Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 - Tuần 7 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp





         I. OBJECTIVES 

-By the end of the lesson students will be able to tell about Ba’s family, practice asking and answering about the family in the picture.

-Ss can practice to talk about Song’s family.                                                                                                                            

                   -Develop: listening, speaking and reading skills.


  • Pictures, cassette player, extraboard.
  • Text books and notebooks. 


           1. Classroom organization:

             -    Greetings.

             -    Checking attendances

             2. Review of previous lesson


                  People:                     chị (em) gái

                 Father:                      anh (em) trai

                Mother:                     phòng khách

                Brother:                     giáo viên

                Sister:                        học sinh

                Teacher:                    bố

                Student:                     mẹ

                Living room:             ng­ười

-Divide the class into 2 teams and deliver hand outs to them

- Ask 2 teams to match one English word with one suitable Vietname meaning

- Get 2 team’s handouts à check

- Have Ss read all words again                                        

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 - Tuần 7 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. from the students - our: của chúng ta, chúng tôi - Check the vocab -Ss read the Vocab - their: của họ, của chúng nó R.O.R chorally then - an engineer: kĩ sư + T. sets the scene individually - a nurse: y tá - You will read the text - a doctor : bác sĩ about Lan’s family. Now, work in pairs and -Ss work in pairs and guess the information to guess the information *Complete the table fill in the table. to fill in the table. Lan’s family + Open - prediction Members How What does - Hang the poster on the -Other guess. old? he/she board do? - T. gets Ss’ prediction and writes on the board Father 40 An engineer b.Practice: Mother 35 A teacher Brother 8 A student - Ask Ss to read the text Lan 12 A student on page 38 and check their predictions - Call on Ss to correct the false information. -Listen to the tape. + Comprehension *. Answer the questions Questions -Read the text and => Answer key: - Show all questions on check. a.There are 4 the board (a h) b. He is 40 - Ask Ss use the word -Work in pair. c. He is an engineer cues and pictures in -Practice the d. She is 35 C2/P.39 to talk about questions. e. She is a teacher Song’s family f. He is eight - Ss use the word g. He is a student cues and pictures in h. They are in the living room C2/P.39 to talk about i. There are 30 - Have Ss transform the Song’s family *C2:Practice with a sentences with the partner: information in C2/P.39 This is Song’s family. There are 4 people in his family: His - Ss transform the father, his mother, his sister sentences with the and him. information in This is his father. His name is C2/P.39 Kien. He is a doctor. His is -Look at and correct. 42. This is his mother. Her name is Oanh. She is 39 years old. She is a nurse. This is his
  2. -T: asks Ss to review Tobe -Ss: answer -T: introduces new lesson 3. New lesson: T’s activities Ss’ activities Contents *Activity 1,2,3: 1.Tobe: -T: reminds the simple Am/am/are/is/are present tense with 2.Tobe: “ tobe ” - Ss: listen and take Am/is/is/are/are note. 3.Tobe: -T: asks Ss to a)are/am complete exercises 1, - Ss complete b)is/is 2,3. exercises 1, 2, 3. c)Is /isn’t -T: controls and d)Are/aren’t corrects. - Ss: take note. *Activity 4: 4.Imperative: -T: Reviews the a)Come in imperative - Ss : listen and b)Sit down complete the c)Open your book. imperative. d)Close your book. -T corrects. -Other check. e)Stand up. *Activity 5: 5.How many ? -T: Reminds Ss the -Ss listen and look a)There is one. old lesson and ask Ss at the picture. b)There are six. to answer the -Ss read the c)There are two. questions. questions. d)There is one. -Ss: ask and answer in pairs. -T: controls and corrects. *Activity 6: -T guides how to do 6.Question words: and has Ss remind -Ss remind some a) What/is some questions questions words: b)Where/live words. When,what,who, c)Who/is -T: asks Ss to fill in d)What/is the blanks with the -Ss : fill in the questions words blanks. -Ss practice the questions. *Activity 7: 7.Numbers:
  3. VI.FEEDBACK: Week: 6 Date of planning:23/9/2012 Period: 18 Date of teaching:29/9/2012 ONE TEST PERIOD I. AIMS: - Help Ss to review all the knowledge they have learned. ( present simple of to be / Wh-questions / personal pronouns / possessive pronouns / indefinite articles / imperatives / This / That / numbers. - Focus on: writing skill. II. TEACHING AIDS: - The content of the test. - The papers of the test. III. PROCEDURES: 1. MATRIX CONTENT KNOW UNDERSTAND USE Content: Number of Mark Number of Mark Number Mark From unit 1 -> 3 sent sent of sent I. Language focus : TN TL TN TL TN TL (5ps ) Choose the best option (A,B,C or D ) 5/ 2,5 to complete each 4/ 2 sentence. 1/ 0;5 - Present simple tense of” to be” - Question words - Possessive adjectives. - Commands. - Personal pronouns. - Pronouns:This – That
  4. II .Reading (3ps) Read the passage, then answer the questions: Hello. My name’s Thanh. I am twelve years old . I live in Bac Lieu. This is my family. There are four people in my family :my father, my mother, my brother and me. My father is forty . He is a teacher. My mother is thirty –eight. She is a nurse. My brother is ten. He is a student. Questions: 1. How old is Thanh ? 2. How many people are there in her family ? . 3. How old is her father ? 4. What does he do ? 5. How old is her mother ? . 6. What does she do ? . III. Writing : (2ps) 1. Write sentences, use the cues given : (1p) a. I / a / student . . b. How / doors/ there ? 2. Answer the questions about you .(1p) a. What’s your name ? b. Where do you live ? . IV.FEEDBACK: SIGNATURE WEEK 06 24/09/2012 PHT Hà Văn Khải