Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 1+2+3 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lưu Quang Thơ

I. OBJECTIVES:                   

1. Knowledge, skills and attitude.

       a. Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ss will have a chance to remind old lesson 

         Practice in Writing skill for details about Present simple tense ;Present progressive tense.,Adjectives: comparatives and superlatives,Prepositions: Wh-questions.

        b. Skills: listening, reading and speaking

        c. Attitude: Love the subject .

2. Competences:

          - Self-study ability;

          - Communicative ability;

          - Co-operative ability;

          - Problem solving and creation ability.


* Teacher: textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, Cassette, tape,   ….

* Students: textbooks, extra boards,…


        1. Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

        2. Checking old lesson: Has Ss listen and answer some questions about yourself. (3ms) 

                 1. How are you? 

                 2. What do you do in your free time? 

                 3. Are you happy when you are back your school again? )(3ms)

      3. New lesson :

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 1+2+3 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lưu Quang Thơ

  1. Have Ss listen to the tape good How are you? again and check the Mr. Tan : Not bad results. Listen and check Miss Lien : Me,too. b. Nam : How is everything? Nga : Ok How are you today? Nam : Just fine Ask Ss some questions Answer Nga : So am I Have Ss listen to the tape Listen and wtite *Class : TB then write the letters A5. Listen and write the Check and correct Follow letters c ; b ; d; a - Who are they in the picture? - Where are they? - What are they doing? c ; b ; d; a Activity 4.Consolidation (5ms) *Example: T helps ss practice Practice A: Good afternoon greeting and asking by A: Good afternoon B: Good afternoon using some social English B: Good afternoon A: How are you today? that they have learnt in . B: Pretty good, thanks. How are A4. you? A. OK. 4. Homework: (1m) - Aim: Help Ss remember the knowledge. - T: Have Ss learn by heart all the new words. - Ss : - See you later, How is everything? Just fine, Not bad, Pretty good, Me, too - Structures:How / who tobe+ S .? - Ss prepare Unit 1: (B1-B2) - T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. CHECK AND EVUATE TOPIC / LESSON: - T: What are they doing? - Ss : They are + Ving - T summarizes: Ss study hard. V. FEEDBACK: . Week 01, . . . . . . Lưu Quang Thơ 8
  2. Elicit new words Listen and guess *New words the meaning - family name: surname(n) - middle name(n) Read model Lisen and repeat *Structures What’s your family name? -> It’s Pham. Activity 3. Practice (20ms) Helping ss practice the dialouge 1. Listen.Then practice with a Ask Ss to answer the Pairwork partner questions It’s Pham *Now answer Check and give feedback Middle name’s a. She is talking to Miss Lien. Thi b. It’s Pham Suggest Ss how to complete Do as teacher ask c. It’s Thi the dialouge d. She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao Street. Ask Ss to give the results Take notes 2. Write. Complete this dialouge Nga:(1) Who Check and give feedback Listen and work in (2) who groups (3) What (4) Where Let Ss ask answer the Volunteer (5) Where questions to complete the (6) How form Take notes 3. Ask your partner questions and complete this form. Name: Check and correct Groupwork Age : Grade: School: . Follow Home address: Activity 4. Consolidation ( 5ms) T helps Ss to give some information about Hoa Class, age, address, middle name, family name, from Have Ss talk about Hoa base Groupwork Hoa on information * Listen and answer. ( HSYK) T: What’s your family name? Ss: T: What’s your middle name? 10
  3. Teacher’s activities Students’activities Content Activity1: Warm-up (5ms) T asks Ss to practice asking and answering the same B1 *Questions - What’s your name? Ask Ss some questions Do as teacher ask - How old are you? - What class are you in? Give feedback Answer - How do you go to school? - Where do you live? Introduce new lesson Listen - How far is it from your house to school? Activity2. Presentation (20ms) Helping ss practice listening skill and some ss guess 4. Listen.Then practice with a Stick the picture SS guess partner. Have Ss guess the answers They are students - Who are they? They are going to - Where are they going? school - How do they go to school? Present the new words They go to school by - Is it far from their house to their bike school? * Vocabulary Elicit / Explanation Give the meaning of - bus stop (n) them - far (adj) - meter (n) - kilometer (n) Introduce the lesson and Listen and take notes - how far explain how to use the * Structures structure How far is it from your house to school? Take notes It’s not far- about one kilometer. Give example - How do you go to school? By bike. Activity 3. Practice( 10 ms) 12
  4. Week: 02 Date of planning: Period: 06 Unit 1: BACK TO SCHOOL B. Name and Addresses (B6-7) I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude a. Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ss will have a chance to know about asking and talking about transportation and distances. Practice in listening, writing and speaking skills for details about asking , transportation and distances. b. Skills: Listening, writing and speaking. c. Attitude: Asking transportation and distances. 2. Competences - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: * Teacher: textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, Cassette, tape, . * Students: textbooks, extra boards, III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2. Checking old lesson: Have Ss go to the board and write some words. (bus stop , far, meter, kilometer, how far) (3ms) 3. New lesson : Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content Activity1: Warm-up (5ms) T asks Ss to practice asking and answering the same dialogue * Questions - What is your name? Ask Ss questions Do as teacher ask - Where do you live? - How far is it from your house Give feedback and mark Answers to school? - How do you go to school? Activity 2. Presentation (10ms) Helping ss stick the picture Have Ss guess some places Look at and tick the - Is Lan’s house near / far from 14
