Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Đại trà - Tuần 4 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

Knowledge:  By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to improve their reading, listening and writing skills, Ss can have a chance to speak and write ordinal numbers/date

- Practice in listening, reading and writing for details about speak and write ordinal numbers/date

* Skills: reading , writing and listening skills

*Attitude: Speak and write ordinal numbers/date

2. Competence 

          - Self-study ability;

          - Communicative ability;

          - Co-operative ability;

          - Problem solving and creation ability.


* Teacher: textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, Cassette, tape,   ….

* Students: textbooks, extra boards,…


1.Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

2.Checking old lesson: Have Ss go to the board and write some words. (telephone,number,soon,call. what’s your telephone number? (3ms)

doc 9 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 3180
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  1. GIÁO ÁN ANH 7 Activity 3.Practice: (20ms) -Have Ss note the way to -Take note B1. write ordinal numbers -Ask Ss read ordinal -Read - 1st : first numbers in front of class -1 st : first - 2nd : second -Give feedback -2 nd : second - 3rd : third -3 rd : third - 4th : fourth - five: fifth - nine: ninth -Take note - twenty: twentieth - thirty: thirtieth Helping ss practice B2.Listen and write the dates listening skill you hear. -Give the task to Ss -Listen -Play the tape (twice) -Write - the first of July -Let Ss write the date -Work in pairs - the nineteenth -Have Ss work in pairs -Work with partner - the sixth -Exchange their answers - the fourteeth and check -Write - the seventeenth -Let Ss write them on the - the thirty – first board -Individual work B3.Write the months in order -Have Ss write the months 1/January 7/July from first to twelfth 2/February 8/August -Call Ss to write -Do as teacher ask 3/March 9/September -Check and correct -Take note 4/April 10/October 5/May 11/November 6/June 12/December Activity 4.Consolidation (5ms) T guides Ss play games -Groupwork • Slap the board October May July April December 4. Homework (1m)
  2. GIÁO ÁN ANH 7 Activity1:Warm- up(5ms) -Do as teacher ask first, second, third, ninth,twentieth, -Ask Ss to write ordinal -first, second, third, january,february, september, numbers and months ninth december -Answer Questions -Ask questions TB/Y.1/What’s your name? -Look at the picture TB./Y2/What’s your telephone -Stick the picture (B4) on number? the board and introduce K/G.3/What’s your date of birth? the situation -Guess -Have Ss guess what Mr. Tan asks Hoa Activity 2.Presentation ( 15ms) Helping ss practice -What’s your name? listening skill -Listen -What’s your date of birthday? -Play the twice -Do as teacher ask What’s your telephone number? -Let Ss tell what What’s your address? questions Mr. Tan asks birth (n) VOCABULARY: Hoa them compare with birthday (n) birth (n) their guess. nervous (adj.) birthday (n) -Explain newwords, worry (v) nervous (adj.) structures and how to use worry (v) preposition “on” in the worried (adj.) future tense -Take note -What’s your date of birthday? (Negative form) -June eight. I’ll be 14 on my next -Read model birthday Place NOTE: -Listen and repeat Time * Preposition of E.g.: - On Tran Hung Dao street - On my birthday * The future simple tense I won’t be happy Will not : won’t Activity 3.Practice (15ms) ANSWERS: Have Ss practice the -Work in pairs a.Hoa is 13 years old
  3. GIÁO ÁN ANH 7 Week: 4 th Date of planning: 22/9/2020 Period: 12th UNIT 2 . PERSONAL INFORMATION B. My birthday (B6 B7) I.Objectives: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude * Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to improve their speaking and listening skills, Ss can have a chance to talk about future plan - Practice in listening and speaking for details about future plan * Skills: speaking and listening skills *Attitude: Talking about future plan 2. Competence - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II- PREPARATION: * Teacher: textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, Cassette, tape, . * Students: textbooks, extra boards, III- PROCEDURES:: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2.Checking old lesson: Have Ss go to the board and write some words. (nervous, worry, date of birth,What’s your birthday? (3ms) 3.New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ Content activities Activity1:Warm- up(5ms) -Practice nervous, worry, date of birth. - Ask Ss to practice like B4 and write vocabulary QUESTIONS: -Answers -Ask Ss some questions TB/Y: 1.How old is Hoa now? K/G What’s her date of birth? TB/Y : 3.What’s her address? TB/Y : 4.What’s her telephone number? TB/Y5.What’s your address? K/G What’s your birthday? -Check and give feedback K/G: What will you do before your
  4. GIÁO ÁN ANH 7 -Let Ss read B6 again then 3.I’ll play video birthday party. write games, football -Let Ss send the invitation -Take note (Students’s write) to their friends -Read -Do as teacher ask Activity 4.Consolidation (5ms) Teacher uses Mind Mapping, Ss retell about Lan’s birthday party. Finish start Lan’s birthday party invite Drink eat K-G: Retell about Lan’s birthday party K-G Who will she invite? TB-Y: What time will it start? 4. Homework (1m) - Aim:Help Ss talk about future plan - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words, Copy down all the lesson and redo all at home. - Ss : Newwords: invite (v)invitation (n)party - Ss Prepare: Unit 3 (A1) T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: Who will you invite your birthday? - Ss : I will . - T summarizes: Ss study hard V. Feedback: TỔ TRƯỞNG DUYỆT TUẦN 4 Ngày 22 tháng 9 năm 2020 Lưu Quang Thơ DƯƠNG THỊ THẮM