Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 15 - Cao Văn Đạm



I. Objectives

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about Tim’s Parents ‘job and the time they work in aweek .

- Skills: Listening, reading, speaking and writing.

- Attitude: Positive about Tim’s Parents ‘job and the time they work in aweek .

                 Students know how to learn English in the right way.

2. Competence and quality

- Self- study ability;

- Communicative ability;

Co-operative ability;

- Problem solving and creation ability.

II. Preparation 

- Teacher: Lesson plan, text book,cassete tape and player... 

- Students: Textbooks, notebooks, pen, ruler.

III. Procedures     

1. Class organization ( 1’)

Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date 

2. Checking the previous lesson ( 2’)

doc 8 trang Hải Anh 19/07/2023 1060
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 15 - Cao Văn Đạm

  1. -Explain some new words or -Listen and write look after phrases : -Guess meanings , + To work part – time read newwords in +Mechanic ( n ) chorus and + Machine ( n ) -Checking technique : Play a individually, then + Shift ( n ) game : copy down + Homeless ( adj ) What and where -Play a game : what *Ordering the main ideas : and where . a. Mr Jones’s work . -Ordering the main ideas : -Predict the order of b. Tim’s introduction of his Ask Ss to predict the order the main ideas . family. of the main ideas c. Mr Jones’s vacation -Have Ss work in pairs . -Work in pairs time . -Call on some pairs to give -Give the d. Mrs. Jones’s work . their predictions in front of predictions . 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c the class. Activity 3. Practice (25’) Aim: Help Ss practice about Tim’s Parents ‘job -Ask Ss to look at the book -Look at the book * Answers and listen to the tape . and listen to the a/ Mrs. Jones works at home . tape But three mornings a week she -Ask Ss to read the letter -Read the letter and works part – time at a local then check their predictions. check the prediction supermarket. -Call on some Ss to give the -Give the answers b/ She cooks for homeless answers in front of the class people once a week . -Correct and give the correct c/ Mr. Jones is a mechanic . He answers repairs machines in a factory . -Call some Ss to read the -Read the letter in d/ He works about 40 hours a letter in front of the class front of the class. week -Correct the pronunciation . e/ The Jones family always goes -Have Ss work in pairs -Work in pairs to Florida on vacation . They asking and answering the have a great time there . questions in the book . -Call on some pairs to -Practice in front of practice in front of the class. the class . -Correct the mistakes and -Copy down. give the correct answers : Activity 4. consolidation (3’) Aim: Help Ss practice about their own family - Ask ss some questions - Answer - What does your father do? - Where does he work?
  2. 2. Checking the previous lesson ( 2’) 3. New lesson Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Content Activity 1. Warm up (5’) Aim: Help Ss practice + How many people are there in asking and answering Tim’s family ? previous leson + What does his mother/ father -Ask students somes - Answer do ? questions about Tim and his family . - Check and give feedback - Copy the answer Activity 2. Presentation (7’) Aim: Help Ss scan new words and practice _ Ask Ss to look at the _ Listen to the -Can you guess what the man picture answer the question : teacher . does ? _ Introduce the situation of _Listen and write . -What are the daily duties of a the lesson . Guess the meaning , farmer ? _ Explain some new words read new words in * New words to Ss. chorus and + To feed ( v ) : individually , then + To rest ( v ) : copy down. + Main crop ( n) : Checking technique : Rub -Play game + Buffalo shed ( n ) : out and remember. + Chicken coop ( n ) : Activity 3. Practice (25’) + Real ( adj ) : Aim: Help Ss practice about Hoa’s father - give some questions about - Guess the answers Mr. Tuan and ask Ss to guess the answers . * Predict questions - Call some Ss to give their - Give the + Does Mr. Tuan work more prediction . prediction . hours than Tim’s father ? - Ask Ss to read the text - Read the text and + What time does he start work ? about Mr. Tuan then check check the + What time does his work finish their predictions . predictions . ? - Call on some Ss to give the - Give the answers + How many vacations does Mr. answers Tuan have ? -Call some Ss to read the - read the text aloud text aloud . - Correct the pronunciation . -Read the text about -Ask Ss to read the text Mr. Tuan and the about Mr. Tuan again and letter then make
  3. ( oral check) - T: Ask Ss to tell the main content of the lesson. - Ss: Tell the main content of the lesson - T: Give the comments V. Feedback Date of planning Period 45 Week 15 UNIT 8: PLACES A. Asking the way ( A1,2 ) I. Objectives 1. Knowledge, skills, attitude - Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer the way to the places. - Skills: Listening, reading, speaking and writing. - Attitude: Positive about asking and answering the way to the places. Students know how to learn English in the right way. 2. Competence and quality - Self- study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. Preparation - Teacher: Lesson plan, text book,cassete tape and player - Students: Textbooks, notebooks, pen, ruler. III. Procedures 1. Class organization ( 1’) Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date 2. Checking the previous lesson ( 2’) 3. New lesson Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Content Activity 1. Warm up (5’) BKAN LOIPHATS Aim: Help Ss remind TOHEL vocabulary NSTOAIT TAMREK - Have Ss play a game : - Play games TOSP FEIFCO Jumbled words *BANK, HOSPITAL,HOTEL, - Correct the mistake and - Copy the answer STATION, MARKET, POST give the correct answer OFFICE
  4. - Correct the mistake if - Take note necessary. Activity 4. consolidation (3’) Aim: Help Ss practice about Mr. Tuan and their own family - Ask Ss to practice asking - Answer - Could you show me the way to and answering the way to ? the places in their Go straight ahead . . neighborhood . Turn left/right - Could you show me how to get - Have some pair role play - Role play before to ? before class class Go straight ahead . . - Check and give feedback - Take note Turn left/right 4. Homework (1’) - Learn by heart new words & structures. - Write the answers in the notebooks - Prepare Unit 8 (A3-A4) page 81,82. IV. Check and evaluate (1’) ( oral check) - T: Ask Ss to tell the main content of the lesson. - Ss: Tell the main content of the lesson - T: Give the comments V. Feedback Tổ trưởng Duyệt tuần 15 ./ /2019 Cao Văn Đạm