Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Đại trà - Tuần 18 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


    1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

          a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to give the requirements. They will practice asking and answering about the price .

          b. Skills: Speaking and listening

          c. Attitude: Love the places.

    2. Competences:

          - Self- study ability;

          - Communicative ability;

          - Co-operative ability;

          - Problem solving and creation ability;


          - Teacher: Textbook, T’s notes, pictures, cassette tape.

         - Ss: Textbooks, extraboards,……


       1. Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date(1m)

       2. Checking old lesson: Have Ss read the text and answer the questions(3ms)

            How far is it from your house to school?

             It’s about…………

        3. New lesson:

doc 9 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1320
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Đại trà - Tuần 18 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ

  1. - Remark and lead in the new - Where do you often buy lesson . - Look at the picture stamps? and listen carefully . - Which services are supply at - Ask Ss to look at the picture - Guess the the post office ? and introduce some services meanings , read new * New words at the post office .then words in chorus and + Envelope ( n ) explain some new words and individually , then + To send ( v ) structues copy down . + To mail ( v ) + To receive ( v ) + change ( n ) * Checking technique : Slap - Play game : Slap + Altogether ( adv ) the board . the board . * Structures: + I’d like to + V . + How much is / are + S ? - Ask Ss to make sentences , - Make sentences Example : using the structures . with the structures - I’ d like to send this letter to the USA ? - How much is the shirt ? - Introduce the situation of - Listen to the It’s 2,000 dong the conversation then ask Ss teacher . - How much are these to do exercise . envelopes ? They are 5,000dong Activity 3: Practice( 20ms) Helping Ss to do exercise - Ask Ss to work in groups . - Work in groups . - Call on some groups to give B1. Listen and read. Then their predictions . practice with a partner - Ask Ss to look at the book - Give the answer: *Exercice : T or F ? and listen to the tape then 1. F, 2. T, 3.F, a. Liz’d like to send the letter check the predictions . to great Britain . b. She need some envelopes . - Call on some Ss to give the - Look at the book c. They are 2,500 dong . answers , correct and give the and listen to the tape d. The stamps for her letter correct answers : then correct the cost 9,000 dong . predictions . e. The envelopes and the stamps are 11,500 dong . - Have Ss read the dialogue - Practice in pairs . a. F b. T c. F d. F e. in pairs . - Practice in front of T the class. *Answer the questions - Call on some pairs to read - Look at the a. Liz mails her letter to the
  2. Week : 18 Date of planning: 28/12/2020 Period : 53 Unit 8: PLACES B. AT THE POST OFFICE ( B2-B3) I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to reading the dialogue to understand the details and get further practice in “ Need / would like “ and post office vocabulary. b. Skills: Reading and writing. c. Attitude: Love the subject 2. Competences: - Self- study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability; II. PREPERATION: - Teacher: Textbook, T’s notes, pictures, cassette tape. - Ss: Textbooks, extraboards, III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date(1m) 2. Checking old lesson: Have Ss read the text and answer the questions (3ms) 1. Where is your nearest post office? 2. How do you get there? -> Answer key: 1. It’s on Nguyen Hue Street, near the night market 2. I get there by bike 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Content Activity 1: Warm-up( 5ms) Helping Ss answer the questions Ask Ss some questions . Answer + Where is your nearest post Guess the answer office ? - It’s on the . + How can you get there from - I get there by your home ? - I can buy stamps, + What can you buy there ? - It’s about .
  3. - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions - Work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to - Practice reading in practice in front of the class. front of the class . - Correct the mistake then give - Find out the answers B3. Complete the dialogue the correct answers for the questions . . Then make up similar - Introduce the aim of the Guess the answers dialogues ; use the words exercise to Ss : Complete the like, are, much, is, in the box . dialogue with the suitable here, change Hoa : I would like five words - Practice asking and local stamps and two - Have Ss do the exercise . answering in front of stamps for America . - Call on 2 pairs to read the the class. Clerk : Here you are. Is completed dialogue aloud - Write down . that all ? - Listen to the teacher Hoa : I also need a fifty carefully . thousand dong phone card - Do exercise . How much is that individually . altogether ? Clerk : That is seventy – . five thousand dong . Activity4: Consolidation Practice Hoa : Here is eighty (5ms) Present before class thousand dong Clerk : Helping Ss practice more Thanks . Here is your fluently change . Ask Ss to make the dialogue , using mapped dialogue given. *Practice the dialogue (HSYK) *Make the similar dialogue (HSKG) 4. Homework: (1m) - Aim: Help Ss remember the knowledge - T: Have Ss write the answers in the notebooks. - Ss prepare :B4,B5 page 85 IV. CHECK AND EVALUATE TOPIC/LESSON: - T: Do you usually go to the post office? How much is it to mail a local letter in VietNam? - Ss: Yes, I sometimes It’s about . - T summarize, Ss study hard V. FEEDBACK:
  4. + What can you buy there ? - It’s about . + How much is it to mail a letter in Viet nam ? Copy + What else can you do at the post office ? Activity 2: Presentation Introduce the situation of the Guess New words dialogue and explain some Total (n) Total (n) new words . Cost (n) Cost (n) Change(v) Change(v) read Structure : T asks ss read What is the total? -Check take note It is 50.000 dong How much is/are ? B4. Listen and answer Activity 3: Practice(20ms) - Listen to the teacher Helping Ss answer the - Look at the things The total cost is 59,000 dong questions given by teacher then -She will have 1,000 dong in -Call some pairs ask and guess change answer in front of class -A packet of envelopes -A packet of envelopes 2000 -Give feedback 2000 -A writing pad: 3000 -A writing pad: 3000 -Five stamps: 2,500 -Five stamps: 2,500 -A phone card: 50,000 -A pen : 1,500 - Guess B5.Answer th following - Give the predictions . questions a/It’s about 1000 dong a/It’s about 1000 dong b/It’s about 10000 b/It’s about 10000 dong dong c/Apart from stamps the post . office sells phone card, telephone, envelope, wrting pad Activity4: Consolidation d/Yes,I do/No I don’t (5ms) - Work in pairs . *Making a dialogue Helping Ss practice more - Practice reading in A ; I want a red hat. How much fluently front of the class . is it? Ask Ss to make the dialogue , - Find out the answers B: It’s 80.000 dong is there using mapped dialogue given. for the questions . anything else? A: T shirt,please?