Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 17 - Huỳnh Thanh Tùng


                 Section C : Road signs (1, 2)

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude:

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get the information about the weather from the weather forecast. 

+ Vocabulary: 

+ Grammar: Tenses, modals…

- Skills: Listening, Reading, speaking and writing.

- Attitude: Positive about natural disasters.

                 Students know how to learn English in the right way.

2. Competence and quality:

a. Competence:

          - General  capacity: self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,… 

          - Specialized capacity: English language ability, develop self capacity,.. 

b. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanity, cooperate with people around,…

 II. Preparation:

- Teacher: Lesson plan, text book, tape, cassette... 

- Students: Books, notebooks.

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 17 - Huỳnh Thanh Tùng

  1. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content - Give “PictureExample Drill” Exchange - Work in pairs. Picture Drill S1:IS he riding a bike? S2: No, he isn’t 2. Presentation: - Use pictures about road signs to - Look at the pictures 1. Listen and repeat: elicit the content of this part. about road signs shown New word: - Tell them the meaning of each road by the teacher. - road (n) sign. - Play attention to each -> road sign - Show them which signs allow them road sign and its - can (modal verb) to do something, then some signs that meaning. - can’t = can not forbid them to do things. - Look at the signs and - turn (v) - Use “can” and “can’t” and let them try to find out which - policeman (n) realize the different of each road sign. signs allow us to do - difficult (adj) something and which - job (n) ones forbid us to do - way (n) things. -> one way - Realize how the - park (n) teacher expresses the - turn (v) road signs with modal - go ahead verb “can” and “can’t”. Structures: - You can park here. - You can’t park here. 3. Practice: - Let them listen to the cassette then - Listen to the cassette 2. What do the road signs read the passage. and read the passage by mean? Add can or can’t. - Let them practice in groups. Ask themselves. a. You can turn left. and answer about the passage. - Practice in groups. b. You can turn right. - Have them copy the passage and - Ask questions and c. You can go ahead. write the questions and answers. answer. d. You can’t ride a motorbike. - Let SS look at the signs and - Try to ask as many complete the sentences with “can” or questions as possible. “Can’t” and write in the notebook. - Copy the passage and then write the questions and answers. - Copy the passage and then write the answers. 4. Consolidation: Write it up C2 P89-90
  2. 5. Homework: - Write the lesson into notebook. - Prepare “Unit 8. Out and about. Section C. Road signs (3, 4) ” for the next time. IV. Check and evaluate: (4’) ( oral check) - T: Ask Ss to tell the main content of the lesson. - Ss: Tell the main content of the lesson - T: Give the comments V. Feedback: Date of planning: Period : 50 Week : 17 Unit 8: OUT AND ABOUT Section C : Road signs (3, 4) I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge, skills, attitude: - Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get the information about the weather from the weather forecast. + Vocabulary: + Grammar: Tenses, modals - Skills: Listening, Reading, speaking and writing. - Attitude: Positive about natural disasters. Students know how to learn English in the right way. 2. Competence and quality: a. Competence: - General capacity: self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity, - Specialized capacity: English language ability, develop self capacity, b. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanity, cooperate with people around, II. Preparation: - Teacher: Lesson plan, text book, tape, cassette - Students: Books, notebooks. III. Procedures: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1’) 2. Checking the previous lesson: (5’) 3. New lesson: (35’)
  3. - Let them take notes and memorize. - Write the passage in at the sign. - Ask them write. the notebooks. g. We can turn left here. - Draw the road signs. h. You can’t ride motorbike on - Listen to the cassette. this street. - Write the letter. 4. Consolidation: Picture drill Eg: S1: What does this sign mean? S2: You must (slowdown). 5. Homework: - Write the lesson into notebook. - Prepare “Unit 8. Out and about. Grammar practice (1, 2, 3)” for the next time. IV. Check and evaluate: (4’) ( oral check) - T: Ask Ss to tell the main content of the lesson. - Ss: Tell the main content of the lesson - T: Give the comments V. Feedback: Date of planning: . Period : 51 Week : 17 GRAMMAR PRACTICE (1,2,3) I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge, skills, attitude: - Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get the information about the weather from the weather forecast. + Vocabulary: + Grammar: Tenses, modals - Skills: Listening, Reading, speaking and writing. - Attitude: Positive about natural disasters. Students know how to learn English in the right way. 2. Competence and quality: a. Competence: - General capacity: self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity, - Specialized capacity: English language ability, develop self capacity, b. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanity, cooperate with people around, II. Preparation:
  4. Yes, she walks to school. 2. Activity 2: 2. Present progressive tense a) Minh is riding his bike. - Ask about the “Present progressive - Remind S + be + b) They are waiting for a bus. tense”. V_ing c) She is watching television. d) We are playing soccer. e) He is listening to music. f) They are walking to school. g) He is traveling to Ha Noi. 3. Activity 3: 3. Prepositions - Ask SS to fill in the blanks with the - Practice Look at the food store. A girl is suitable words. in the store. A boy is waiting in - Explain how to use the prepositions. front of the store. There are - Review how to use the question mountains behind the store and words. some houses opposite it. There are some trees to the left of the store. There is a truck to the right of the store. 4. Consolidation: Remember about the unit. 5. Homework: - Write the lesson into notebook. - Prepare “Grammar practice (4, 5, 6, 7)” for the next time. IV. Check and evaluate: (4’) ( oral check) - T: Ask Ss to tell the main content of the lesson. - Ss: Tell the main content of the lesson - T: Give the comments V. Feedback: P. Hiệu trưởng Duyệt tuần 17 ./ /2018 Huỳnh Thanh Tùng