Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 9 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


    1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson:

                        - Talking about someone’s activities after school.

                        - Grammar: Yes / No questions

b. Skill: Listening, spaeking, reading and writing.

c. Attitude: Love activities after school.

     2. Competences:

 - Self-study ability;

           - Communicative ability;

           - Co-operative ability;

           - Problem solving and creation ability.


1. Teacher:Textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, cassette tape.

2. Students: Textbooks, extra boards,….


1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

2. Checking up: Has Ss complete the sentences (3ms)

     1. I watch …………. ( television )

    2. Lan ……….. the housework. ( does )

    3. Nam listen ……… music. ( to )

               3. New lesson:

doc 9 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1380
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 9 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ

  1. questions do. * Picture cues: Help them to practice well Get some 1. Who are they? (HSYK) Make some suggestions and information 2. What do they do? ( HSKG) predictions Take note Give any correction Activity 2: Presentation (6ms) Helping Ss to scan the text to find the words. Introduce the new lesson Look at them * New words: Present new words throught Guess the - soccer (n)(name) the game answer: - volleyball (n) Explain and remind all new soccer, - sport (n) (Example) words volleyball, - girl (n) (Explanation) Read in model sport, girl, - boy (n) (Antonym) Call students to reread all boy, - table tennis (n) (Picture) Have students play game Individual * Rubout and remember word works * Structures: Give examples Listen 1. Do you play soccer? Explain and practice on the -> Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. examples Copy down 2. Does Nam play volleyball? Note some grammar note -> Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t. Activity 3: Practice (25 ms) Helping Ss ask and answer using Yes / No questions Play the tape twice Try to answer A5. Listen and repeat Let Ss practice the text Listen to the Ba: What do you and Nga do after Remind and help them on tape school? exercise Group works Lan: We play volleyball. Have them give the answers Present before . Make any correction class Read questions A6. Listen and answer Let students give the answer Work in pairs Suggested answers Guess the a. Yes, I do. Call each student read the answers: Yes, b. Yes, I do. text I do / No, I c. No, I don’t.
  2. Week : 09 Date of planning: 25/10/2020 Period : 26 Unit 5: THINGS I DO B. My routine (B1) I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude a. Knowledge: Practicing in talking about Ba’s routine. b. Skill: Reading. c. Attitude: Do activities every day. 2. Competences: - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: Textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, cassette tape. 2. Students: Textbooks, extra boards, . III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2. Checking up: Has Ss answer some questions (3ms) * Fill out: goes, in, get, has, at 1. What time do you ___up? 2. She ___ to school at 6.30 3. We go to school ___ the afternoon. 4. Nam ___lunch ___ home. -> Answer key: 1. get. 2. goes, 3. in, 4. has/ at 3. New lesson: T’s activities Ss’s activities Content Activity 1: Warm up. (5ms) * Pictures drill/ open prediction: Helping Ss how to answer 1. Who is this? (HSYK) Ba’s activities 2. What does he do? (HSKG) 3. Does he play sport? Set the task Listen * True (T) or False(F) Stick the flash card Guess answer: ___1. Ba gets up at six. Explain how to do this Ba, play soccer, ___2. he has a small breakfast. exercise Take note ___3. He goes to school at 6.30 Call students to complete it Individual work ___4. He plays game in the morning. Make some suggestions Check ___5. He goes to bed at 10.00
  3. (4ms) Helping Ss make a similar dialogue * Chatting /Dialogue exchange: (HSYK) Listen Hoa: What time is it? Present and reminds Ss make Look at the Nhi: It’s . the similar dialogues books Hoa: Do you go to school at 6.00?. Explain the ways how to Listen to take Nhi: No, I don’t. pratice well note Hoa: What time do you go to school? Give some note on practicing Pair works Nhi: I go to school at well Try more Help them on doing Pair works Hoa: What time do you go to bed?. Let them practice more in Get feedback Nhi: I go to bed at weak grade students Check and makes any Look at the * Fill in the blanks with the correct correction flash card words: (HSKG) Ak students write a short Hi !. I’m . I A short paragraph about you paragraph about himself get up at Hi !. I’m I get up at I Present a model I go to go to school at . My classes start Help them on using and school at and they end at writing well at . . I have lunch at . I go Give feedback home at . I go to bed at 4. Homework: (1m) - Aim: Help Ss remember about the time. - T: Have Ss learn new words and structures by heart, copy the answer on the notebook. - Ss : Learn newwords (take a shower, lunch, dinner, ) and copy the answer on the notebook. - Ss prepare Unit 5: ( B2 - B4) - T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. CHECK AND EVALUATE TOPIC / LESSON: - T: What time do/ does + S + V . after school ? - Ss: I - T summarizes: Ss study hard. V. FEEDBACK:
  4. Correct at the end of the class finish, a - A quarter past ten = ten fifteen Introduce the new lesson quarter, - Half past ten = ten thirty Take note * Gammar the present simple tenses Present the new words Try to imitate S + V/ v(s/es) Ask students to give the by reading I/we/you/They + V meaning She/He/ it/Lan + Vs/es Activity 3: Practice (28 ms) Helping Ss ask and answer questions about Ba’s activities B2.Complete the table: Introduce the new lesson’s Listen ACTION TIME activities Get note BA Me Group works Get up 6.00 Go to 6:45 Explain how to do these Pair works school exercises Get note Classes 7:00 Try to find out start the answers Classes 11:15 Let Ss practice all the exercises Give the finish answers Have 11:30 Check all the lunch Remind and helps them on answers Go home 5:00 exercise Pair works Go to bed 10:00 Ask them to complete all the Guess the B3. Practice with a partner exercises in the text book answer: Ba Part A: About Ba gets up at 6:00, - He gets up at six o’clock. Have them give the answers goes to school - He goes to school at six forty five. Make any correction at 6:45, goes - He has classes at seven o’clock Help them on correcting home at 5:00, - He has lunch at eleven thirty. Call students to make dialogue goes to bed at - He goes home at five o’clock. by using the given information 10:00 - He goes to bed at ten o’clock. (may be) Correct by self Part B: About you Help them on pronunciation Check - I get up at five thirty. Correct all - I go to school at Back to the guessing text Take note - B4 (remember pages 57) Activity 4: Consolidation (4ms) Helping Ss remind how to use the present simple tense Present and reminds Ss how to Listen * Supply the correct tense