Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 - Tuần 18 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp



     - Review of the grammar notes and structures.

     - Focus on speaking, writing, reading, listening skills.


       Exercises/ extra board


  1. Class organization

     - Greetings.

     - Checking the attendances.

  2. Review of the previouslesson:

       3. New lesson:

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  1. 1.b - Ss complete the mountains and my house. 6.a sentences with the a) next to b) between c) in front of 2. c given words. 10. Mai does her in the 7.b evening. 3 .a a)book b)music c) homework 8 .a II. Read the paragraph. (3ms) 4 .b This is Hang. She is a student and 9.b she is in grade 6. Her school is in the 5 .c country. It is a small school. Her school 10 .c has two floors and twelve classrooms. II.(3đ) mỗi câu đúng Her classroom is on the first floor. 0,5đ There are forty- five students in her a- She is a class. Every morning, she gets up at student. five o’clock. She gets dressed, brushes b- There are her teeth and washes her face. She has twelve classrooms. breakfast at 6:00 and goes to school at c- Yes, it is. 6:10 . d. There are *. Answer the questions. forty- five students a What does Hang do? in her class b. How many classrooms are there in e. She gets up at her school ? five o’clock. c. Is her classroom on the first floor ? f. No, she d. How many students in her class ? doesn’t. e. What time does she get up ? III. (2 đ) mỗi câu f. Does she have breakfast at 6.30 ? đúng 0,5đ III.Writing (2ms) 1 . a) How old are 1. Write sentences using the cues you ? given: b) There are six a How / you ?- I’m twelve years old classrooms in my b. There/ six classrooms/ my school school . 2. Answer the questions . 2. Tùy câu trả lời a. Which class are you in ? của học sinh . b. How many people are there in your family ? c. What time do you get up ? d. What does your father do ? e. Is your house in the city ? f. Are there any flowers in front of your house ? 4. Consolidation: 5. Homework:
  2. a) on b ) at c) in 6.Mr Tuan is my brother . is thirty years old. *Activity 2: a) He b) She c) It - T give Ss the answer 7. There is a tall my house. key . a)in front of b) to the left of c) between I. (5đ) mỗi câu đúng 8. Hello, name is Trinh. She is a 0,5đ nurse. 1.a a) His b )My c) Her 6.a 9. There are some stores my 2. a school and my house. 7.b a) next to b) behind c) 3 .c between 8 .c 10. Huong watches in the 4 .a evening. 9.c a) television b) music c) 5 .c homework 10 .a II. Read the paragraph. (3ms) II.(3đ) mỗi câu đúng This is Miss Hoa . She’s a 0,5đ teacher . She teaches at a small school 1. a.T in the village . Everyday , She gets up b. F at half past five . She takes a shower c. T and gets dressed . She has breakfast , d. F then she leaves the house at a quarter to e. F seven . The school is near her house , so f. T - Ss complete the she goes to school on foot . Classes 2. a) She teaches at a sentences start at seven and end at half past eleven small school in the - Ss look at and . After classes, she walks home and has village correct. lunch at twelve . b) She goes to *True or false : ( 1,5 ms ) school on foot 1. Miss Hoa is a teacher . c). After classes, 2. She teaches at a big she walks home and school in the village . has lunch at twelve 3. She gets up at half past five . III. (2 đ) mỗi câu 4. She leaves the house at đúng 0,5đ a quarter to six . 1 . a. There is not 5. The market is near her a bookstore in my house. village. 6. Classes start at seven