Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Đại trà - Tuần 14 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


    1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

         a. Knowledge: After the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about  a student’s life.                                         

         b. Skills: Reading and writing skills.

         c. Attitude: Interested in some important vacations in American

    2. Competences:

         - Self- study ability;

         - Communicative ability;

         - Co- operative ability;

         - Problem solving and creation ability;


      - Teacher: Textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, cassette tape,…

      - Ss: Textbooks, extra boards,…….


  1. Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking fordate(1m)

  2. Checking old lesson: - Ask Ss to tell some important vacations in Viet Nam( 3ms): New Year Day ( Lunnar New Year), Independence Day, Summer Vacation,….

    3. New lesson:

doc 9 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1260
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Đại trà - Tuần 14 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ

  1. some information in the text - Ask Ss to read the text - Listen * New words carefully and recognize new - Predict the + period (n) words information about + To review (v) - Play the tape for Ss ( Hoa + Typical (adj) 2times) - Work in groups + Keen (adj) - Explain some new words. - Guess the + Lazy (adj) - Have Ss play a game” slap answers: period, + To take a look (v) the board”to check the new review, typical, + Definitely (adv) words. - Present before - Remark. class Activity 3: Practice (20ms) Helping Ss know information about Hoa - Ask Ss to predict the - Listen to the tape * Predict sentences information about Hoa - Read & check the 1. Hoa goes to school __days a - Have Ss work in groups prediction week - Call on some - Give the 2. She has__periods aday representativies to give the answers: 1. 6 days 3. She works __hours a week predictions 2. 5 periods 4. She has about__ hours of - Ask Ss to look at the books 3. 20 hours. home work every week and listen to the tape . 5. Before test , she works - Ask them to read the text __hours a week in silent and check their - Correct and copy * Answers prediction 1. 6 days 2. 5 periods - Call on some Ss to give the - Read the text 3. 20 hours 4. 12 hours answers aloud again. 5. 45 hours - Correct and give the A4. Read. Then answer the correct answers - Work in groupd questions - Answer the a. Because they only work a few questions hours a day and have long - Guess the vacations. answers: b. Hoa works 45 hours. No, it a. Because they isn’t. only work a few c. I work . a day. hours a day and d. No, she/he doesn’t. have long vacations. b. Hoa works 45 hours. No, it isn’t.
  2. - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability; II. PREPERATION: - Teacher: Textbook, T’s notes, pictures, cassette tape. - Ss: Textbooks, extraboards, III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2. Checking old lesson: Have Ss read the text and answer the questions (3ms) How many hours a week does Hoa work? What about you? 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Content Activity 1: Warm- up:(5ms) Helping Ss answer some questions *Questions - Ask students somes - Ss listen 1. What do you think about Hoa? questions about Hoa and - Ss answer: She is 2. How many periods a day do themselves . a keen student, 5 you have? (HSYK) peroid, 3. What do you think about Activity 2: Presentation students’ life ? (HSKG) ( 6ms) Helping Ss guess the picture in the lesson *Questionaires: - How may people are there in - Introduce the situation of - Listen to the the picture? the lesson. teacher - Who are they? Activity 3: Practice( 25ms) Helping Ss to understand the text - Explain some new words - Listen and answer * New words or phrases : - To take care of ( v ) = to look - Checking technique : Play - Guess meanings, after a game : read newwords in - To work part – time What and where chorus and - Mechanic ( n ) - Ordering the main ideas : individually, then - Machine ( n ) Ask Ss to predict the order copy down - Shift ( n ) of the main ideas. ( Extra - Play a game : - Homeless ( adj ) board) what and where . *Ordering the main ideas :
  3. - Practice before works part-time at a local class supermarket. 4. Homework: ( 1m) - Aim: Help Ss remember information about Tim’s family. - T: Have Ss learn by heart new words and write the answers in the notebooks. - Ss: Learn new words ( mechanic, take part in, part time, ) by heart and write the answers in the notebooks. Prepare Unit 7: ( B2-3 ) for the next period. ( New words and their meanings). - T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. CHECK AND EVALUATE TOPIC/LESSON: - T: Ask Ss to base on Tim’s letter to write a letter with the information about their own family. - Ask Ss to exchange their letters with their partners. - Call on some Ss to read the letter in front of the class. -Ss: - T summarizes: Ss study hard. V. FEEDBACK: Week : 14 Date of planning: 30/11/2020 Period : 42 Unit 7: THE WORLD OF WORK ( B2 – B3) I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude a. Knowledge: - After the lesson , Ss will be able to know about Hoa’s Parents ‘job and the time they work in a week . b. Skill: Listening and reading skills c. Attitude: Interested in jobs. 2. Competences: - Self- study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability; II. PREPERATION: - Teacher: Textbook, T’s notes, pictures, cassette tape. - Ss: Textbooks, extraboards, III. PROCEDURES:
  4. - Ask Ss to read the text starts at six and Tuan have about Mr. Tuan then finish at six, check their predictions . - Get the feedback - Call on some Ss to give - Read the text the answers about Mr. Tuan B3. Compare - Call some Ss to read the and the letter then text aloud . make note. Hours Days Vacation - Correct the - Exchange the per off time pronunciation . result with the week - Ask Ss to read the text partner . Mr. 40 2 3 weeks about Mr. Tuan again and - Guess the Jones the letter of Tim then answer: Mr. 77 4 or 5 No make note about them . + Mr Jones: 40, Tuan times - Ask Ss to exchange the 2, 3 weeks a year result with the partner . + Mr Tuan: 72, - Call on some Ss to give No, 4 or 5, the result in front of the - Write down . class. - Have Ss predict what Peter / Susan / Jane / - Listen Phong does and howmay - Listen to the tape B4. Listen then take notes. hours per week he or she ( twice) works , amount of - Exchange the Name Job Hours Amount vacation. result per of -Ask Ss to listen to the - Guess the week vacation tape and check their answer: Peter Doctor 70 4 weeks predictions (2 times ). Peter: doctor, 70, Susan Nurse 50 3 weeks - Ask Ss to exchange the 4 weeks. Jane Assistant 35 1 week results with other groups. Susan: nurse, Phong Factory 48 2 weeks - Play the tape again for 50,3 weeks. worker Ss to check their results . - Call some groups to give - Copy their results. - Listen again Activity 4: Consolidation ( 5ms) - Listen and Helping Ss answer the answer *Questions questions - Guess the 1. What do you do? (HSYK) - Have Ss to answer some answer: 2. How many hours a week do you questions A student, 24 study? ( HSKG) - Evaluate hours a week, 3. Do you think a farmer’s work is - Correct yes, not easy? ( HSKG)