Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 14 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


                                                          Skills 2 


     1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able tolisten for specific information different traditional food and write about some popular food or drinks.

b. Skills:   speaking  and  reading  

c. Attitude:  love the subject

      2. Competences:

- Self-study ability; 

- Communicative ability

- Co-operative ability;

- Problem solving and creation ability.


1. Teacher: Textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, cassette tape.

2. Students: Textbooks, extra boards ,….


1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

2. Checking up:   (3ms)

           Make questions with “How much” or “How many” and the cues given.

          1. water/ you/ drink/ every day?

doc 9 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 2240
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  1. 1- Bánh Tom – Hanoi 2- Soup lươn – nghệ An Activity 2: Presentation 3- Mì quảng – Da Nang (5ms) Helping Ss get the name Work in groups to list What are the traditional food or of traditional food and the name of traditional drink in your village/town/city? drink food and drink Which one is the most popular? Ask Ss about traditional Bánh xèo What are the ingredients for it? food and drink where they Bún mắn live: Chả giò Activity 3: Practice (25ms) Helping practice listening comprehension and writing - Ask Ss to read the Read the instruction instruction carefully and carefully and remind them remind them to remember to remember the names of the names of three place three place and three and three dishes dishes mentioned in the mentioned in the conversation they are conversation they are going to listen. going to listen. Work in pairs to discuss - Play the recording for Ss the answers from the to do the task. Get 2 Ss to information they have write the answer on the listened to in board. Stick the correct items as they listen. Ss can Ask Ss to make notes share their answers with about some popular foods their partners. or drinks where they live. Make notes about some popular foods or drinks where they live. Set up the writing activity. Remind Ss that Write a draft first. Then the first and most have them write their important thing is always final version in class or to think about what they at home. are going to write. In this tea bags (You can use any kind case, Ss do not have to tea bags (You can use of tea you love: lotus tea, Lipton think of so many ideas any kind of tea you love: lotus
  2. Week: 14 Date of planning: 30/11/ 2020 Period : 41 Unit 5: VIETNAMESE FOOD AND DRINK Looking back & project I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to revise and make the use of all the target knowledge in unit 5. b. Skills: writing and reading c. Attitude: love the subject 2. Competences: - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: Textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, cassette tape. 2. Students: Textbooks, extra boards , . III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2. Checking up: (3ms) Make questions with “How much” or “How many” and the cues given. 1. money/ you/ have/ in your bag or pocket? ___ 2. subjects/ you/ study/ at school? ___ 3. New lesson: Teacher’ activities Students’activities Contents Activity 1: Warm up. Vocabulary: (10ms) Helping Ss reveiw Add words/phrases you the vocabulary have learnt to the columns: Give feedback Dishes Ingredients Measureme- nt phrases Ask Ss to work Work individually to do Omelette, Shrimp, A kilo, a individually to do exercises. Compare the pancake, salt, slice, a can, exercises. answers with a partner. beef cooking a bottle, a noodle oil, flour, bar, a glass, Have Ss compare the soup, pork, a bag, answers with a partner. rice, pork, turmeric, meat, pepper, Ask Ss to read the tofu, egg, sentences carefully and Read the sentences tofu, . complete them with the carefully and complete
  3. Check with whole class. Complete the 4C Get Ss to practise the conversation individually conversation with their partners Activity 4: Consolidation • Project (5ms) Choose one of your favourite Helping Ss talk about dishes and write a recipe for it. favourite dishes Talk about their (Ss write at home Get Ss to talk about their favourite dishes and write favourite dishes and write a a recipe for it. recipe for it. 4. Homework: (1m) - Aim: Help Ss remind how to make the use of all the target knowledge in unit5 - T: Has Ss copy all the exercises on the notebooks - Ss: Prepare Unit 6: (Getting started). Write about what they know about Vietnam (Talk about the weather, natural wonders and travelling). - T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. CHECK AND EVALUATE TOPIC/ LESSON: - T: How often do you eat/ drink ? - S: I usually eat/ drink - T summarizes: Ss study hard. V. FEEDBACK: Week: 14 Date of planning: 30/11/2020 Period : 42 Unit 6 : THE FIRST UNVERSITY IN VIET NAM Getting started I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic "The first university in Vietnam". b. Skills: speaking and reading c. Attitude: love the subject
  4. Activity 3: Practice (29ms) Help Ss get the contents of the lesson a. Comprehension questions: 1. She’s going to visit the Ask Ss to answer the Work in airs to answer Temple of Literature – the questions in pairs. the questions in pairs. Imperial Academy. Compare the answers in Compare the answers in 2. It’s the first university in groups then discuss as a groups then discuss as a Vietnam. class. th class. 3. In the 11 century. Write correct answers on Guess the answer: 4. In the center of Hanoi. the board if necessary. 5. Because it will be cold Do the task individually. 1. She’s going to visit b. Complete the table the Temple ò Literature. Things Mai needs to Things Mai doesn’t Compare in pairs. take and reasons why need to take and reasons why not Check as a class. Warm clothes – will be An umbrella – not 2. It’s the first cold much sunlight or rain Camera- take photos of Ask Ss to tell their university in VN. interesting things partners three items they would like to take and . 2. Imagine that you are going give the reasons why. Ss Do the task individually to take a trip to a may use the given temple or a pagoda structure or the example. Use the suggested a. Tick the items you would like Take one S to suggest a information in the table to take with you. place he/she wants to go, and the questions and and one student to give answers in the example. b. Work in pairs. advice about things to Guess the answer: c. Work in pairs. Give advice take, then give reasons. - You’d better because You’d better because Ask Ss to write the information in the table It’s a good idea to - It’s a good idea to take take - You won’t need . - It’s not necessary to take . Activity 4: Consolidation . (4ms) 3. Work in groups Helping Ss talk about Example: where they will go A: Where will we go? sk Ss to ask and answer Work in groups. B: We’ll go to Huong Pagoda. the questions in groups Ask and answer questions about how to plan a trip about how to make Where to go Huong Pagoda to a place. arrangements for the trip. When to go Who to go with Ask Ss to work in groups. Then fill in the table How to get there What to take