Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 18 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

 * Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students can

  1. Remember and use what they have learnt during the unit to help them to do each exercise  so that Ss can use that information to complete the self- assessment box at the end of the unit

Vocabulary: Wear,Get wet ,throw

 * Skill: Reading, writing and speaking

*. Attitude: love the subject, love English.


- Self-study ability;

          - Communicative ability;

          - Co-operative ability;

          - Problem solving and creation ability.


1. Teacher - Materials: lesson plan. Ss’ books, textbooks

2. SsTextbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary


1. Class orderGreeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

2.Checking up : Ss write some word   : a branch of ,tie, chocolate  biscuits.... (3ms)

3. New lesson 

doc 10 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 2620
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  1. Aim:Help Ss understand Wear The new words Get wet -Tell Ss to revise the Ss to revise the throw vocabulary about Tet to vocabulary about complete this task. Tet to complete this -. Correct the mistakes. task. Let them repeat the words. -Ss repeat the 1- Matching Check their pronunciation. words. Check their 1.k 2.e Activity3:Practice(20ms) pronunciation. 3.d 4.c Aim:Help ss Write the 5.j 6.g sentences with Will or 7.i 8.h Won’t Ss work in pairs 9.a 10. l -Show Ss a picture of New Ss answer 11.b 12.f Year in Thailand and ask 1.k 2.e 13.m if they could still 3.d 4.c II- Grammar remember anything about 1- Write the sentences with Will New Year Festival in or Won’t Thailand. Ask them ‘ When is New Year Festival in questions like Ss work in groups Thailand ?’, ‘What is the weather - Then ask them to look at Ss write the like?’ , ‘ Will people throw water at the list and make up sentences with Will each other?’, ‘How can you travel to sentences of what Phong or Won’t Thailand? will and won’t do in Ss answer WILL Thailand. T may then ask Phong will travel * Phong will travel by plane. them if they can add by plane. * Phong will wear shorts and a anything. T-shirt * Phong will get wet. -All the information in the * Phong will throw water at listening is familiar to Ss, Write the word ‘ others. so T can ask Ss to look at wish’ on the board * Phong will watch the elephants the summary first and see and ask Ss to match how much they can fill in it with a verb. Ss WON’T before the listening. This are expected to * Phong won’t stay at home. will create an opportunity come up with ‘ * Phong won’t eat banh chung. for Ss to revise both the make a wish’ as * Phong won’t go to school. vocabulary about Tet as they have leant it in * Phong won’t get lucky money. well as the use of ‘should’. the previous lesson. * Phong won’t wait for the first -Play the recording and Underline ‘a wish’ footer. check if Ss get the right to stress the use of it answer as a noun T gives feeback 4- Listen and complete the sentences Activity4:consolidation(5 Ss to complete it in
  2. PERIOD 53/ WEEK 18 Date of planning: 25 / 12/ 2020 Review 2 (language) I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude * Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss can review the language they have learnt include: pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar they have learnt from unit4-5-6 by doing exercises. - Vocabulary: Wear,Get wet ,throw * Skill: Reading, writing and speaking *. Attitude: love the subject, love English. 2.Competences: - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Materials: lesson plan. Ss’ books, textbooks 2. Ss: Textbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2.Checking up : Ss write some word : Wear,Get wet ,throw (3ms) 3. New lesson Teacher’s activities students’ Content activities Activity1 :Warm up (5ms) polluted Aim:Help Ss pay attention Ss answer to the lesson by answering Yes/ No the questions Ask Ss to look at the picture Ss write as many adjectives and answer some questions words as possible K-G 1. Will your father repaint the about the picture: house.? long T gives feeback K-G 2. What will buy ? Brainstorming: Y-K will you buy red envelopes. ? -Have Ss work in 2 teams. . -Ss write as many words K-G .4. shall we play cards all night ? aspossible
