Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Đại trà - Tuần 1 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ



1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

       a. Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ss will have a chance to remind old lesson 

         Practice in Writing skill for details about Present simple tense ;Present progressive tense.,Adjectives: comparatives and superlatives,Prepositions: Wh-questions.

        b. Skills: listening, reading and speaking

        c. Attitude:  remind the way to use the present simple tense ;Present progressive…

2. Competence 

          - Self-study ability;

          - Communicative ability;

          - Co-operative ability;

          - Problem solving and creation ability.


* Teacher: textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, Cassette, tape,   ….

* Students: textbooks, extra boards,…


        1.Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

        2.Checking old lesson: Have Ss go to the board and write some words. (How are you? What do you do in your free time? Are you happy when you are back your school again? )(3ms)

doc 8 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1640
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  1. GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH 7 S +Be(not) + V-ing Be + S + V-ing ? Ex: We are learning English now. ( Adverbs of time: now, right now, at the moment, at the present ) -Teach the form of -Listen and write 3.Comparatives comparison Ex:Tuan is taller than Ba. S1 + be +Adj-er than+S2 4.Superlatives Ex:Mexico City is the biggest city in the world. S + be + the + Adj-est + Small smaller smallest Big bigger biggest Large larger largest Long longer longest Short shorter shortest -Have Ss remind some -Do as teacher ask 5.Prepositions prepositions In, on, at, next to, opposite, to the right, to the left, in front of, behide 6.Wh- questions -Let Ss make a list of -Pairwork What, where, when, which, why, questions words who, how. 7.Answer questions about you a/ What’s your name? b/ Where do you live? c/ How far is it from your house to school? d/ How do you go to school? -Remind the knowledge -Takenote e/ How many people are there in relate to the test. your family? f/ What are they? Activity 4 consolidation(5ms) Tenses, Superlative, comparative, -T asks Ss copy the prepositions lesson in notebooks. 4. Homework: (1m) - Aim:Help Ss remember the knowledge. 2
  2. GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH 7 - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: * Teacher: textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, Cassette, tape, . * Students: textbooks, extra boards, III. PRODURES: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2.Checking old lesson: Have Ss go to the board and write some words. (What do you do in your free time? Are you happy when you are back your school again? )(3ms) 3. New lesson : Teacher’s activities Students’ Content activities Activity1: Warm-up -answer -How are you today? (5ms) - Are you happy when you are back -T ask Ss some questions your school again? - Do you have any new friends this -Give feedback and mark school year? ( If yes, what do you say to them ) Activity 2 :Presentation(10ms) - T uses some pictures to -Look at the picture * New words present the lesson, ss and talk Nice to see you know the way to greet Nice to see you again their friends after summer Classmate (n) Parents (n) Different (adj) -Elicit new words -Guess the meaning Still(adv) Unhappy #happy (adj) -Introduce and explain the -Takenote *Structure structure Be different from Ex: Hoa’s new school is different from her old school. Activity 3 :Practice (20ms) Have some Ss practice the *Answers dialogues (A1) -Practice + Dialogue (a) a) Her name is Hoa. + Dialogue (b) b) She is in class 7A. c) Nam is also in 7A. -Ask Ss to roleplay the -Roleplay dialogues in front of the 4
  3. GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH 7 Period 3 Date of planning 01/9/2020 Week 1 Unit 1 BACK TO SCHOOL A .Friends (A3, A4, A5,A6) I-OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude a. Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ss will have a chance to know about greeting people, introducing oneself and others. Practice in listening, reading and speaking for details about greeting people, introducing oneself and others. b. Skills: listening, reading and speaking c. Attitude: Greeting people, introducing oneself and others 2. Competence - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: * Teacher: textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, Cassette, tape, . * Students: textbooks, extra boards, III. PRODURES: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2.Checking old lesson: Have Ss go to the board and write some words. (parents, miss, unhappy, Nice to see you again)(3ms) 3. New lesson : Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content Activity1: Warm-up (5ms) T asks Ss to retell about -Do as teacher ask -Where is Hoa from? Hoa’s family and some +She’s from Hue. questions -Where is she staying now? +She’s staying in Ha Noi now. -Give feedback and mark -Takenotes -How is her new school? +Her new school is bigger than her old school. -How are you today? -Ask Ss how to greet, give -Answer I’m fine thanks.And you? greeting the others Not bad Activity 2. Presentation (10ms) 6
  4. GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH 7 - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words, Copy down all the lesson and redo all at home. - Ss : See you later,How is everything? Just fine, Not bad, Pretty good, Me, too Structures:How/who tobe+ S .? - Ss Prepare: Unit 1, B1-B2 T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. CHECK AND EVUATE TOPIC / LESSON: - T: What are they doing? - Ss : They are + Ving - T summarizes: Ss study hard. V. FEEDBACK: Leader’signature week 1 Lưu Quang Thơ 8