Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 23 - Cao Văn Đạm


B- A bad toothache ( B1-B2 )

I. Objectives

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about a visit to the dentist .

- Skills: Listening, reading, speaking and writing.

- Attitude: Positive about a visit to the dentist .

                 Students know how to learn English in the right way.

2. Competence and quality

- Self- study ability;

- Communicative ability;

Co-operative ability;

- Problem solving and creation ability.

II. Preparation 

- Teacher: Lesson plan, text book,extra-boards, cassette tape... 

- Students: Textbooks, notebooks, pen, ruler.

III. Procedures     

1. Class organization ( 1’)

Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date 

2. Checking the previous lesson ( 2’)

3. New lesson 

doc 8 trang Hải Anh 19/07/2023 1460
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 23 - Cao Văn Đạm

  1. picture ? + To hurt ( v ) : -Introduce the situation of -Listen and write + Drill ( n ) : the lesson , then explain down . + To explain ( v ) : some new words to Ss . + To remind ( v ) : -Have Ss read new words in -Read new words, + Sensibly ( adv ) : chorus and individually . then copy down . + Surgery ( n ) : * Checking technique : Slap -Play a game : Slap + To smile ( v ) : the board . the board . + To notice ( v ) : Activity 3. Practice (25’) + Serious ( adj ) : Aim: Help Ss practice * Questions : about a visit dentist + What is Minh going to do at -Ask Ss to listen to the tape 10:30 ? and answer the questions : -Listen to the tape , +What happened to Hoa last -Play the tape for Ss . then find the week -Play the tape again and ask answers . + How did the doctor help Hoa Ss to read after the tape . -Read after the tape ? -Ask Ss to answer the * Lucky numbers questions above . - Answer the 1.Why did Hoa go to the dentist -Correct and give the correct questions . last week ? answers . -Listen . 2What is wrong with Minh ? -Have Ss work in pairs 3.LN reading the dialogue . -Work in pairs . 4.Does Minh like going to the -Call on some pairs to read dentist ?How do you know ? the dialogue in front of the -Practice in front of 5.Are you scared of seeing the class . the class . dentist ? -Correct their pronunciation. 6.LN -Ask Ss to read the dialogue 7.What did the dentist do with again and find out the -Read the dialogue Hoa’s toothache ? answers for the questions . again and find out 8.What did you do the last time -Have Ss work in pairs the answers . you had a bad toothache ? asking and answering the -Work in pairs . 9.LN questions . -Play a game in 10.How does Minh feel after -Have Ss play a game : groups . talking with Hoa ? -Demonstrate the result . -Write the answers * Answers -Ask Ss to write the answers in the notebooks . in the notebooks . Activity 4. Consolidation (3’) Aim: Help Ss develop reading and speaking skills - Have Ss play games - Play games - Let them practice asking - Practice asking
  2. III. Procedures 1. Class organization ( 1’) Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date 2. Checking the previous lesson ( 2’) 3. New lesson Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Content Activity 1. Warm up (5’) Aim: Help Ss practice previous lesson - Have Ss play a game : - Follow Networks Health and hygiene - Check and gie feedback - Take notes Activity 2.Presentation(7’) Aim: Help Ss practice about checking teeth -Ask Ss to look at the picture -Look at the 3.Listen and read . and answer the questions : picture and answer + What is the matter with Minh the questions . ? -Call on some Ss to give their -Give the answers . + How does he feel ? answers . + What is the doctor doing ? Activity 3. Practice (25’) + Why does that happen to Aim: Help Ss complete the Minh ? * Answer key: story -Look at the book Minh is very nervous and Dr -Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the Lai notices this . She smiles to and listen to the tape ( two tape . Minh and tells him not to worry times ) -Read the text in . She explains one of his teeth -Have Ss read the text in silent . has a cavity . He has to brush silent -Read the text them regularly . After Dr Lai -Call on some Ss to read the aloud . fills his tooth , Minh leaves . He text in front of the class . -Complete the is very pleased -Ask Ss to complete the story story with the with suitable words . suitable words . -Exchange the -Have Ss exchange the results result with the with their partners . partner . -Call on some Ss to give the -Give the answers answers in front of the class . in front of the class -Correct the mistakes then -Listen and write 4. Ask and answer questions give the answer key : down . with a partner . Use the words -Call on some Ss to read the -Read the story to help you . completed the story aloud .
  3. UNIT 11 KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY A . A check up (A1 ) I. Objectives 1. Knowledge, skills, attitude - Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the content of the dialogue and give the requests and the reponses. - Skills: Listening, reading, speaking and writing. - Attitude: Positive about giving the requests and the reponses. Students know how to learn English in the right way. 2. Competence and quality - Self- study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. Preparation - Teacher: Lesson plan, text book,extra-boards, cassette tape - Students: Textbooks, notebooks, pen, ruler. III. Procedures 1. Class organization ( 1’) Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date 2. Checking the previous lesson ( 2’) 3. New lesson Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Content Activity 1. Warm up (5’) Aim: Help Ss practice + Do you eat much candy ? previous lesson + Do you often eat ice- - Ask Ss some questions - Answer creams? + How often do you brush - Look at the picture your teeth ? - Check and give marks and answer the + If you have healthy teeth , questions . what should you do ? Activity 2.Presentation(7’) Aim: Help Ss scan the new * New words: words and structures + Medical check- up ( n ) : - Ask Ss to look at the picture - Listen to the teacher + Medical record ( n ) : and guess : Where are they ? + Height ( n ) : What are they doing ? + To measure ( v ) :
  4. questions 2 groups. - Check and give feedback. - Copy the answers Activity 4.Consolidation (3’) Aim: Help Ss develop reading and speaking skills - Ask Ss to use the structure : - Make the sentences. Would you + V ? - Summarize the Would you wait for a - Ask SS to summarize the dialogue about Hoa minute? dialogue about Hoa. - Copy the - Check and give feedback. summarize 4. Homework (1’) - Practice the lesson fluently. - Prepare Unit 11 ( A2-A3) page 108- 109. IV. Check and evaluate: (1’) ( oral check) - T: Ask Ss to tell the main content of the lesson. - Ss: Tell the main content of the lesson - T: Give the comments V. Feedback TT.DUYỆT TUẦN 23 Ngày ./ /20 . Cao Văn Đạm