Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 - Tuần 3 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp


                                    Section A :COME IN ( A 1,2 ) 



             -  By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use classroom imperative to understand  teacher’s commands.

             - Develop: listening and reading skills.


  • Pictures, cassette player, extraboard.
  • Text books and notebooks.


             1. Classroom organization:

             -    Greetings.

             -    Checking attendances

             2. Review of previous lesson

              -   T and Ss ask and answer about the ages

             -    Ss : comment 

               -    T : corrects and may be gives marks                                          

             3.  New lesson:

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  1. Phong T Dong Secondary School Lesson plan English 6 do b. Sit down. matching c. Come in. - Ss discuss the d. Close your book. answers e. Stand up. - Ss : comment *Structure: Imperative - T : corrects V + O /A - T : explains the new structure - Ss : take note Ex: Open your book. : imperative - T : gives imperatives ( Ss - Ss : action ( close their books ) base on T’ commands ) 4. Consolidation : T : gives some exercises * Put the correct word in the brackets. a. down, please. b. your book. c. notebook, please. d. up, please. e. in Ss : do the exercises. Ss: comment T : controls and corrects Ss : take note 5. Homework : - Learn by heart new words and structure - Prepare Unit 2: (B1) for the next period. VI.FEEDBACK: Week:03 Date of planing:03/09/2012 Period: 08 Date of teaching: 08/09/2012 Unit 2: AT SCHOOL B. WHERE DO YOU LIVE ? (B1) I. OBJECTIVES -By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know the way to ask and answer name , the address. -Develop: listening,speaking and reading skills. II. TEACHING AIDS: - Pictures, cassette player, extraboard. - Text books and notebooks. III. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s name: Vuu Kim Diep School year: 2012-2013 2
  2. Phong T Dong Secondary School Lesson plan English 6 -T and Ss ask and answer - city ( n ): ( ex ) about the address - Ss: listen and * Hỏi bạn đang nói chuyện repeat. Then với mình sống ở đâu practice . - Where do you live ? I live on street -Ss: practice I live in ( tên xã, huyện, thành phố .) -T: controls and corrects ex: Where do you live ? I live on Phan Boi Chau street I live in BacLieu. 4. Consolidation : T: reviews the main points Ss: listen and remember Exercises 1. What’s name ? My . is Nga 2. Where do you ? I live ( on / in ) Ly Thuong Kiet street I live ( on / in ) Can Tho City Ss: do and give their answer. 5. Homework : - Learn by heart new words and structures - Prepare Unit 2: (B3,4,5) VI.FEEDBACK: Week:03 Date of planing:05/09/2012 Period:09 Date of teaching:10/09/2012 Unit 2: AT SCHOOL B. WHERE DO YOU LIVE ? (B3,4,5) I. OBJECTIVES -By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to understand and practice with the alphabet (a z) to talk about names. -Develop: listening,speaking and reading skills. II. TEACHING AIDS: - Pictures, cassette player, extraboard. - Text books and notebooks. III. PROCEDURES: 1. Classroom organization: Teacher’s name: Vuu Kim Diep School year: 2012-2013 4
  3. Phong T Dong Secondary School Lesson plan English 6 closed pairs dialogue with a B5. Write the answer in your -Call on some pairs to partner. exercise book: demonstrate before - Write them. class and write the answers on the exercise book: 4.Consolidation: - T asks Ss to work in groups to ask about their friends’ names and spelling their names - T goes around the class and corrects Ss’ mistakes - Then do example. - Ss practice. - T corrects their mistakes. 5. Homework: - Learn the new words by heart. - Prepare Unit 2: (C1) for next period. IV.FEEDBACK: SIGNATURE WEEK 03 04/09/2012 P.HT Hà Văn Khải Teacher’s name: Vuu Kim Diep School year: 2012-2013 6