Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 17 - Cao Văn Đạm


B. At the post office ( B4-5 )

I. Objectives

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to to understand about prices.

- Skills: Listening, reading, speaking and writing.

- Attitude: Positive about about prices.

                 Students know how to learn English in the right way.

2. Competence and quality

- Self- study ability;

- Communicative ability;

Co-operative ability;

- Problem solving and creation ability.

II. Preparation 

- Teacher: Lesson plan, text book,cassete tape and player... 

- Students: Textbooks, notebooks, pen, ruler.

III. Procedures     

1. Class organization ( 1’)

Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date 

2. Checking the previous lesson ( 2’)

3. New lesson

doc 12 trang Hải Anh 19/07/2023 1060
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  1. items and have ss name -Some pairs -The total cost is 59000 dong them. perform before -She will have 1000 dong in - Multiple choice class(B4). change. Activity 3. Practice (25’) Aim: Help Ss practice about price 5.Answer the questions. - Play the tape twice. - Listen a. It is dong to - Get answers. - Pair work :ask and mail a local letter in VN. - Correct: play tape the third answer the b. A letter to America is (stop at keys). following dong. questions.(B5) c. The post office sells - Have ss listen and answer - Listen and answer telephone, phone cards, the questions. the questions. envelopes, etc, apart from -Teacher corrects the false - Copy down stamps. sentences. d. No, I don’t. Activity 4. consolidation (3’) Aim: Help Ss practice asking for and giving the How much ? questions What do you want from post - Ask ss some questions - Answer office? Do you write someone - Have ss give the answer on - Give the answer oversea? the board on the board How often do you go to the - Check and give feedback. - Copy the answer postoffice? 4. Homework (1’) - Write the answers in the notebooks - Prepare Review for the first semester test. IV. Check and evaluate (1’) ( oral check) - T: Ask Ss to tell the main content of the lesson. - Ss: Tell the main content of the lesson - T: Give the comments V. Feedback Date of planning . Period 50-54 Week 17-18 REVISION I. Objectives
  2. + Dấu hiệu nhận biết: Thường đi kèm với các trạng từ như: always, usually, often, sometimes, every day, every morning II. The present progressive tense: Hiện tại tiếp diễn 1. Form: S + am / is / are + V- ing + . Ex: I am teaching English. She is playing computer games. 2. Use: Diễn tả một hành động hoặc sự việc đang xảy ra ở hiện tại. + Dấu hiệu nhận biết: Trong câu thường có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian như now (bây giờ), at present, at the moment (hiện giờ, vào lúc này) thường nằm ở cuối câu. Các động từ nhằm tập trung sự chú ý như: Listen! Look! đứng đầu câu. Ex: The farmers are working in the fields now. EX: T: What are you doing? S: I am walking to school? T: What is he doing? S: He is driving his car III. SIMPLE FUTURE Ex: I will go to Nha trang next week. She will stay at home tomorrow. *Form: S + will + Inf * Cues: tomorrow, next , IV. Comparatives and superlatives: a. Comparatives: Tính từ ngắn: S + be + adj + er + than I am taller than Tuan. Tính từ dài: S + be + more + adj + than My school is more beautiful than your school. b. Superlatives: Tính từ ngắn: S + be + the + adj + est He is the tallest in his class. Tính từ dài: S + be + the most + adj My school is the most beautiful. c. Một số từ so sánh bất qui tắc: • good / well better the best • bad worse the worst V. Suggestions/ Invitations: • Why don’t we+ V-inf ? • Let’s + V-inf • What about + V-ing ? • How about + V-ing ? • Would like + to-inf
  3. A. am B. is C. are D. to be 7. After school, Tuan home by walks everyday. A. go B. goes C. will go D. to go 8. I my grandmother next Sunday. A. visit B. will visit C. visits D. to visit Task 2. Match the questions in column A with the correct answers in column B. A B 0. Who is Hoa talking to? A. It is under the table. 1. Where is my dog? B. It’s about 48 kilometers 2. How far is it from Chu Chi to Bac Lieu? C. She is talking to Miss Lien. 3. What does your father do? D. They go to school by Bike. 4. How do they go to school? E. He is an engineer. 0-C 1.___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ III. READING: Hello, we are Minh and Phuong. We are from Dong Nai. Many things in Ho Chi Minh city are new and strange to us. We know the way to our school but we must ask the. Way to other places such as post offices, cinemas, parks The people here are very nine. They always show us the way to the places we need to come. We live with our aunt in an apartment near the Ben Thanh market. It is about one kilometer from our aunt’s apartinent to our school and we can get to our school in fifteen minutes on foot . We are very happy to live and learn in this city. Task 1. Read and Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. 1. Minh and Phuong are from A. Bac Lieu B. Dong Nai C. Ca Mau D. HCM city 2. They know to go to their school. A. what B. which C. how D. who 3. They live with their in an apartment. A. father B. mother C. uncle D. aunt 4. It takes about . To go to school on foot A. thirty minutes B. twenty minutes C. fifteen minutes D. ten minutes Task 2. Answer the questions. 1. Where are Minh and Phuong from ? 2. Are many things in Ho Chi minh city new and strange to them? 3. Where do they live ?
  4. 2. I usually my friends. 3. Oh, yes. I play for the school team. 4. Yes, maybe I will. I enjoy volleyball. II. USE OF ENGLISH: Task 1. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. 1. They . English tomorrow. A. will study B. studies C. are studying D. to study 2. Should we table tennis? – I’m sorry. I can’t. A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play 3. What about to the cafeteria ? A. go B. going C. goes D. to go 4. Hoa TV at the moment. A. watch B. watches C. are watching D. is watching 5. Why don’t we volleyball. - Ok A. play B. playing C. plays D. to play 6. In , we study different countries and their people . A. math B. music C. chemistry D. geography 7. Nga always the piano after school. A. practices B. practice C. to practice D. practicing 8. Would you like . some oranges ? - I’d love to A. get B. to get C. getting D. gets Task 2. Match the questions in column A with the correct answers in column B. A B 1.When do we have Math? a. My favorite subject is English. 2. What is your favorite subject? b. I play chess. 3. What is Ba? c. He’s in the kitchen. 4. What do you usually do at recess? d. We have Math on Wednesday 1. 2. 3. 4. III READING. His name is Hung. He often has four classes in the morning. After each class he has a five – minute break. This time is very important. He is very happy and excited. He can meet his friend and has fun. During the recess, the yard and classroom are very noisy. He likes Math, English, Literature, History, Physics and Computer science but his favorite subject is math. He studies about the graphs, equations and calculator in his math classes. In English classes, he learns how to listen, speak, read and write. He practices speaking English with his friends and his teacher every day. Task 1. Read and Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
  5. 6. Everest/ high moutain/ world. 7. He/ good player/ team. MORE EXERCISES Task 1. Reorder the words or phrases to make meaningful sentences. 1/ always/ class/ time/ we/ to/ come/ on. → 2/ hours/ week/ often/ does/ how/ he/ many/ a/ work? → 3/ not/ American/ uniforms/ do/ usually/ school/ wear/ students. → 4/ 10:00/ at/ Wednesday/ Science/ Nam/ class/ on/ has. → 5/ interesting/ I/ because/ Math/ it/ like/ is. → 6/ like/ what/ does/ subject/ best/ Tom? → 7/ you/ work/ to/ want/ we/ with. → 8/ Know/ you/ do/ likes/ he/ how/ meat? → 9/ There/ excuse/ a/!/ post/ is/ me/ near/ office/ here? → 10/ That/ you/ the/ ,/ want/ is/ post/ letter/ to/ Mai? → 11/ Is/ interested/ Mai/ experiments/ doing/ in. → 12/ him/ tell/ I'll/ please/ call/ after/ 5/ again. → 13/ Huong/ be/ November 20th/ ,/ twelve/ on/ will/ Saturday. → 14. number / phone / what / her / is ? 15. museum / meet / in / well / Ho Chi Minh / of / front. 16. tomorrow / free / you / will / be ?
  6. 3. What is your date of birth ? 4. How old will you be on your next birthday? II. Kết hợp A với B sao cho phù hợp: A B 1. What are you doing? a. I’m going to get a job. 2. What do you usually do after school? b. I often watch TV. 3. What should I do to have a good health? c. Twenty minutes a day. 4. Why don’t you take a rest? You look tired. d. Yes, may be I will. 5. What sport does your brother like doing? e. You should take physical exercises. 6. What are you going to do after the course? f. That’s a good idea. Let’s buy some food 7. Should we go to the beach? It’s a beautiful and drinks. day. g. I’m playing the guitar. 8. How often does he play video games? h. My brother likes playing soccer. * Answer: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ;5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 4. Homework (1’) -Ss. learn the lesson by heart. -Ss. copy the answers in the notebook. -Ss review for the first semester test. IV. Check and evaluate (1’) ( oral check) - T: Ask Ss to tell the main content of the lesson. - Ss: Tell the main content of the lesson - T: Give the comments V. Feedback Tổ trưởng Duyệt tuần 17-18 ./ /2019 Cao Văn Đạm