Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 7+8 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

 * Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students can

  1. Guess the meaning of new words based on clues including pictures and surrounding words 
  2. Use the lexical items related to the topic “My friends”

Vocabulary: - choir  (n) -firework competition,,-greyhound racing   , -temple,-volunteer (n) (v) (a)   - independent,- curious  ,  - freedom- loving,- responsible (a) ,- reliable (a),-field trip

  1. *. Skill: Reading, writing and speaking

*. Attitude: love the subject, love English.

2. Competences

- Self-study ability;

          - Communicative ability;

          - Co-operative ability;

          - Problem solving and creation ability.


1. Teacher - Materials: lesson plan. Ss’ books, textbooks

2. SsTextbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary


1. Class orderGreeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

2.Checking up : Ss write some word : elbow,fur,tail,knee,neck,cheek,blond curly          ,straight,chubby,ponytail.........(3ms)

3. New lesson

doc 20 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 2320
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  1. schedule then ask * How about art and music activities? them to report their * And Leadership programmers? results to class. 2- Complete the table Activity4/consolidatio n(5ms) Day morning Afternoon Aim:Help Ss use the 1 ideas they 2 brainstormed to fill 3 in their own schedule. - Pair Ss Pair Ss and ask E.g. What kind of games do you think and ask them to use them to use the there are at the camp? How about art the ideas they ideas they and music activities? And Leadership brainstormed to fill in brainstormed to fill programmers? their own schedule. in their own . T can ask Ss to sit schedule. Ensure back to back. Give pairs don’t see each each St a fixed amount other’s schedule. T of time to speak. Ss can ask Ss to sit can report to the class back to back. Give about their partner’s schedule. 4. Homework (1m) • - Aim:Help Ss talk about their camp schedule • Learn by heart preposition of place • - Write four sentences about your future camp - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words Prepare Unit3- SKILLS 2 IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: Does Lan have long hair ? - Ss T: Are you playing soccer this evening? Ss - T summarizes: Ss study hard V- FEEDBACK: PERIOD 21/ WEEK 7 Date of planning:10 / 10 / 2020 Unit 3 : MY FRIENDS Lesson 6 – SKILLS 2
  2. -Before starting this lesson, ask Practice Ss what they see in the photos Play the recording 1 :Choose the woeds in the box to first. for checking and fill in the table. - Point at the words in the box to refer to the a hiking and ask them to do the contents of the b taking part in a cooking matching. advertisement. competition -Play the recording for c skiing checking and practising reading Ss answer d visiting a milk farm the words. a hiking e taking part in an art Activity3/Practice(20ms) b taking part workshop Aim:Help Ss can match in a cooking f riding a bike -Ask Ss to refer to the contents competition g talking a public speaking of the advertisement. class - Give Ss time to decide which h playing beach volleyball activities are more likely to i playing traditional games happen at the camp and which Key: are not. Ask them to explain : a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i *Activities that may happen at the why they think so. Superb Summer Camp: a, b, c, d, e, *Activities that may not happen f, g, i at the Superb Summer Camp: c, h (because the camp is in Ba Vi 3 Listen and fill in the table as they Mountains) Ss to listen the first listen. -Have Ss brainstorm the things time. Then play that Mr Lee plans for camp. Ss the recording again Day Two *Doing a treasure can reread the advertisement and allow Ss to fill Morning hunt for ideas. They can also refer to in the table as they Afternoon visiting a milk farm list in 1. listen. and *Taking part in -Play the recording. Ask Ss to the public speaking listen the first time. Then play class the recording again and allow Day Three *Taking part in the Ss to fill in the table as they Morning “Kids Cook” Contest listen. Ss can share their *Having a pool party answers before playing the Afternoon recording a final time to allow pairs to check their answers. - WRITING Activity4/consolidation(5ms) * Write a magazine entry Aim:Help Ss Write about - Note : your plans Research Writing Draft - Tell the class that three letters Check can help them to write better. * THE RUBRIC: Write R, D and C on the board,
  3. PERIOD 22/ WEEK 8 Date of planning: 13 / 10 / 2020 Unit 3 : MY FRIENDS Lesson 7 – LOOKING BACK +PROJECT I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude * Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students can • Remember and use what they have learnt during the unit to help them to do each exercise so that Ss can use that information to complete the self- assessment box at the end of the unit - Vocabulary: . to come over,to pass,to turn on,project,glasses,friendly (a),It sounds great *. Skill: Reading, writing and speaking *. Attitude: love the subject, love English. 2. Competences - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Materials: lesson plan. Ss’ books, textbooks 2. Ss: Textbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2.Checking up : Ss write some word : superb(a). to take part in, a cooking competition , an art workshop, traditional games,to ski to go skiing, a public speaking class (3ms) 3. New lesson
