ___ (you/eat out)? Not very often. Once a month. - Ss take note 8. 8. You ___ (look) sad. What's the - Guide Ss how to do matter? exercises 9. 9. Would you like some chocolate? - Ss work in pairs in No, thanks. I ___ (hate) chocolate. 10’ 10. 10. Don't go. Bob still ___ (need) to - Call some Ss rewrite - Ss take note talk to you. on board - Ss work in pairs in II. Write sentences in comparison: - Give feedback 10’ 2. This mountain / hight / the world. Activity2 : (15ms 1. This mountain is 3. Which / long / river / the world? Aim: Help Ss use the the hightest in the 4. Trang / intelligent / the class. comparison: world. 5. He / clever / of all. - Ss take note 6. He / drive / carefully. - Guide Ss how to do 7. She / good / singer / our country. exercises 8. He / fat / the village. - Ss work in pairs in 9. This / beautiful /girl / I / meet. 15’ Ss rewrite on board III. Rewrite sentences: - Call some Ss rewrite Noother building in 1. It’s the oldest building in the town. the town is older on board Noother - Give feedback - Ss take note 2. It was the happiest day of my life. Activity3 : (15ms) Ss work in pairs in Aim: Help Ss rewrite 15’ No sentences: other
  8. T: Da Lat is colder than Hue Ss - T summarizes: Ss study hard V- FEEDBACK:
  9. -explain structure them. Activity2 : (15ms) pronunciation of Unit 6- Our Tet holiday: The things Aim: Help Ss practice vocabulary this and activities for Tet (peach Pronunciation task. blossoms, decorating, ) Repeat the words. II. Pronunciation take note 1. Sound: / əʊ/ and / ʌ/ - Guide Ss how to do exercises 2. Sound: /s/, /z / and /iz/ 3. Sound: /i:/ and /i/ - Ss work in pairs in 10’ 4. Sound: /p/ and /b/ - Call some Ss rewrite on 5.Sound: /t/ and /st/ 6.Sound : /s/ and /ʃ/ board III. Grammar - Give feedback Ss revise 1. - The present simple: S + V. vocabulary, not - The present continous: S + be only in meaning + Ving. but also in - Verb (study/ play/ do) +Noun. pronunciation. - Punctuation Activity3 : (15ms) 2. - There is/ isn’t + singular form Aim: Help Ss use the Give examples (N). comparison: - There are/ aren’t + plural form(Ns). - Prepositions of place: in , on , Ss take note at , between, in front of, - Guide Ss how to do exercises 3. - Verbs (have/ be) for Comparative description: S+ have/ has & - Ss work in pairs in 10’ adjectives: S + is/am/are + adj. - Call some Ss rewrite on - The present continous for future. board - Making and responding for a - Give feedback request or suggestion: + Can you ___ please? - Yes, sure + Would you like to___? Yes, I’d love to/ Oh, sorry, I can’t. 4. Comparative adjectives: more expensive, smaller, hotter, nicer, happier, better, 5. Superlative adjectives: the most expensive, the smallest, the hottest, the nicest, the happiest, the best,