Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 3+4 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

 * Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students can:

  1. Listen to get information about school activities
  2. Write a webpage for their school, using correct punctuation

Vocabulary: *  helpful , favourite

*. Skill: Reading, writing and speaking

*. Attitude: love the subject, love English.

2. Competences

- Self-study ability;

          - Communicative ability;

          - Co-operative ability;

          - Problem solving and creation ability.


1. Teacher - Materials: lesson plan. Ss’ books, textbooks

2. SsTextbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary


1. Class orderGreeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

2.Checking up : Ss write some word(to join,*overseas, kindergarten, equipment,art club   )  .(3ms)

3. New lesson: 

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  1. answers. 1-F 1b Complete sentences -Confirm the correct 2-T 1. TV; sofa house answers. 3.sitting on the sofa 4.noisy 5.three Ss work 2: Match the preposition with the independently. Allow Ss if they know the picture them to share answers prepositions in the box. A. on B. next to C. behind D. in before discussing as a E. in front of F. between G. class. Write the under correct answers on the Ss write the sentences 3-Write a sentence to describe the board. individually, then share the picture - -Ask Ss if they sentences with a friend. A- The dog is on the chair know the prepositions B- The dog is next to the bowl. in the box. C- The cat is behind the TV. - Have Ss do this 1. They are on the desk./ D- The cat is in the wardrobe exercise in pairs. Ask bookshelf. E-The dog is in front of the kennel. for Ss’ answers. 2. They are on the floor. F- The cat is between the lamp and the -Ss write the 3. Yes, it is. sofa sentences G- The cat is under the table individually, then 4- True or false share the sentences 1-F (The dog is between the with a friend. Ss look at the picture of bookshelf and the bed.) - -Call on some Ss to the room and do this 2-T write their answers on exercise individually 3-F (The clock is between the the board. Check the pictures.) sentences with the 4-F (The cat is in front of the whole clas computer.) -Ss look at the picture 5-F (The cap is next to the pillow.) of the room and do 6-T this exercise individually. -Ss share their answers with a partner Ss to do this exercise before giving T the without looking at the 5- Play a game Look at the picture answers. picture again and play a and answer the questions -Confirm the correct game 1. They are on the desk./ bookshelf. answers. 2. They are on the floor. Activity4/consolidati Ss to close their books, Ss 3. Yes, it is. on(5ms) work in pairs. Ask the 4. No, they aren’t. They’re on the bed. Aim:Help Ss - Play questions, whichever pair 5. It’s behind the bookshelf. a game Look at the raises their hands first will 6. No, it isn’t. It’s next to the desk. picture and answer answer the question. the questions -Practice the lesson again.
  2. PERIOD 10/ WEEK 4 Date of planning: 19 / 09 / 2020 Unit 2 : MY HOME Lesson2 - A CLOSER LOOK 1 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude * Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students can: • Use the lexical items related to the topic “My home” • Pronounce correctly the ending sounds /z /,/s / and /iz/ in isolation and in context. - Vocabulary: chest of drawers ,fridge, cupboard, cooker, , dishwasher ,sink, *. Skill: Reading, writing and speaking *. Attitude: love the subject, love English. 2. Competences - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Materials: lesson plan. Ss’ books, textbooks 2. Ss: Textbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2.Checking up : Ss write some word : behind - sofa - town house -city center,- apartment= flat - cousin- aunt- uncle (3ms) 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities students’ activities Content Activity1 :Warm up Ss answer Y-K:What is this? (5ms) K-G;What are these? Aim:Help Ss pay - kitchen attention to the lesson. Ss quickly match the - bathroom T guids room with correct - wardrobe T asks some questoins picters - chest of drawers Introduction - poster -Ask Ss to look at the - air-conditioner picture and answer some - cupboard questions about the - microwave picture - dishwasher
  3. - T writes the name of the posters lamps Fridges rooms on the board, in tables sinks different places. wardrobes toilets -T explains the words of beds things in the room by Rulers pictures - Call on Ss from /z Final –s is pronounce /z/ after different pairs to go to voiced sounds (/b/, /d/, /g/, /n/, the board and write the /m/, /l/ ) and any vowel sounds name of the furniture E.g. beds, dogs, cans, rooms, under these rooms. Then videos, cookers, bees ask other Ss to comment. s Final –s is pronounce /s/ after - Play the recording. - Play the recording. / voiceless sounds (/t/, /p/, /k/, -Ss listen and repeat the -Ss listen and repeat /f/, /θ/ ) words. the words. E.g. cats, lamps, books, months - Ask Ss for more words - Ask Ss for more /I Final –es is pronounce /iz/ after for each group. words for each group. z/ /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /t ʃ/, /d ʒ/) Guessing the room E.g. buses, houses, pages, -Model this activity with toothbrushes, watches, pages a St. Model this activity -Ask Ss to work in pairs. with a St. -Call some pairs to -Ask Ss to work in practise in front of the pairs. class. -Call some pairs to / z/: things, pictures PRONUNCIATION practise in front of the / s/: lights, chopsticks /z/,/s/ and / Iz/ class / iz/: dishes, vases -Have some Ss read out the words first. -Then play the recording for them to listen and Ss read out the words repeat the words. first. -Ask Ss to put the words in the correct column while they listen -Ss compare their Ss to put the words in answers in pairs before T the correct column checks their answers with while they listen the whole class. -Have Ss comment on the way to pronounce –s/-es the end of the words. Quickly explain the rules:
  4. Lesson3 - A CLOSER LOOK 2 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude * Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students can: • Use There Is/ There Isn’t/ There Are/ There Aren’t correctly and appropriately • Use the lexical items related to the topic “My home” - Vocabulary: chest of drawers ,fridge, cupboard, cooker, , dishwasher ,sink, *. Skill: Reading, writing and speaking *. Attitude: love the subject, love English. 2. competences - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Materials: lesson plan. Ss’ books, textbooks 2. Ss: Textbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) • 2.Checking up : Ss write some word : chest of drawers ,fridge, cupboard, cooker, , dishwasher ,sink, (3ms) 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities students’ activities Content Activity1 :Warm up Y-K-1IsThere a T.V on the table.? (5ms) Ss give these K-G2-Are There dogs in the kitchen? Aim:Help Ss pay phrases correct places attention to the lesson. Ss answer * play: sports, badminton, music T guids Yes/No * do: morning exercise, homework T asks some questoins *study: new words, geography Introduction *have: English lessons, a new book -Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer some I- There Is/ There Isn’t/ There Are/ There questions about the picture look at the first Aren’t Have Ss quickly match the picture and use the * Singular: room with correct picters There Is/ There Are Positive T corrects their answer structure to make There is+ a/one +singular/ T gives feedback sentences uncountable There’s
  5. -Ask Ss to use the There - What is your favourite room? Is/ There Isn’t/ There -Where is it? Are/ There Aren’t - Is there a T.V in your room? structure to make Key: - Are there two pictures in your room? sentences 1- is - Let Ss work in pairs to 2- is Key: 1- is 2- is 3- are do exercises 1+2 quickly 3- are 4- are 5- aren’t 6- isn’t then give the answer to 4- are teacher 5- aren’t - T observes and helps Ss 6- isn’t Key : 1- Are there 2- Is there 3- Are when and where necessary there -Allow Ss to write 4- Is there 5- Are there different sentences. Accept these sentences if Ss look at the they make sense. picture and -Call some Ss to write complete the their own sentences on the description board . Get feed back individually. Suggested sentences: - Ss compare their - Ss look at the picture and answers, then give complete the description teacher their answer individually. Ss to work in group - Ss compare their of four. Write there answers, then give teacher answers on their sub their answers boards Some suggested questions: - T confirms the correct - What is your favourite room? answers and write them on Ss to work in pairs, -Where is it? the board. ask and answer the - Is there a sofa in your room? -Ask Ss to work in group questions above of four. Write there answers on their sub boards - Ask Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer the questions above. - T goes around to observe and help Ss. Activity4/consolidation(5 ms) Aim:Help Ss - Play a game Look at the picture and answer the questions
  6. 2. Ss: Textbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) • 2.Checking up : Ss write some word : chest of drawers ,fridge, cupboard, cooker, , dishwasher ,sink, (3ms) 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities students’ activities Content Activity1 :Warm up (5ms) Ss answer What is your favourite room? Aim:Help Ss pay -Where is it? attention to the lesson. - Is there a T.V in your room? T guids - Are there two pictures in your room T asks some questoins T gives feedback to match the words yocabulary Activity2/Presentation(1 with the right -town house 0ms) picture. -country house Aim:Help Ss understand town house - villa new words and -country house - stilt house Structures( Where+ do/ - villa -apartment does+ S+ live? 2- Grammar How many+ plural+ are Ss review the * Where does Mi live? there ? grammar points that Where+ do/ does+ S+ live? *There + is+ a/one+ may be used in this *How many rooms are there in Mi’s house singular lesson. Some How many+ plural+ are there ? There are+ 2,3 +Plural grammar points are: * There + is+ a/one+ singular T guids Wh-questions There are+ 2,3 +Plural to match the words with (where, how Eg: There are four rooms the right picture. many ), there is/ * Prepositions of place: in/on/ under/ - T explains the there are, between/ next to/ behind/in front of differences between the prepositions of place. Eg: I’m in the living room houses 3- Making conversations T: Nick lives in a country house. Where Activity3/Practice(20ms) does Mi live? Aim:Help Ss can use look at the picture St: She lives in a town house. Where+ do/ does+ S+ and complete the T: How many rooms are there in Mi’s live? sentences in pairs. house? How many+ plural+ are St: There are six rooms. What about Nick’s there ? house? How many rooms are there? *There + is+ a/one+ singular 1. country 2. are 4- Draw a simple plan of your house
  7. the class. and their friend’s. -Call some Ss to describe Other Ss and T listen their friend’s house to the and give comments class. My house is small -Ss may also present the differences between their house and their friend’s. Other Ss and T listen and give comments 4. Homework (1m) • - Aim:Help Ss Ask about and describe houses, rooms and furniture • Learn by heart preposition of place - Write to describe your house or your dream house - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words Prepare skills 1 -T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: What is your favourite house? - Ss T: Does it has aTV ? Ss - T summarizes: Ss study hard Sign and report V.Feedback Week 4, Date 22/09/2020