  4. ask Ss to count the A: Yes/ No, try again syllables in each line 4- Complete the dialogue -Then ask Ss to Read the Haiku in the A: What are you doing tomorrow? work in groups of 3 textbook and ask Ss to B: I’m meeting some friends. We are to exchange their count the syllables in going to Mai’s birthday party. Would you poems (without Ss’ each line. Then like to come? names) and guess encourage Ss to create A: Oh, sorry, I can’t. I’m playing football. which poem their own Haiku. B: No problem, how about Sunday? I’m describes which Allow thinking time. watching a film at the cinema. person. work in groups of 3 to A: Sounds great! Grammar exchange their poems - Before starting the (without Ss’ names) activity, put Ss into and guess which poem groups. Ask Ss to describes which III- Communication choose a member of person. 5- Take turns to talk about their schedules group and write a E.g.: short description of A: What are you doing tomorrow? him/her. Elicit the B: I’m playing football with my friends/ language being I’m not doing any thing practised in this activity (the present Finished! Now you can continuous for future). Ask Ss to choose a member of complete the group and write a conversations short description of individually. As in him/her. Demonstrate 1, Ss can share the activity with the answers with a class, with Ss choral partner, but they reading Group & A’s Project should record their roles. -Stick a photo /drawing of the friend sitting original answers to next to you on a large sheet of paper guide their self- look at their own K G:-Write a short desription assessment schedule. Allow Ss to Activity4/consolida complete the tion(5ms) communication Aim:Help Ss Write activity. a short desription -Ask pairs to join Communication other pairs forming - Divide Ss into groups of pairs of As and Bs. Stick a photo /drawing - -Ask pairs to join of the friend sitting
  5. - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Materials: lesson plan. Ss’ books, textbooks 2. Ss: Textbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2.Checking up : Ss write some word : to come over,to pass,to turn on,project,glasses,friendly (a),It sounds great (3ms) 3. New lesson Teacher’s a activities students’ activities Content Activity1 :Warm up Ss answer K G:talk about their plans (5ms) I am going tovisit Aim:Help Ss pay my attention to the lesson. T guids T asks some questoins T has Ss answer the questions T has Ss talk about their plans for the future. - Pronunciation T gives feeback Ss answer 1- Odd one out Activity2/Presentatio 1. D 2. C 1. D 2. C 3.C 4. A 5. B n(10ms) 3.C 4. A 5. B Aim:Help Ss understand new words and Pronoun Ss do this exercise 2- Write the words which begin /b/ /b/,/p/ individually then and /p/ T guids new words share their answers /b/ book, bag, bed - Elicit the rules of with a partner /p/ pen, pencil, picture, poster pronouncing the final – before giving T the s/ es if needed. answers - Vocabulary - Ss do this exercise Ss answer 3- Complete the word individually then share 1-English 1-English 2- homework 3- their answers with a 1- homework homework partner before giving T 3- homework 4-sports 5- badminton 6. physics the answers 7. lesson 7. lesson - Write the correct
  6. goes to the board and allows, ask Ss to does this exercise. think of some other Check Ss’ answers. words and make 8- Read the sentences and draw the Activity4/consolidatio sentences. furniture in the right place n(5ms) Aim:Help Ss Number the line of the dialogue 9- Number the line of the dialogue in in the correct order. the correct order. 6. Yes, I’d love to. - Ss do this in pairs. 1. Can I speak to An, please? After checking their Ss to read the text 7. That sounds great. I’ll meet you answers, ask one or carefully and pay outside your house at 7 p.m. two pairs to act out the attention the hints. 2. Speaking. Is that Mi? conversation. Ss do this 3. Yes. An, are you free this Sunday individually and evening? compare their 5. Would you like to go to Mai’s answers with a birthday party with me? partner. Check Ss’ 8. Alright. See you then. answers and ask 4. Yes, I am. them to explain the Project negative forms in Stick a photo /drawing of the friend their answers. sitting next to you on a large sheet of paper 4. Homework (1m) • - Aim:Help Ss use the present simple and the present continuous • - Practise exercises again • - You can design a page for my class yearbook - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words Prepare REVIEW 2 IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: Are you going out tonight ? - Ss T: Are you reading book this evening? Ss - T summarizes: Ss study hard V- FEEDBACK: PERIOD 24/ WEEK 8 Date of planning: 13/ 10 / 2020
  7. answers with a partner work in pairs. Ask and 4. There are five clubs. before giving their answer the questions 5. Because it’s a good school. answers to T confirms - ask and answer the Speaking the correct answers. questions before the 3- Interview- complete the table then Activity3/Practice(20 class report them ms) Like- reasons Dislike- reasons Aim:Help Ss can Ss work in group s of Classmate A Answer the questions three. One interviews Classmate B the other two about -Ask SS to work in what they like and Listening pairs. Ask and dislike about the 4- Listen and circle the parts of the answer the questions school and the reasons house you hear -Ask some Ss to ask why. Ss write their kitchen garden living room and answer the group members’ bedroom questions before the answers in the table class and report them to the 5- Listen then answer the questions -T confirms the correct class. Summarize Ss’ 1-She’s watering the plants in the answers ideas garden. Speaking 1-She’s watering the 2- He’s listening to the radio. Ss work in group s of plants in the garden. 3- He’s in Mi’s bedroom. three. One interviews 2- He’s listening to 4- She’s watching TV the other two about the radio. what they like and dislike about the school and the reasons why. Ss write their Play the recording group members’ once for Ss to listen. answers in the table -Play the recording and report them to the again for Ss to check class. Summarize Ss’ their answers. ideas. Ss listen to the Listening recording again and - Play the recording answer the questions. once for Ss to listen. -Play the recording again for Ss to check their answers. - Announce the answers to Ss. -Ask Ss to quickly read the questions. work in groups to