Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Đại trà - Tuần 16 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


      1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

            a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to reorder the words or phrases to make meaning sentences.

            b. Skills: Writing.

            c. Attitude: Do exercises well.

2. Competences:                                           

           - Self- study ability;

          - Communicative ability;

          - Co-operative ability;

          - Problem solving and creation ability;


          - Teacher: Textbook, T’s notes, pictures, cassette tape.

          - Ss: Textbooks, extraboards,……


        1. Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

        2. Checking old lesson: None

        3. New lesson:

doc 8 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1340
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  1. - Explain carefully - Copy down - good at Activity 3: Practice (35ms) *Reorder the words or phrases to make Helping Ss Reorder meaning sentences the words or phrases 1. friends / guitar / I/ playing / the / with / to make meaning am / my/ . sentences -> 2. o’clock / dinner / she / at / seven / usually / has / . - Have Ss read the - Read the -> words / phrases words/ phrases 3. something / like / to / you / drink / would / ? -> 4. badminton / school /classmates / after / play / my / often /. -> - Have Ss reorder to - Reorder to 5. stay / late / shouldn’t / night / you / at / up make meaning make meaning -> sentences sentences 6. movie / go / why / to / don’t / the / we / ? -> 7. time / have / lunch / what / do / usually / you / ? -> 8. concert / Sundays / the / goes / Miss Lien - Evaluate - Do exercise / on / sometimes / to / . -> 9. half / always / do / have / six / you / breakfast / at / past / ? -> 10. recess / part / different / in / students / - Guess the take / activities / at / answer: -> 1. I am 11. computer / computer science / use / a / playing with learns / her / to / Lan / class / in / . - Correct my friends. -> 2. She usually 12. good / is Man / drawing / very / at / . has dinner at -> seven o’clock. 13. tomorrow / will / go / school / we / not / 3. Would you go / . like to drink -> something? 14. and / my / Math / English / are / subjects 4. My / favorite / .
  2. a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to make sentences by cues. b. Skills: Writing. c. Attitude: Do exercises well. 2. Competences: - Self- study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability; II. PREPERATION: - Teacher: Textbook, T’s notes, pictures, cassette tape. - Ss: Textbooks, extraboards, III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2. Checking old lesson: None 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Content Activity 1: Warm up ( 3ms) Helping Ss practice asking and answering about yourself *Questions - Have Ss some - Listen 1. How are you? (HSYK) questions - Guess the 2. What are you studying? ( HSKG) answer: Fine, -> Answer key: - Evaluate Iam studying 1. Fine, thanks. English 2. I am studying English Activity 2: Presentation (5ms) Helping Ss note some * Structures: phrase verbs S + V/V-s/ V-es + ( O) S + is/am/are + V-ing - Remind Ss structure - Listen S + will/ shall + inf - Explain carefully - Copy Activity 3: Practice (35ms) Helping Ss use the provides words or
  3. moment. 2. Mrs Lien often plays the piano in the afternoon. 3. I will be at home next Sunday night. 4. The party will start at my house tomorrow. 5. We are doing our homework at the moment. 6. He is swimming in the river now. - Give the right answer - Correct 7. Lan will be fourteen on her next birthday. 8. The students are reading books in the library now. 9. Vietnamese students have fewer vacations than American ones. 4. Homework: ( 1m) - Aim: Help Ss remember the knowdlege from unit 1 to uint 7. - T: Have Ss learn how to make sentences. - Ss: Remind the way to make sentences. - Ss prepare: Revision (cont) IV. CHECK AND EVALUATE TOPIC/ LESSON: - T: What do you often do at recess? - Ss: At recess, I often V. FEEDBACK: Week:16 Date of planning: 14/12/2020 Period :48 THE FIRST EXAMINATION I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson: + Help Ss do some exercises. + Remember the grammar that they have learnt from unit 1 to unit 7. b. Skills: Listening, reading and writing. c. Attitude: Do exercises well. 2. Competences: - Self- study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability;
  4. 7 V. FEEDBACK: Week 16, . December 14th 2020 . . Lưu Quang Thơ Da