Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Đại trà - Tuần 15 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


      1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

            a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use exclamations.

            b. Skills: Writing.

            c. Attitude: Do exercises well.

2. Competences:                                           

           - Self- study ability;

          - Communicative ability;

          - Co-operative ability;

          - Problem solving and creation ability;


          - Teacher: Textbook, T’s notes, pictures, cassette tape.

          - Ss: Textbooks, extraboards,……


       1. Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

        2. Checking old lesson: None

        3. New lesson:

doc 8 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1180
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Đại trà - Tuần 15 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ

  1. Activity 3: Practice (35ms) Helping Ss choose the *Choose the best answer best answer 1. a beautiful day! - Read the A. Where B. Why C. What D. How far - Have Ss read the sentences 2. What . awful restaurant! sentences carefully carefully A. a B. an C.’s D. is 3. What ! A. a delicious meal C. an delicious meal C. a meal delicious D. an meal delicious 4. What expensive dresses! - Choose the A. a B. an C. the D. / - Have Ss choose the best answer 5. . an interesting movie! best answer A. Where B. What C. Who D. When 6. I am going to the to buy some food. A. shop B. school C. market D. bookstore 7. My brother is . He repairs cars at a - Guess the garage. - Evaluate answer: 1. C, A. a mechanic B. an architect 2. B, 3. A, 4. C. a driver D. a farmer B, 8. She likes working in the morning . A. day B. time C. shift D. night 9. Rice is an important in Asia. A. tree B. crop C. fruit D. product 10. My uncle works on the farm. He is a - Go to the . - Correct board A. worker B. teacher C. Journalist D. farmer 11. She always comes to class on time. She is never for class. A. late B. early C. free D. nervous 12. Sarah looks after patients in hospital. She is a - Corect A. teacher B. nurse - Give the right answer C. musician D. journalist 13. We study how to draw a picture in A. Art B. Math C. Music D. physical education -> Answer key: - Copy 1. C, 2. B, 3. A, 4. B, 5. B, 6. C, 7. A, 8. C, - Give the feddback 9. B, 10. D, 11. A, 12. B, 13. A 4. Homework: ( 1m)
  2. Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Content Activity 1: Warm up ( 3ms) Helping Ss practice asking and answering * Questions about yourself 1. Would you like to go to my house for lunch? (HSKG) - Have Ss some - Listen 2. Why don’t we play soccer? (HSYK) questions - Guess the -> Answer key: 1. Yes, I’d love to answer: Yes, 2. That’s a good idea! I’d love to, - Evaluate That’s a good idea! Activity 2: - Correct Presentation (10ms) Helping Ss note suggestions * Making suggestions - Remind Ss structure - Listen - We should + V-inf We should play soccer. - Should we + V-inf Should we play soccer. - Let’s + V-inf Let’s play soccer. - Why don’t you + V-inf Why don’t you play soccer? - Explain carefully - Copy down - What about + V- ing ? What about playing soccer? - Would you like + to V-inf ? Would you like to play so Activity 3: Practice (30ms) Helping Ss choose best answer *Choose the best answer - Read the 1. Would you like to come to my house for - Have Ss read the sentences lunch? - . sentences A. Yes, I d B. I’d love to C. I’d live to D. Yes, I like 2. Should we play badminton? - Choose the A. Ok, I’m sorry B. I love to - Have Ss choose the best answer C. I’m sorry, I cant best answer 3. What about to the library ? A. go B. to go C. going D. goes - Do exercise 4. What about to the movie - Evaluate theater? A. is going B. goes - Go to the C. go D. going
  3. a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, the ss will understand to choose the best answer and answer the questions. b. Skills: Reading. c. Attitude: Do exercises well. 2. Competences: - Self- study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability; II. PREPERATION: - Teacher: Textbook, T’s notes, pictures, cassette tape. - Ss: Textbooks, extraboards, III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2. Checking old lesson: None 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Content Activity 1: Warm up ( 3ms) Helping Ss practice asking and answering about yourself - Have Ss some - Listen *Qusetions questions - Guess the 1. What’s your full name? (HSKG) - Evaluate answer: Bao, 2. What class are you in? (HSYK) - Introduce the passage 7a, Ho Phong. 3. Where do you live? ( HSYK) about Quang - Correct Activity 2: Presentation (5ms) Helping Ss notes *Structure: structure: superlative I think that my house is the nicest house. S be the – Adj-est - Remind Ss structure - Explain carefully - Listen - Copy down Activity 3: Practice * Reading (35ms) Hello! My name is Quang. I’m a student Helping Ss understand in class 7A. My full name is Nguyen Huu
  4. - Aim: Help Ss remember and understand about Quang. - T: Have Ss learn how to use preposition. - Ss: Remind the way to use preposition. - Ss prepare: Revision ( cont) IV. CHECK AND EVALUATE TOPIC/ LESSON: - T: Quang . be 14 on hihs next birthday. - Ss: will. V. FEEDBACK: Week 15, December 08th, 2020 Lưu Quang Thơ