Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 15 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


     1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able  to pronouce correctly the sounds /tʃ / and /dʒ /  in  isolation and in context; Use the lexical items related to the topic “The first university in Vietnam”.

b. Skills:   speaking  and  reading  

c. Attitude:  love the subject

      2. Competences:

- Self-study ability

- Communicative ability

- Co-operative ability

- Problem solving and creation ability.


1. Teacher: Textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, cassette tape.

2. Students: Textbooks, extra boards ,….


1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

2. Checking up:  Have Ss write some words: Imperial Academy, found, locate, consider,…… (4ms)

          3. New lesson:


doc 10 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1660
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  1. 1-d 2-c 3-e 4-b 5-a Have them match the names with the pictures. Do the task individually. Corect as a class. Ask Ss to look at the layout and guess the Guess the answer: names of five sections 1-d 2-c 3-e 4-b 5-a 1. Van Mieu Gate (1-5) in the layout. Give the descriptions of 2. Khue Van Pavilion Play the recording the layout for the class. 3. Thien Quang Tinh Well twice Guess the answer: 4. Doctor’s stone tablets Play the recording 5. The Temple of Literature the third time for Ss 1. Van Mieu Gate to check the answers 2. Khue Cac Pivilion Ask some Ss to give the descriptions of the layout . for the class. Copy down Activity 3: Practice (20 ms) Helping practice sounding out the sounds / tʃ / and /dʒ / Repeat , paying Play the recording and attention to the sounds / tʃ / : Children, chair, Ss repeat, paying /tʃ / and /dʒ / architectural, cultural, watch, attention to the sounds teach, /tʃ / and /dʒ / . /dʒ/ : Job, jeans, engineer, pause the recording to Listen and repeat the her tage, village drill difficult items chant sentence by Play the recording twice. sentence First, allow Ss to listen and repeat the chant sentence by sentence. Ask them to observe the T’s lip positions for the two sounds /tʃ / and /dʒ / . Then ask them to sing Sing the chants in pairs. the chants in pairs. Activity 4: Consolidation (5ms)
  2. c. Attitude: love the subject 2. Competences: - Self-study ability - Communicative ability - Co-operative ability - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: Textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, cassette tape. 2. Students: Textbooks, extra boards , . III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2. Checking up: (3ms) Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. 1. The students of the Imperial Academy were (brilliant ) 2. When you come to Ha Noi, don’t forget to buy in local markets.( souvenirs) 3.The first Doctors’ stone tablets were in 1484. put /set up) 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’activities Contents Activity 1: Warm up. (4ms) Helping Ss get new words *Vocabulary: relic (n): di vật, di tích Present some new words. Listen to and repeat precious (adj): có giá trị construct (v) : xây dựng Check: Matching R0R erect (v): xây dựng, dựng lên consist of (v): bao gồm regard (v): đánh giá Activity 2: Presentation (5ms) Helping Ss get how to use passive voice in present Ask Ss to look at the table Look at the table and explain how the present and listen to how the present simple simple passive is used and passive is used and how it is formed how it is formed Get Ss to read the sentence Read the sentence in the Look out box to have in the Look out box a better understanding of to have a better the passive voice. understanding of the passive voice. Activity 3: Practice (27
  3. Ask Ss to make sentences Work in groups to 3. were 4. regarded in the present and past put the parts of the 5. renamed passive voice about the passage below in the places given correct order. 5. put the parts of the passage D-C-A-B below in the correct order Make sentences in Key: D-C-A-B Evaluate the present and past 6. Can ou make sentences in the passive voice about present and past passive voice the places given about the places below. 1. Hung king’s 1. Hung king’sTemple was visited Corect Temple was visited Hung king’sTemple is located Hung in Phu Tho. Give the feedback king’sTemple is 2. Ha Long Bay was visited located in Phu Tho Ha Long Bay is located in 2. Ha Long Bay 3. Huong Pagoda was visited 4. Hue Imperial City 4. Homework: (1m) - Aim: Help Ss remind how to use the passive voice to emphasise actions or events. - T: Has Ss copy all the exercises on the notebooks - Ss: Prepare for the next lesson “ Revision”. Do exercise B4, B5, B6 (p.44, 45) Workbook - T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. CHECK AND EVALUATE TOPIC/ LESSON: - T: What’ s the first university in VN ? - S : Temple of Literature - T summarizes: Ss study hard V. FEEDBACK: Week: 15 Date of planning: 07/12/2020 Period : 45 REVISION I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to review the language they have learnt include: pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar they have learnt
  4. verbs of liking liking 1. Do you fancy ___ out this evening? Do individually 2. I like ___tennis at the weekend. Guess the answer: 3. Jim enjoys___photos of 1. going himself and his friends. 2. playing 4. Ann’s father doesn’t like ___ ice Have Ss do 3. taking hockey on TV. individually 4. watching 5. My mother hates ___, so we eat 5. cooking out every often. 6. making 6. Do you like ___ pottery? 7. tidying 7. She dislikes __ her room every day. Give feedback 8. reading 8. My niece loves ___ adventure books. 9. waiting 9. I can’t stand ___ for buses in the rain. 10. flying 10. They detest ___, so they usually travel by train or coach. Ask Ss to retell the Retell the form and II. Put the verbs in brackets into the form and using of the using of the present Present Simple. present simple tense simple tense 1. I ___ (not visit) my parents very often. Guess the answer: 2. ___ (Mai/ go) to school every day? 1. don’t visit No, she (go) ___ to school from 2. Does Mai go/ Monday to Friday. goes 3. The teachers at our school ___ 3. give (give) us lots of homework. Have Ss do 4. plays - doesn’t 4. My brother ___ (play) tennis, individually like but he ___ (not like) it. 5. do they go 5. How often___ (they/ go) jogging? 6. don’t study - is 6. We (not study) ___ chemistry 7. Do your parents because it ___ (be) difficult. watch 7. ___ (your parents/ watch) TV every 8. does night? 9. use 8. Mark’s class ___(do) sport on Give feedback 10. doesn’t usually Monday and Wednesday. play 9. Children often ___ (use) a computer for school work. Correct 10.Mike ___(usually/ not play) computer games during the week. III. Arrange the words to make Have Ss work in Arrange the words sentences. groups to complete Guess the answer: 1. cold/ I/ sore throat/ love/ a/ drinks/ but/ sentences. 1. I love cold have/ I. drinks, but I have a 2. Jim/ overweight/ so/ eats/ is/ fast food/ sore throat. too much/ he. 2. Jim eats too 3. too much/ bad/ television/ watching/ for/