Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 12 - Cao Văn Đạm


               B  LET’S GO!( B1)

I. Objectives

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice giving suggestions/ invitation; refusing/ accepting.

- Skills: Listening, reading, speaking and writing.

- Attitude: Positive about giving suggestions/ invitation; refusing/ accepting.

                 Students know how to learn English in the right way.

2. Competence and quality

- Self- study ability;

- Communicative ability;

Co-operative ability;

- Problem solving and creation ability.

II. Preparation 

- Teacher: Lesson plan, text book,cassete tape and player... 

- Students: Textbooks, notebooks, pen, ruler.

III. Procedures     

1. Class organization ( 1’)

Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date 

2. Checking the previous lesson ( 2’)

3. New lesson

doc 7 trang Hải Anh 19/07/2023 940
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 12 - Cao Văn Đạm

  1. Activity 2. Presentation (7’) * Ask and answer : Aim: Help Ss remind Eg. What does Ba do after structures school ? * slap the board. Ba goes to the circus. Activities needed: swimming. - Play games in B1. - Ask: what are you going to groups of 4. listen to music, read a comic, do tonight? go to the movies, go fishing, - Tell the aim: play soccer, meet friends, a. Set the scene ,ask some - Answer. watch TV, go home questions: -How many people are there? b. Revison of structures. - Listen. -Who are they? Situation: “Tomorrow is -What are they talking about? Sunday. We have no lessons. - Answer. What should we do?” * Structures Let’s go to the movies. What about+ V-ing ? - Have class repeat. - Repeat. Let’s + V-inf - Ask ss to give structure. - Give structure. Why don’t you + V-inf ? - Check and give feedback. - copy down. Activity 3. Practice (25’) Aim: Help Ss practice about suggestions - Play tape twice. - Listen. * Answer: a. Nam wants to go to the - Have ss roleplay the - Roleplay. movie. dialogue. b. Because there aren’t any good movies at the moment - Ask ss to answer the Give answers. c. Lan wants to listen to some questions. music at her house. d. Because she has too many - Check and give feedback. - Copy the answers assignments. e. It’s Saturday. Activity 4.Consolidation (3’) Aim: Help Ss practice about Activities they do in freetime - Ask ss make sentences, - Make sentences, What about+ V-ing ? using the structures using the structures Let’s + V-inf Why don’t you + V-inf ? - Ask about student’s - Give the favorite activites. answers. What is your favorite - Check and give feedback. - Take notes. activites? Why? 4. Homework (1’)
  2. - Let ss play games. - Play game watch TV, help old people, go to the movies, learn to play the guitar, eat, play soccer, collect thing, skip rope, play marbles, - Check and give feedback. - Take notes go swimming, go fishing. Activity 2. Presentation (7’) Aim: Help Ss understand and practice new words - Have ss answer some - answer some - When do you usually join questions. questions these activities? (good ss) - Tell the aim:Activities - Follow - Do you think American ss American ss like to do in the also have the same activities free time. in their free time? -Introduced the situations of - Guess the answers * New words: the song and ask some + teenager (n)(definition): questions. Thanh thiếu niên + attend (v)(synonym) (take - Introduce new words. - Guess and give the part in/ participate in): Tham meaning. gia - let Ss practice new words. - Read loudly. + scout (n)(translation): - Have Ss copy newwords. - Copy the Hướng đạo sinh newwords. + guide (n)(translation): * Rub out and remember. - Take part in Hướng dẫn viên Activity 3. Practice (25’) Aim: Help Ss practice about the top ten most popular * Ordering. activities 1. attend youth organizations - Ask ss to arrange the top ten - Do what teacher such as scouts and guides. most popular activities in requests. 2. go shopping correct orders. 3. help old people with their - Think of question: shopping or cleaning. What do American like to do - Whole class. 4. listen to music. in their free time? 5. Collect things such as - Have ss work in groups of - Work in groups. stamps or coins. four. 6. eat in fast food restaurants. - Let them give the answers - Give answers. 7. learn to play a musical - Check and give feedback. - Take notes. instrument such as the guitar. 8. watch television. 9. go to the movies. Activity 4.Consolidation (3’) 10. make models of things Aim: Help Ss practice about such as cars or planes. Activities they do in freetime
  3. Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date 2. Checking the previous lesson ( 2’) 3. New lesson Teacher’s Activities Students’ Content Activities Activity 1. Warm up (5’) Aim: Help Ss remember * Posible answer: Vietnamese student’s Learn to play the guitar, go favorite activites shopping, eat in fast food - Call an average student to - Follow. restaurants, watch TV, listen to list activities American ss like music, go to the movies, collect to do in free time. things, help old people. - Check and give feedback. - Take notes. Activity 2. Presentation (7’) Aim: Help Ss understand new words and structures - Situation: “My birthday is - Follow. on Dec 30. I’ll have a party.” Would you like to come to my * New words: house? + wedding (n)(translation): Đám - Elicits and explains the new - Guess and cưới words. answer *. Structure: - Let them give the meaning. - Give the Would you like + to-inf? Eg. Would you like to come to meaning of words my house for lunch? - Ask Ss to practice new - Read loudly * Accepting: words. I’d love to - Have Ss copy new words. - Copy down * Refusing: - Have ss repeat and give - Listen, repeat and I’d love to, but give structure. I’m sorry. I can’t. Activity 3. Practice (25’) Aim: Help Ss practice about the top ten most popular activities * T/F statements: * T/F statements: - Ask ss to listen to and say - Work in groups. a. Nga’s birthday is on Monday. statements T/F. (F) - Get answers. - Give answers. b. Nga is going to see a movie - Give feedback. - Whole class. after lunch.(T) - Let ss practice dialogues. - Pairwork. c. Hoa is going to Nga’s house.(F) - Get some pairs to check and - Practice before correct mistakes. class