  3. -Reads the definitions and Ss answer 4: have Ss guess the words a. square, Give some words about the topic -Asks Ss open their books supermarket , school, Write the words in bold in activity 3 in and check shop, the correct group -Gives answer key theater, b. square, supermarket, school, shop, museum theater, museum -asks Ss to give some words c. 2. desert, rocks, forest, mountain they know each of the d. wish, greet, lucky money, new topics. Ss answer clothes -Asks Ss to put the words in a.Viet Nam is C. Grammar: bold in activity 3 in their much hotter 5: appropriate group. than Sweden a. Viet Nam is much hotter than -Allow ss to work together Sweden. for this task b. 2. The andes in the longest mountain -Give the answers Ss the Internet is range in the world. -Do the first sentence with useful, but c. A car is often more expensive than a Ss as a model sometimes it can motorbike. -Ask them to indentify the be dangerous d. HCMC is noisier than Hoi An adjective because it is e. The air in the city is often more asks them to give the difficult to say if polluted than the air in the opposite then ilicit the new the countryside. sentence beginning the the f. Ba Be Lake is the largest natural lake subject “Viet Nam ” in Viet Nam. -Asks Ss to do the same 6: Answer the teacher’s questions Ss answer - sometimes, usually -Asks Ss some questions: 1. should - searching for information, playing - How often do you online? 2. should games, chatting, watching movies, - What do you do online? Tells Ss the Internet is Choose should or shouldn’t to complete useful, but sometimes it can Ss answer the sentence be dangerous because it is 1. won’t be 1. should 2. should 3. difficult to say if the 2. will be should information they receive can 4. shouldn’t 5. should 6. be trusted. should CEOP is a police agency 7: (sở, nhánh) of the UK complete the passage with: WILL or government, which helps WONT reduce child exploitation and 1. won’t be 2. will be 3. will protects children when they celebrate
  4. PERIOD 54/ WEEK 18 Date of planning: 25 / 12 / 2020 Review 2 (SKILLS) I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude * Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss can review the language they have learnt include: pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar they have learnt from unit4-5-6 by doing exercises. - Vocabulary: Rainforest, Night Safari, Jurong Bird Park *Skill: Reading, writing and speaking *. Attitude: love the subject, love English. 2.Competences: - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Materials: lesson plan. Ss’ books, textbooks 2. Ss: Textbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2.Checking up : Ss write some word : Wear,Get wet ,throw (3ms) 3. New lesson Teacher’s activities students’ activities Content Activity1 :Warm up Ss write as many K-G 1. Will your father repaint the (5ms) words as possible house.? Aim:Help Ss pay K-G 2. What will buy ? attention to the lesson by Ss answer Y-K 3 will you buy red envelopes. answering the questions Yes/No ? . Ask Ss to look at the K-G .4. shall we play cards all picture and answer some night ? questions about the picture: T gives feeback Activity2:Presentation( 10ms) Ss do individually and Vocabulary Aim:Help Ss understand check their answers Rainforest The new words with a partner before , Night Safari,
  5. - Play the recording Sentosa. again, ask for answers B. Speaking: and encourage Ss to give *Ex4. Ss work in pairs asking their reasons for their answers. Ss to look at the friends if she/he has a chance to go Activity4:consolidation( website 1 again for to Singapore, which place he/she 5ms) the format and the wants to go to and why? Aim:Help Ss Write the contents content of a website C. Listening: introducing the city/town *Ex5. (individual) KEY : Mai’s family will go to Ask Ss to look at the Singapore at Tet. website 1 again for the format and the contents. *Ex6. (individual) KEY : 1. F (They will stay there for Go through each heading 5 days) with Ss and brainstorm 2. F ( There’s not much shopping.) the information that your 3T 4T 5T 6T city/town or the nearest D. Writing: city/town to where you - *Ex7. (individual)Write the content of a website introducing the live. city/town where you live or the T gives feedback nearest city/town to where you live. Choose four of the headings to include in your writing. 4. Homework (1m) - Aim:Help Ss can review the language they have learnt include: pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar they have learnt from unit4-5-6 by doing exercises. • Ss : Practise exercises again • T :Try to remember five things/ activities you like about Tet. Ss : -Practice the lesson again and - Rewrite your e - mail at home T:. Rewrite your travel guide at home Ss: - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words - Ss : Prepare review Unit 1-6. IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: What should you do at tet? - Ss DUYỆT TUẦN 18 T: Will you decorate the house at Tet ? 29/12/2020 Ss - T summarizes: Ss study hard V- FEEDBACK