  5. friends. their friends and talk by It’s from to Have Ss work in pairs Work in pairs *Work with a parner ( HSYK) Evaluate Present before class How far is it from to .? 4. Homework: (1m) - Aim: Help Ss remember the knowledge. - T: Have Ss write some new words and how to ask and talk about transportation and distances. - Ss : recess, stamp, center, take, the bus, letter. - Ss prepare Unit 2: (A1-A3). - T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. CHECK AND EVUATE TOPIC / LESSON: - T: How far is it from Lan’s house to school? - Ss: It’s about 300 meters. - T summarizes: Ss study hard. V. FEEDBACK: Week 02, Lưu Quang Thơ Week: 03 Date of planning: Period: 07 Unit 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION A . Telephone numbers ( A1-A3) I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: a. Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to improve their reading, listening and speaking skills, Ss can have a chance to know about personal information and give telephone directory. b. Skills: Reading, speaking and listening. c. Attitude: Ss know about personal information and telephone number. 2. Competences - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 16
  6. Helping Ss practice reading aloud the numbers 1. Read Let Ss work in pairs or Pairworks a. Dao Van An 7 345 610 groups, saying the 6 b. Pham Viet Anh 8 269 561 numbers (one says the Work in pairs or in c. Pham Thach Ba 5 267 117 subscriber’s name,the other groups d. Dinh Thi Bang 9 259 288 say his or her number) e. Vu Thanh Bat 6 275 564 f. Bui Ngoc Bich 8 231 236 Ask Ss to translate the topic Listen Play the tape 2. Listen and write the Have Ss write the telephone Write telephone numbers numbers a) 8 251 645 Have Ss exchange the Exchange b) 8 250 541 answers c) 8 251 930 Play the tape again Listen again and check d) 8 351 793 Give feedback e) 8 821 652 Have Ss practice the Roleplay 3. Listen. Ask your dialouge in pairs classmate and complete the list. - What’s your name? Have Ss questions Answer - Where do you live? - What’s your telephone number? Ask Ss to complete the list Work in groups Name Address Telephone number Check and correct Write down Activity 4. Consolidation (5ms) Helping Ss to practice the same A3 *Free practice What’s your telephone Have Ss play games Pairworks number? -> . Have Group1 read the Play the game *Read the telephone telephone numbers and Groupwork numbers ( HSYK) Group2 read them again a. 8 546 733 b. 8 210 456 c. 8 378 114 18
  7. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content Activity 1: Warm-up (5ms) Helping Ss reminds old *Questions lesson Do as teacher ask - What is your telephone number? telephone number, - Do you remember Hoa’s T asks Ss some questions telephone directory, telephone number? Answer - Do you often talk to your friends on the phone? Activity 2. Presentation( 15ms) Helping ss pick out the * Questions person in the picture - Who are they? - What are they doing? - Are they talking on the Ask Ss questions Guess telephone? They are Phong and *New words Tam - tomorrow (adv) Play the tape They are calling - meet (v) Have Ss read the dialogue Answer - see a movie then find new words and *Stuctures structures THE FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE: - Will you be free tomorrow evening? Explain the structures Listen -> Yes, I will - We’ll meet in the front of the movie theater Have Ss copy down Do as teacher sak + Would you like to see a movie? + Don’t be late Take note + Let’s meet at Activity 3.Practice ( 15ms) Helping ss practice the dialogue Ask some pairs to role- Practice 4. Listen and read. Then answer play in front of class the questions Let Ss read the dialogue Role – play a. Phong and Tam . again and answer the b. They will a movie. questions Ask and answer the c. They will meet at 6.45 Check and correct questions d. They will meet in font of the movie theater. Give the right answer Take note Activity 4. Consolidation (5ms) Helping Ss answers the * Practice with a parner 20
  8. - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: * Teacher: textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, Cassette, tape, . * Students: textbooks, extra boards, III. PROCEDURES:: 1. Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2. Checking old lesson: Have Ss go to the board and write some words: tomorrow, meet, see a movie or What’s your telephone number? ( 3ms) 3. New lesson: Teacher’activities Students’ activities Content Activity 1: Warm-up (5ms) Helping Ss reminds old lesson *Questions T asks Ss some questions -Who will meet tomorrow? -What will they do? Ask Ss to read the dialogue Answer -What time will they meet? (A4) and the questions -Where will they meet? Check Read and answer -What will you do Ask Ss the question tomorrow? Give mark Answer Activity 2. Presentation ( 10ms) Helping ss pisck out the people in the picture *Questions - Who is calling? Present the new words Look at - Who is mentioned in the Han and phong are conversation? calling *Vocabulary Answer - to be out Elicit / Explanation Give the meaning of them - to be back Take notes - speak(v) - tell(v) *Structures - Can I speak to Lan? Explain the structures Remember - When will she be back? -> She’ll be back at about Take notes 6 o’clock. Activity 3. Practice ( 20ms) 22
  9. - Ss : Newwords: to be out,to be back,speak,tell - Ss prepare Unit 2: (B1-B3). - T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. CHECK AND EVALUATE TOPIC / LESSON: - T: When will you come back ? - Ss : I will come back at - T summarizes: Ss study hard V. FEEDBACK: . Week 03, . . . . . Lưu Quang Thơ 24