Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Đại trà - Tuần 3 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

Knowledge:  By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to improve their reading, listening and speaking skills, Ss can have a chance to know about personal information and give telephone directory.

- Practice in listening, reading and speaking for details about personal information and give telephone directory.

* Skills: reading , speaking and listening skills

*Attitude: Ss know about personal information and telephone number 

2. Competence 

          - Self-study ability;

          - Communicative ability;

          - Co-operative ability;

          - Problem solving and creation ability.


* Teacher: textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, Cassette, tape,   ….

* Students: textbooks, extra boards,…


doc 8 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1360
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Đại trà - Tuần 3 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ

  1. GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH 7 -Read model -What’s your telephone number? -Take note 8 311 880 -Elicit how to read the -Listen and repeat -I will call you soon. telephone numbers -follow S will V (the future simple -Explain how to read the tense) number with a focus on - Take note combinations that might double such as”88” -Explain the future simple tense Activity 3.Practice ( 20ms) *A1 -Helping Ss practice -Pairwork a.Dao Van An 7 345 610 reading aloud the numbers b.Pham Viet Anh 8 269 561 -Let Ss work in pairs or -Work in pairs or in c.Pham Thach Ba 5 267 117 groups, saying the 6 groups d.Dinh Thi Bang 9 259 288 numbers (one says the e.Vu Thanh Bat 6 275 564 subscriber’s name,the other f.Bui Ngoc Bich 8 231 236 say his or her number) *A2 -Ask Ss to translate the topic a) 8 251 645 -Play the tape -Listen b) 8 250 541 -Have Ss write the telephone -Write c) 8 251 930 numbers d) 8 351 793 -Have Ss exchange the -Exchange e) 8 821 652 answers f) -Play the tape again -Listen again and check -Give feedback *A3 -Roleplay -Have Ss practice the Ask your classmate and dialouge in pairs -Answer complete the list. -Have Ss questions -What’s your name? -Where do you live? -Work in groups -What’s your telephone -Ask Ss to complete the list number? -Check and correct -Write down Name Address Telephone number Activity 4.Consolidation (5ms) T asks Ss to practice the -pairwork Free practice
  2. GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH 7 3.New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content Activity1:Warm- telephone number, telephone up(5ms) -Do as teacher ask directory, personal information. -Aim:T reminds old telephone number, lesson telephone directory, -What is your telephone number? T asks Ss some questions -Answer -Do you remember Hoa’s telephone number? -Do you often talk to your friends on the phone? Activity 2.Presentation( 15ms) -Helping ss pick out the -Guess A4. person in the picture They are Phong and -Who are they? Tam -What are they doing? They are calling -Are they talking on the telephone? -Ask Ss questions -Answer New words -tomorrow (adv) -meet (v) -Play the tape -Listen -see a movie -Have Ss read the -Do as teacher sak Stuctures dialogue THE FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE: then find new words and -Will you be free tomorrow structures evening? -Yes, I will -We’ll meet in the front of the -Explain the structures -Take note movie theater +Would you like to see a movie? +Don’t be late +Let’s meet at Activity 3.Practice ( 15ms) -Helping ss practice the -Practice dialogue -Ask some pairs to role- -Role – play play in front of class -Let Ss read the dialogue -Ask and answer the ANSWERS: again and answer the questions a.Phong and Tam . questions b.They will a movie. -Check and correct -Takenote c.They will meet at 6.45 d.They will meet in font of the movie theater. Activity 4.Consolidation (5ms) -What’s Phong’s telephone -Helping Ss answers the It’s is 805370471 number?
  3. GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH 7 2.Checking old lesson: Have Ss go to the board and write some words :tomorrow ,meet ,see a movie What’s your telephone number? 3.New lesson: Teacher’activities Students’ activities Content Activity1:Warm-up(5ms) -Aim:T reminds old lesson Who’s absent today? T asks Ss some questions -Who’s absent today? *Checking old lesson -Answer -How are you? -Ask Ss to read the dialogue (A4) and the -Read and answer -Who will meet tomorrow? questions -What will they do? - Check -What time will they meet? -Ask Ss the question -Where will they meet? -Give mark -Answer -What will you do tomorrow? Activity 2. Presentation ( 10ms) -Helping ss pisck out the -Look at people in the picture Han and phong are -Who is calling? calling -Who is mentioned in the -Answer conversation? -Present the new words -Give the meaning of them *Vocabulary -Elicit / Explanation -Take notes -to be out -to be back -speak(v) -tell(v) *Structures -Explain the structures -Remember -Can I speak to Lan? -Take notes -When will she be back? She’ll be back at about 6 o’clock. Activity 3.Practice ( 20ms) -Helping ss practice -Model a)Phong is calling. reanding skill b)Han is answering the -Ask some pairs to -Pairwork phone. roleplay in front of the c)They are talking about class. Lan. -Explain the task d)She’ll be back at about -Have Ss read the answers -Ask and answer the six o’clock. in front of the class. questions in pairs e)Phong will call her again -Check and give feedback -Copy after six. A5. -Ask Ss questions -Answer _What do you say to ask