Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 7 - Huỳnh Thanh Tùng


          Section A : Where is your school? (1, 2,)   

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude:

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get the information about places, location, quality, characteristics, quantity and possession.

+ Vocabulary: Big, small, or, in, in the country, in the city, Phong’s school, Thu’s school.

+ Grammar: 

+ Where’s your school? -> It’s in the city.

+ Is your school small / big? -> Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

+ Tuan’s school is small.

+ How many SS are there in Thu’s school?

- Skills: Listening, Reading, speaking and writing.

- Attitude: Positive about places, location, quality, characteristics, quantity and possession.           Students know how to learn English in the right way.

2. Competence and quality:

a. Competence:

          - General  capacity: self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,… 

          - Specialized capacity: English language ability, develop self capacity,.. 

b. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanity, cooperate with people around,…

 II. Preparation:

doc 7 trang Hải Anh 19/07/2023 920
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 7 - Huỳnh Thanh Tùng

  1. 2. Presentation: - Show SS pictures and ask them to - Listen to the 1. Listen and repeat: give some ideas on what they have teacher. New Words: seen. - big (adj): lớn - Read and let them repeat. - Repeat. - small (adj): nhỏ - Play the tape for the student. - or (con): hoặc - Explain new words. - Listen to the - in (pre): trong - Tell them about the possessive teacher’s explain. - in the country: ở miền quê case and the position of adjective. - Copy the notes. - in the city: ở thành phố - Ask them to take notes and - Take notes and - Phong’s school: trường của memorize. memorize. Phong - Thu’s school: trường của Thu Structures: - Where’s your school? -> It’s in the City. - Is your school small/ big? -> Yes, it is /No, it isn’t. - How many SS are there? -> There are 40. Notes: . Possessive case: - Uses pictures to introduce the -Thu’s school = the school of lessons Thu - The teacher’s book = the book of the teacher - Gives structures - Listen and read. . Positions of adiectives: - Tuan’s school is small. - It’s a small school. 3. Practice: - Divide the class into small - Practice in groups. 2. Answer: groups and let them talk to each a. Yes, it is. other. b. No, it isn’t. It’s big. - Emphasize on the intonation of - Practice asking and c. Phong’s school is in the Yes / No question and wh- answering. country. question. d. No, it isn’t. It’s in the city. - Help SS to describe one of these - Try to describe a schools. school. 4. Consolidation: Answer the questions: + Where is your school? + Is it a big school? + Try to describe your school. 5. Homework: Prepare “Unit 4. Big or small? Section A3-4 for the next time.
  2. 2. Presentation: - Show SS pictures and ask them to - Listen to the give some ideas on what they have teacher. New Words: seen. - four hundred: 400 - Read and let them repeat. - Repeat. - nine hundred: 900 - Play the tape for the student. Structure: - Ask them to take notes and - Copy the notes. -How many are there ? memorize. - Take notes and memorize. 3. Practice: - Help SS to describe one of these - Practice in groups. 3. Answer the questions: schools. a. There are eight classrooms. b. There are four hundred - Have the SS read the passage. - Practice asking and students in his school. - Correct. answering. c. There are twenty country classrooms. - Phong’s school small - Try to describe a d. There are nine hundred 8 classrooms school. students in her school. 400 SS - Repeat the 4. Answers: City sentences. a. My school is in the country. - Thu’s school big b. There are 21 classrooms. 20 classrooms - Write. c. There are 878 SS in the 900 SS - One or two of the school. - Check SS comprehension and SS to answer the give practice in writing full questions in front of sentences asks SS to read through the class. the question and find the answers in the passage. - Practice asking and - Ask questions and let SS answer. answering. - Correct. 4. Consolidation: Answer the questions: + Where is your school? + Is it a big school? + Try to describe your school. 5. Homework: Prepare “Unit 4. Big or small? Section B for the next time. IV. Check and evaluate: (4’) ( oral check) - T: Ask Ss to tell the main content of the lesson. - Ss: Tell the main content of the lesson - T: Give the comments V. Feedback:
  3. - Introduce the situation and explain - Listen. 1. Listen and repeat: new words and structures. - Write. New Words: - Let them compare, find out the - and (con): và different between a school in the - Try to find out the - grade (ajd): khối country and one in the city. difference between - floor (n): tầng/ lầu - Read the dialogue. schools shown in the - first (adj): thứ nhất pictures. - second (adj): thứ 2 - Repeat the dialogue. - class (n): lớp - to have (v): have/has - the first = 1st - the second = 2nd - the third = 3rd - the fourth = 4th - the fifth = 5th - the sixth = 6th - the seventh = 7th - the eighth = 8th - the ninth = 9th - the tenth = 10th Structures: -Which grade/class are you in? -> I’m in grade 6/ class 6C. -Which floor is your classroom on? -> It’s on the second floor. -How many floor does Phong’s school have? -> Two 3. Practice: - Have the SS work in pairs. - Practice. * Practice the dialogue about - Tell them to role – play the dialogue - Role _ play. Thu and Phong: then reverse the roles. 2. Complete this table: - Ask the questions. - Answer. Name grade Class + Which grade is Phong in? Classroom floor + class ? Thu 7 7C 2nd + How many floors .? Phong 6 6A 1st st + Where’s Thu’s classroom? You 6 6A1 1 - Introduce the new exercise. - Listen. 5. Complete this dialogue: - Explain how to do the exercise. - Practice in pairs. not / small - Ask to complete the dialogue with does the suitable words. - Listen and write. has - Check and give feedback. are - Practice pairs work. am is on 4. Consolidation: Read the text. Then answer the questions: Hoa’s house is in the city. It’s big. There are seven rooms in her house. The living room, three bedrooms, a dining room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Her room is on the second floor. a. Where’s Hoa’s house? b. How many rooms are there in her house?