Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 - Tuần 2 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp


  • Greet each other : Good morning / afternoon / evening / night / bye. 
  • Talk about “us” : We’re…
  • Developing listening, speaking, writing skills.


  • Pictures, cassette player, extraboard.
  • Text books and notebooks.


         1. Classroom organization:

             -    Greetings.

             -    Checking attendances

         2. Review of previous lesson :                                                    

            -   Ss revise numbers from 0 to 10.

            -   T asks Ss to play game “Pelmanism”.

        3.  New lesson:

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_6_tuan_2_nam_hoc_2011_2012_vuu_kim_diep.doc

Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 - Tuần 2 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. Phong Thanh Dong Secondary School School Year: 2012-2013 -Roleplay. - Goodbye / Bye. -Have Ss practice with a partner B2. Practice with a By looking at the pictures. -Look at the pictures partner: and practice with their partner. B3: Listen and repeat: -Listen and correct. -Practice fluently. * New words: -Explain some new words and - Ss say the greetings -We are = We’re guide how to use them. -Listen and repeat. - children (n) - Let Ss read new words . -Read them. a) Miss Hoa: - Help Ss how to read them. -Listen to the tape. Children: - Play the tape twice. -Listen again and b) Mom: - Ss practice in pairs. repeat. Lan: . -Have Ss look at the open -Work in pair to B4. Write: dialogue and complete it. practice. -Roleplay loudly. 4. Consolidation: - T emphasizes the main stress in the greetings. ( Good ‘morning – stress second syllable ). - Ss write numbers from 1 to 10 on the board. 5. Homework: - Copy and learn new words by heart. - Prepare (Unit 1: C1,2 )for the next period. IV. FEEDBACK: WEEK: 02 Unit 1 : GREETINGS. Date of planning: 25/08/2012 PERIOD: 05 C. HOW OLD ARE YOU ? Date of teaching: 30/08/2012 (C1- C2). I. AIMS: - Numbers from 11 to 15 - Numbers from 16 to 20. - Talk about age and contrast with “How are you ?” - Developing listening and speaking skills. II. TEACHING AIDS: English Lesson PLan 6 Teacher’s name: Vuu Kim Diep 2
  2. Phong Thanh Dong Secondary School School Year: 2012-2013 -Look at, listen and correct. -Roleplay them. 4. Consolidation: - Ss ask answer about the age. - T checks and gives feedback. 5. Homework: - Memorize the new words and numbers by heart. - Prepare C3 -> C4 for the next period. IV. FEEDBACK: WEEK: 02 Unit 1 : GREETINGS. Date of planning: 25/08/2012 PERIOD: 06 C. HOW OLD ARE YOU ? Date of teaching: 31/08/2012 (C3- C4). I. Objectives - At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer about the ages. - Develop: listening, speaking and reading skills. II. TEACHING AIDS: - Pictures, cassette player, extraboard. - Text books and notebooks. III. PROCEDURES: 1. Classroom organization: - Greetings. - Checking attendances 2. Review of previous lesson : - T and Ss play Bingo game ( numbers from one to twenty ) - Ss play Bingo game 3. New lesson: T’s activities Ss’ activities Contents a. Presentation: -T : sets the situation and plays the tape once -Ss : listen and find out new words -T : gives new words -T : controls and -Ss : take note , corrects listen and repeat . Then practice . - T plays the tape - Ss : listen and repeat -T has Ss practice in 3. Listen and repeat pairs / groups -Ss practice in pairs a. New words : English Lesson PLan 6 Teacher’s name: Vuu Kim Diep 4
  3. Phong Thanh Dong Secondary School School Year: 2012-2013 English Lesson PLan 6 Teacher’s name: Vuu Kim Diep 6