Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 11 - Cao Văn Đạm


Lesson 1 Getting started& Listen and Read 

I. Objectives

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get the information about the pioneers club.

- Skills: Listening, reading, speaking and writing.

- Attitude: Positive about the young pioneers club.

                 Students know how to learn English in the right way.

2. Competence and quality

- Self- study ability;

- Communicative ability;

Co-operative ability;

- Problem solving and creation ability.

II. Preparation 

- Teacher: Lesson plan, text book,cassete tape and player... 

- Students:Textbooks, notebooks, pen, ruler.

III. Procedures     

1. Class organization ( 1’)

Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date 

2. Checking the previous lesson ( 2’)

3. New lesson

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  1. do? And find out the object): Phiếu đăng ký -What does the secretary answers. - fill out (v) ( translate): Điền ask Nga to do? vào - hobby: interest (n)(synonym): -T. introduced the situations -Ss. guess and give Sở thích of the dialogue and ask the meaning. - outdoor activities (n) (picture) some questions. Hoạt động ngoài trời - drawing (n) ( translate) Bức vẽ - Introduce new words. -Ss. repeat - acting (n) (real object): Sự biểu diễn - T let ss practice -Ss. read loudly. - sign (v) (real object): Ký tên * Grammar: Offering asistance -T. elicits some new words May I help you? Activity 3. Practice (25’) 1)Practice the dialogue with a Aim: Help Ss practice partner asking and answering 2)Complete Nga’s detail. about personal - Pham Mai Nga information. - 5 Tran Phu Street - Ask Ss to listen to the tape -Ss. listen to the - not available again. tape again. - April 22, 1989 - Ask Ss to work in pairs to -Ss. Work in pairs - drawing, outdoor practice. to practice. - Female - Ask Ss to practice (Role -Ss. practice (Role - Drawing, outdoor activities and play) play) acting. - Ask Ss to complete Nga’s - Ask Ss to detail complete Nga’s -T. gives feedback detail Activity 4. Consolidation (3’) -What’s her date of birth? Aim: Help Ss practice = When was she born? about personal - Ss. Answer -What’s your date of birth? information. - Practice = When was you born? -T. asks Ss some questions -When’s her - Teacher ask SS to practice birthday? -What’s your full name? in pairs or in small groups. -When’s your -Where do you live? - T: Comment if necessary. birthday? -When’s your birthday? -What are your hobbies?Why? 4. Homework (1’) -Ss . learn the lesson by heart. -Ss. copy the answers in the note book. -Ss. Prepare unit 6 “Speak” page 55 IV. Check and evaluate (1’) ( oral check) - T: Ask Ss to tell the main content of the lesson.
  2. Aim: Help Ss understand the * Structures: modals asking for favors, - Asking for favors: responding to favors and Can/could you help me, offering assistance, please ? responding to assistance. - Responding to favors: -T. introduces the situations by - Answer Certainly./ No problem. examples. - Offering assistance: -T. sticks extra board on the - Take notes May I help you? board . - Responding to assistance. -T. explains how to ask for - Follow Yes/No. Thank you. favors and offer assistance. -Introduced the situations of - Guess the answers *QUESTIONS the song and ask some -What is the content about? questions. Adapted from “ Children of the World Unite” - Introduce new words. - Guess and give the -What is the writer’s name? meaning. Margarette Thornas- - let Ss practice new words. - Read loudly. Cochran *VOCABULARY - Have Ss copy new words. - Copy the - Unite (v)( translate): Đoàn newwords. kết - Peace (n) ( translate): Hoà - Ask them to remind the use of - Remind. bình “Let”. - Hold hands (v)(mine): Nắm tay Activity 3. Practice (25’) * Let’s + V(inf) Aim: Help Ss practice 1.Practice the dialogues. Speaking English fluently. 2. Make similar dialouge: - T.has Ss make similar in pairs - Make similar in (base on page 55-56) pairs A: May I help you ? B: Yes. Could you show me - Lets them roleplay - Roleplay before the way to the police station? class A: Certainly. Turn left about 100 meters. It is next to the - T. Cheeks and gives feedback - Take notes big mall. B. Thank you very much. - Have Ss guess words before - Guess words listening before listening - Play the tape -Listen to the Fill in the missing words tape(3times) 1-unite 8-world -Ask Ss to fill in the missing -Fill in the missing 2-peace 9-show words words 3-right 10-place - Have Ss exchange their -Exchange their 4-love 11- out answers answers 5-north 12-stand - Ask Ss to write the complete -Write the complete 6-south 13-wrold words on the extra boards. words on the extra 7-of
  3. III. Procedures 1. Class organization ( 1’) Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date 2. Checking the previous lesson ( 2’) 3. New lesson Teacher ’s Activities Students ’ Activities Contents Activity 1. Warm up (5’) Aim: Help Ss remember the activities that Y&Y often do in Vietnam 1.Warm Up - Asks Ss to list the activities - List the activities Ex: -helping blind people. that Y&Y often do in Vietnam again -helping elderly people Activity 2.Presentation(7’) *QUESTIONS Aim: Help Ss scan the new -Do you know any words and practice them organizations similar to the - Asks Ss some questions. - Answer Y&Y in other countries -Do you know anything - Check and give feedback. - Copy down about the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides in the USA? - Elicits and explains the new - Guess and answer *Guess what they do words. *VOCABULARY -encourage(v) (translation): - Let them give the meaning. - Give the meaning of khuyến khích words -citizenship(n) (translation): - Ask Ss to practice new - Read loudly Quyền công dân words. -Scout(n): Hướng đạo sinh -Personal fitness(n) - Have Ss copy new words. - Copy down (explanation): Nhân cách -Association(n): Hiệp hội -Organization(n): Tổ chức Activity 3. Practice (25’) -co-educational(adj) Aim: Help Ss practice (explanation): GD chung cả reading comprehension nam và nữ - Have Ss guess words before - Guess words before 1)Fill in the missing dates listening listening a-1907 - Play the tape - Listen to the tape b-1909 c-1910 -Ask Ss to fill in the missing - Fill in the missing d-1994 words words 2)Answer - Have Ss exchange their - Exchange their a. Scouting began in answers answers England in 1907. - Ask Ss to write the complete - Write the complete b. The meeting between a words on the extra boards. words on the extra boy scout and Mr William boards. Boyce Led to the Scouts - Have Ss read the text again. - Read silently Association Crossing the