Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 5+6 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

 * Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students can:

  1. Read for specific information about rooms and houses

Describe a new room for the hotel

Vocabulary: strange shape,messy(a),eagle,ant

*. Skill: Reading, writing and speaking

*. Attitude: love the subject, love English.


- Self-study ability;

          - Communicative ability;

          - Co-operative ability;

          - Problem solving and creation ability.


1. Teacher - Materials: lesson plan. Ss’ books, textbooks

2. SsTextbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary


1. Class orderGreeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

2.Checking up : Ss write some word : town house,country house, villa, stilt house,apartment    (3ms)

3. New lesson: 

doc 22 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 2460
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  1. correct answer by using this e-mail as a model to teach the e-mail parts Activity4/consolidation( 5ms) Aim:Help Ss discuss and correct the e- mail -Have Ss look at Mi’s e- mail on the board. - Ask them to work in pairs to discuss and correct the e- mail by using the correct punctuation, capitalization rules as well as the e-mail writing tips. T gives feeback 4. Homework (1m) • - Aim:Help Ss Write an e-mail to a friend • Learn by heart preposition of place - - Practise writing a email to Nick - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words Prepare LOOKING BACK -T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: Is your room big? - Ss T: Does it has a ? Ss - T summarizes: Ss study hard V FEEDBACK: PERIOD 15/ WEEK 5 Date of planning: 26/ 09 / 2020 UNIT 2 MY HOME Lesson 7 – LOOKING BACK +PROJECT . OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude
  2. questions groups to add villa, living room picture -Ss do this activity more words to apartment hall cupboard individually each group. The town house bathroom chest of -Then compare their group that can stilt house bedroom drawers answers with a add the most country kitchen attic wardrobe sofa partner. words to the list house dishwasher -Ask one St to write will be the cottage dining room desk his/ her answer on winner. farmhouse guestroom stool the board. bungalow utility room armchair -Ask Ss to work in 1.The boy is on II- Grammar groups to add more the table. 2-Make sentences words to each 2. The dog is in 1.The boy is on the table. group. The group front of the 2. The dog is in front of the kennel. that can add the kennel. 3. The cat is between the bookshelf and the most words to the sofa list will be the 4. The cat is behind the computer. winner. 5. The girl is in the armchair. -T checks their 6. The boy is next to the armchair. answers Grammar -Ss look at the Ss look at the pictures and do this pictures and do exercise this exercise individually. individually. -Ask some Ss to Ss to write the write the sentences sentences on the on the board. board. 3- Complete the sentences using there -Check Ss’ 1. There is is/there are answers 2.There are 1. There is 2.There are -Ask Ss to do look 3. There is 4. There aren’t at the picture and 5. There is 6. There aren’t complete the sentences individually. Ss to do look at - Ask them to check the picture and their answers with a complete the partner before sentences discussing their individually. 4-Turn the sentences above into questions answers 1.Is there a clock 1.Is there a clock on the wall? on the wall? 2. Are there books on the bookshelf? -Ask Ss to turn the 2. Are there 3. Is there a desk next to the bookshelf? sentences above into books on the 4.Are there two posters on the wall? questions bookshelf? 5. Is there a laptop and a lamp on the desk?
  3. House A B C D Name Reasons 2. Ss draw their own crazy house and tell the group about their house. Alternatively, each group can draw a crazy house together then tell the class about their house. The class vote for the best crazy house. If there is no time left, this part can be done at home as homework. Ss to complete the self- assessment. Identify any difficulties and weak areas and provide further practice Ss to complete the self- assessment. Identify any difficulties and weak areas and provide further practice 4. Homework (1m) • - Aim:Help Ss describe their room • Learn by heart preposition of place - - Practise exercises again - You can write about your dream school at home. - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words Prepare Unit3- GETTING STARTED -T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: Is your room big? - Ss T: Does it . ? Ss - T summarizes: Ss study hard V FEEDBACK: Sign and report Date 29/09/2020.
  4. to turn on to come over project to pass to turn on project glasses friendly (a) It sounds great . talkative(a) shy (a) confident (a) hard working (a) boring (a) Activity3/Practice(20ms) 2- Structures Aim:Help Ss can Making Ss to share any recent * Polite requests and and responding to a request experiences of going on suggestions -Ss do this activity a picnic. -He is having a picnic with : Introduction Play the recording. Ss his friends. -Ask Ss to look at the picture listen and read. -They are eating, drinking, and answer some questions reading, chatting and about the picture: playing. What is Phuc doing? -They are eating biscuits What are they doing? and drinking fruit juice. What are they eating and drinking? Making and responding -T ask Ss to share any recent to a request: (Asking for experiences of going on a Ss work help) picnic. independently. Allow - Can You +V (BI) -Play the recording. Ss listen them to share answers .,please? and read. before discussing as a - Yes, sure -T can play the recording class. -Can you pass the biscuits again. Pause the recording at and Chau for me, please ? the appropriate places if Ss 1. picnic -Yes, sure. need help with comprehension 2. likes/loves Key: questions. 1. picnic 2. 1a Ss work independently. likes/loves Allow them to share answers 3. friendly 4. Mai before discussing as a class. 5. glasses; long black hair and Chau 6. working on their school 1b. Polite requests and project suggestions -Tell Ss t refer back to the Making and responding conversation to find the Ss t refer back to the to a
  5. the board, e.g. (Point to forms of ‘be’. Repeat Ss) ‘They are hard- making negative sentences. working’. Underline the Remind Ss that ‘is’, ‘am’ forms of ‘be’. Repeat and ‘are’ are all forms of making negative ‘be’. sentences. Remind Ss that ‘is’, ‘am’ and ‘are’ are all forms of ‘be’. 4. Homework (1m) • - Aim:Help Ss use polite requests and suggestions • Learn by heart preposition of place - - Practise exercises again - You can write about your dream school at home. - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words Prepare Unit3- A CLOSER LOOK 1 -T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: Can you pass the book for me, please ? ? - Ss T: Can you close the door, please? Ss - T summarizes: Ss study hard V FEEDBACK:
  6. T guids new words curly VOCABULARY straight Appearances chubby - Ask them to match ponytail the words they know. foot – feet tooth – teeth -T ask Ss to separate Play the recording the vocabulary into as many times as words that only apply required to support to animals (fur, tail). Ss pronunciation. T gives feeback -Finally review and Activity3/Practice(20 test Ss’ ms) comprehension by Aim:Help Ss can asking them to point practice the them in the bodies. Pronunciation /p/ and Ss answer /b/ sounds -Allow Ss to work *Long/ short: legs, *Long/ short: legs, arms, tail, hair together. Point out the arms, tail, hair *Big/ small: head, hands, ears, feet, irregular plurals using *Big/ small: head, eyes, nose the ‘Watch out!’ box. hands, ears, feet, *Black/ blonde/ curly/ straight: Watch out! eyes, nose hair, fur Ask Ss what they *Chubby: face, cheeks notice about these *Round/ long: face irregular plurals – they contain double vowels. -Explain that some words go together, e.g. long + hair, but some don’t, e.g. round + II-Pronunciation /p/ and /b/ sounds knee. Ss answer - Write the adjectives Tape script: on the board and allow 1. play 2. Ball 1. We often play badminton in the Ss to attach after noon vocabulary cards to 2. Are you singing in the band ? make matches. 3. Her ponytail is so cute! -Ask Ss to complete 4. He has a brown nose. the word webs in their 5. Let’s have another picnic this books weekend! Pronunciation 6. She’s got such a pretty daughter. -Have Ss practise the Key: /p/ and /b/ sounds 1. play 2. ball 3. ponytail 4. together. brown 5. picnic 6.pretty -Tell them they should
  7. 4. Homework (1m) • - Aim:Help Ss Pronounce correctly the sounds /b /and /p/ in isolation and in context • Learn by heart preposition of place - Practice vocabulary and pronunciation /p/ and /b/ sounds -Write 5 sentences to describe your friends - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words Prepare Unit3- A CLOSER LOOK 2 -T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: Does the girl have short hair ? ? - Ss T: Is your hair black? - Ss - T summarizes: Ss study hard V FEEDBACK:
  8. : group work Play the 2- Note: alphabet game with Ss. S+ am /is/ are + V-ing - Call each letter of the +going/ playing alphabet and St in each + coming/ riding group tries to recall a verb beginning with each letter, recall what happened 3-Practice e.g. A - act, ask, B – bring, in the conversation in Exercises 2: fill in the table buy Getting Started then Actions now Plans for future ask Ss to focus on They’re coming Example: the verbs that were over. -This evening, we are used working on our school project. -I’m going to the judo Activity3/Practice(20ms) club with my brother. Aim:Help Ss can Write Point out contextual -I’m visiting my sentences about Mai’s clues, such as use of grandma and grandpa. plans for next week adverbs of time, e.g. -Ask Ss to recall what This happened in the evening/Tomorrow. conversation in Getting -Point out that some Started then ask Ss to focus verbs lose their final on the verbs that were used. ’e’ when –ing is - T explains: added, e.g. coming, Exercises 3: Write sentences about * Some –ing verbs describe leaving, riding, Mai’s plans for next week actions happening now, taking 1. is taking 2. isn’t going and some describe plans 1. is taking 3. is visiting 4. is having for the future. 2. isn’t going -Point out contextual clues, such as use of adverbs of time, e.g. This evening/Tomorrow. -Point out that some verbs Ss fill in the table lose their final ’e’ when – with sentences from ing is added, e.g. coming, the conversation. leaving, riding, taking Ask Ss to feedback - - Ask Ss to complete the with reasons for their Exercises 4: Sort them out! Write N sentences individually. - choices. for now and F for future Remind them to pay 1. N 2. F 3. N attention to the ‘be’ verb 4. F 5. F 6. N and to the spelling of verbs ending in ‘e’ such as ‘take’. -Discuss any difficulties before Ss attempt 4.
  9. Ss - T summarizes: Ss study hard V FEEDBACK: Sign and report Date 6/10/2020.