Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Đại trà - Tuần 2 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


B.Names and Addresses (B1-B2)

I. OBJECTIVES:                   

1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

       a. Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ss will have a chance to know about greeting people, introducing oneself and others.

        Practice in listening and speaking skills for details about asking for and give personal information, Review the simple tense, questions words.

        b. Skills: Listening and speaking skills.

        c. Attitude: Ask for and give personal information

2. Competence 

          - Self-study ability;

          - Communicative ability;

          - Co-operative ability;

          - Problem solving and creation ability.


* Teacher: textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, Cassette, tape,   ….

* Students: textbooks, extra boards,…


        1. Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

       2. Checking old lesson: Have Ss go to the board and write some words. (Just fine, Not bad, Pretty good, Me, too)(3ms)

doc 7 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1480
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  1. GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH 7 Activity 3.Practice (20ms) Helping ss practice the -Pairwork 1.Listen.Then practice with a dialouge It’s Pham partner Middle name’s Thi -Ask Ss to answer the -Do as teacher ask Now answer questions a/She is talking to Miss Lien. -Check and give feedback -Takenotes b/It’s Pham c/It’s Thi d/She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao Street. 2.Write.Complete this dialouge -Suggest Ss how to complete -Listen and work in Nga:(1) Who the dialouge groups (2) who -Ask Ss to give the results -Volunteer (3) What (4) Where -Check and give feedback -Takenotes (5) Where (6) How Activity 4.Consolidation ( 5ms) T helps Ss to give some -Groupwork Class, age, address, middle name, information about Hoa family name, from Hoa 4. Homework: (1m) - Aim: Help Ss remember the knowledge. - T: Have Ss write some new words and remind ss how to use the simple tense, questions words. - - Ss : family name: surename(n)middle name(n) Structure: What’s your family name? - Ss prepare: Unit 1, B4-B5 T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. CHECK AND EVUATE TOPIC / LESSON: - T: What’s your family name? - Ss : It’s Tran/Le/Nguyen - T summarizes: Ss study hard. V. FEEDBACK:
  2. GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH 7 answers school? * Vocabulary - bus stop (n) -Present the new words -Give the meaning of - far (adj) them - meter (n) - kilometer (n) -Elicit / Explanation -Listen and take notes - how far * Structures How far is it from your house to school? -Introduce the lesson and -Take notes It’s not far- about one kilometer. explain how to use the - How do you go to school? structure By bike. Activity 3.Practice( 10 ms) *B4 4.Practice the dialogue -Helping Ss practice the -Pairwork dialogue in pairs -Have Ss roleplay in front of class -Give feedback. *B5 5.Ask and answer with a partner. -T lets Ss practice the -Do as teacher ask How far is it from your to ? dialouge on page 16-17 It’s kilometer(s) -Have Ss practice ask and -Take notes -How far is it from your house to answer about distances the marker? It’s about -How far is it from your house to -Check and correct -Pairwork the movie theater. It’s about -How far is it from your house to the post office? It’s about -How far is it from your house to the bus stop? It’s about Activity 4.Consolidation(5ms) T asks ss to practice like - work in pairs Free Practice B4 A: Where do you live? B: I live at . A: How far is it from your house to -Correct if necssary school? B: It’s about A: How do you go to school? B: I go to school by . 4. Homework: (1m) - Aim: Help Ss remember the knowledge.
  3. GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH 7 T asks Ss to practice -Do as teacher ask -What is your name? asking and answering the -Where do you live? same dialogue (B4) -How far is it from your house -Ask Ss questions -Answers to school? -How do you go to school? -Give feedback and mark Activity 2.Presentation (10ms) *B6 Helping ss stick the picture -Look at and tick the -Is Lan’s house near / far from -Have Ss guess some picture school? places in the picture Market,theater,post -How far is it from Lan’s house -Ask Ss questions about the office, Lan’s house to school? distance of Lan’s house -Guess -Is Lan’s house near the market / the post office / the theater ? -Present the new words -Answer -What’s near Lan’s house? * Vocabulary -recess (n) Elicit / Explanation -Give the meaning of -stamp (n) them -center (n) -Take notes -take the bus -letter (n) -pocket (n) -post (v) -Have Ss remind the Remember * Structures structure “How far ?” -How far is it from to ? It’s about Activity 3.Practice:(20ms) Helping ss pratic listening -Listen *B6. Listen skill -Answer 1. From school to Lan’s house: Have Ss listen to the tape 300m -Have Ss answer the -Exchange 2. Lan’s house to the post office: questions 700m -Have Ss exchange the -Write 3. Lan’s school to movie theater: answers in pairs 3km -Ask Ss to write them on -Check 4. The movie theater to post the board office:2km -Play the tape again -Check and give feedback *B7 A survey. -Fill -Have Ss make a new survey and fill in a survey form. -Work in pairs Name: