Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 18 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


( Looking back & project )


     1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to get to revise and make the use of  all the target knowledge in unit 6.

- Know how to creat a brochure about one of the most famous tourist sites in the community.

b. Skills: Speaking  and  reading. 

c. Attitude: Love the first university in VN.

     2. Competences:

- Self-study ability

- Communicative ability

- Co-operative ability

- Problem solving and creation ability.


1. Teacher: Textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, cassette tape.

2. Students: Textbooks, extra boards ,….


1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

2. Checking up:    

          3. New lesson:

doc 9 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1940
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  1. Guess the answer: 1. considered, started Activity 2: Presentation 1. considered, started 2. named (13ms) 2. named 3. spoken Helping Ss review the 3. spoken 4. located passive form 5. recognised Ask Ss to work Work individually to II. Grammar individually to do complete the sentences. 3. Change sentences exercises. 3. Tickets are sold at the gate of the tourist site. 4. A lot of flowers are grown in Da Ask Ss to compare their Work individually to do Lat. answer with their partner exercises. 5. The Hung King’s Temple is Guess the answer: visited by thousands of people 1. Tickets are sold at every day. the gate of the tourist 6. Many beautiful Cham Towers Check and gives site. can be seen by tourists in Binh feedback. 2. A lot of flowers are Duong Province. grown in Da Lat. 7. Many kinds of goods can be bought by tourists in Ben Thanh Market. Ss work individually to 4. Change sentences do exercises. Work individually to do 3. They built One pillar Pagoda exercises. under Emperor Ly Thai Tong in Asks Ss to compare their Guess the answer: 1049. answer with their partner 1. They built One pillar 4. They constructed the Imperial Check and gives Pagoda under Academy under Emperor Ly feedback Emperor Ly Thai Nhan Tong in 1076. Tong in 1049. 5. They ordered the erection of the Activity 3: Practice (15 2. They constructed the first Doctors’ stone tablet under ms) Imperial Academy King Le Thanh Tong. Helping practice under Emperor Ly 6. They built Tan Ky House in Hoi speaking Nhan Tong in 1076. An two centuries ago. . 7. They completed the construction of Tu Duc Tomb in 1876. In pairs, have Ss ask and Compare their answer III. Communication answer questions about with their partner 5.Work in pairs. Ask and answers the Temple of Literature questions about the Temple of – the Imperial Academy, Literature using the information in In pairs, ask and answer Where is the Temple of Literature? the table. questions about the Wherehare tickets sold? Temple of Literature What can we see there?
  2. b. Skills: listening and writing c. Attitude: love the subject 2. Competences: - Self-study ability - Communicative ability - Co-operative ability - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: Textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, cassette tape. 2. Students: Textbooks, extra boards , . III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2. Checking up: (3ms) Complete the questions with How much or How many. 1. ___ water do you drink every day? How much 2. ___cups of coffee does your father drink every day? How many 3. ___ red meat do you eat every week? How much 4. ___ bread do you eat every day? How much 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’activities Contents 1. Activity 1: Warm up.(4ms) Helping Ss review the sounds/ i/, /i:/, /t/, /st/ /s/ Tell Ss the first tongue Listen to the recording A. Pronuciation: twister for practising the and practise: 1. Cicle A, B,c, or D to sounds/ i/ and /i:/, the + individually show whole underlined second sounds /t/and /st/ + in pairs part and the thirt sounds /s/ 1.D 2. B 3. C Play the tape 4.B 5. C 1.D 2. B 3. C Have Ss practise 4.B 5. C individually, in pairs Activity 2: Presentation (5ms) Helping Ss review the vocabulary Play in groups - music B. Vocabulary Ask Ss to do this - food - music - art exercise individually and - food - Drink - art
  3. same as hers. 1. The song Auld Lang . Syne is sung Rewrite the sentences in 2. Viet Nam’s anthem passive Tien Quan Ca was composed 1. The song Auld Lang Get Ss to write down on 3. Water puppertry was Syne is sung their board. performed 2. Viet Nam’s anthem 4. A lot of meat was Tien Quan Ca was bought composed 5. rice noodle are make . Activity 4: from Consolidation (4ms) Helping Ss write a few sentences to describe pictures Work in pairs to 6. Complete Asks Ss to work in pairs complete conversation conversation with the to complete conversation with the questions in the questions in the box. Act with the questions in the box. Act them out with them out with your box. your partner. Guess the answer: 1. C, 1- C 2- E Act them out with your 2. E, 3. A, 4. B, 5. D 3- A 4- B 5- D 4. Homework: (1m) - Aim: Help Ss remind how to relate to the topic "Music and arts". - T: Has Ss copy all the exercises on the notebooks - Ss : Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 5 Do the “Test yourself 2”: Exercise 1- 8 (P.48- 51 WB) - T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. CHECK AND EVALUATE TOPIC/ LESSON: - T: what are the sounds you have learnt? S : they are : / i/, /i:/, /t/, /st/ /s/ - T summarizes: Ss study hard. V. FEEDBACK: Week: 18 Date of planning: 25/12/2020
  4. plan Have Ss work in pairs, Work in pairs. Plan a B. Speaking asking and answering trip to place. Ask and 2. Work in pairs. Plan a trip questions with the answer questions about to place. Ask and answer suggestions. the following ideas. questions about the following Move around to help weaker ideas. You can use Will or Ss. Would like Work in groups taking Ask Ss to work in groups 3.Work in groups taking taking turns talking about turns talking about turns talking about arrangements for the trip arrangements for the trip arrangements for the trip. Activity 3: Practice (12 ms) Helping Ss listen comprehension Listen to the man talking Have Ss look at the C. Listening about his meal in a 4. listen to the man talking adjectives which the man restaurant and tick the uses to describe his meal in a about his meal in a restaurant adj you hear restaurant. and tick the adj you hear. Play the recording for Ss to Guess the answer: great, KEY : great, sweet, tasty, do the task. sweet, tasty, fresh, fresh, delicious, good. delicious, good. 5. Listen again and complete Have Ss look at the manu, the menu. play the recording for Ss to Listen again and MENU complete the menu. complete the menu Appetizer Salad Main dish Fish, vegettables Activity 4: Consolidation Dessert An ice-cream (13ms) Drink A cup of tea Helping Ss write the D. Writing instructions of how to cook a 6. Look at the pictures below. mushroom omelette. Write the instructions of how to cook a mushroom omelette. Set up the writing activity First T: Always think about what Second you are going to write. You Look at the pictures Next should use : first, next, then, below. After that after that, finally Write the instructions of Finally how to cook a mushroom