Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 4 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


     1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

           a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use lexical items related to health issues and advice on healthy living; pronounce the sounds / f / and / v / correctly.

           b. Skill: Listening and writing.

           c. Attitude: Interested in health.

     2. Competences:

 - Self-study ability;

           - Communicative ability;

           - Co-operative ability;

           - Problem solving and creation ability.


1. Teacher: Textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, cassette tape.

2. StudentsTextbooks, extra boards,….


1. Class orderGreeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

2. Checking up: Have Ss write some words: spots, flu, sunburn, put on weight, allgery, sickness,… (2ms)         

               3. New lesson:

doc 14 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 2020
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  1. health problems from “Getting Started” Correct Activity 2: Presentation (4ms) Helping Ss review how to use verbs with some sickness. *New words Write have a/an, Listen Have a/ an: cough, headache, sorethroat, have, and feel on the Guess the answer: temprature, an allergy, a spot, (a) sunburn, board. Ask Ss to read have a cough, a headache, a spot, the a sickness the words from the flu, the first column. Have: (the) flu, stomachache, toothache, stomachache, earache, spots Call Ss to answer Answer Feel: sick, tired, weak, Correct and check Take note their pronunciation Do as teacher ask Activity 3: Practice (30ms) Helping Ss know some problems and how to slove them about health EX1: Have Ss look at Give answer 1. Look at the pictures. Write the the pictures. Write the 1. Flu problem below the picture of each problem below the patient. picture of each 2. Sunburn 1. Flu 2. Sunburn patient. 3. Allergy 3. Allergy 4. Tired/Weak Check and correct 4. Tired/Weak 2. Now, read the doctor’s notes about his EX2:Let Ss to patients and fill in the missing words. complete the exercise Individual work individually 1. (a) sunburn 2. the flu Call Ss to answer 3. tired, temperature Give answer 4. sick, stomachache Correct and give 1. (a) sunburn feedback 5. sore throat 2. the flu
  2. Check and correct exercise 3. fatter Guess the answer: EX 6: Ask Ss to listen 1. Fast, food 4. having, lifestyle to the sentences once 2. have, felt 5. give and repeat,then ask Ss to circle the words with /f/ or /v/ sounds. Take note Check and correct Activity 4: Consolidation (3ms) Helping Ss give ome solutions for each health problem Review the Listen to the * Give some solutions for each health pronunciation /f/or /v/ recording and do the problem. Let Ss give some exercise solutions for each Take note health problem Do as teacher ask 4. Homework: (1m) - Aim: Help Ss talk about some solutions for each health problem. - T: Has Ss learn new words and write all exercises on the notebook. - Ss : Learn new words and write exercises on the notebook. - Ss prepare Unit 2: ( A closer look 2 ) - T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. CHECK AND EVALUATE TOPIC / LESSON: - T: I was holding my neck. I think I have a - Ss: Sore throat. - T summarizes: Ss study hard. V. FEEDBACK:
  3. Ask Ss answer the throat? question Activity 2: Presentation (5ms) Helping Ss know to use imperatives with more and less A. Grammar Write the word Do as teacher ask Introduction: IMPERATIVE on the * Imperatives with more and less Eg: - Relax more. board and explain to - Watch less TV. children that the * Câu mệnh lệnh dùng để hướng dẫn, ra imperative can be Listen and copy lệnh, yêu cầu hoặc gợi ý. used for direct, commands, orders or Give answer: suggestions. Eg: When I feel tired should I sleep more or When I feel tired less? What should I do if I am doing poorly Ask Ss to open their should I sleep more or in school? What should I do if I want to books and read less? What should I lose weight? Put on weight? through the yellow do if I am doing box (tracking the poorly in school? words with their What should I do if I fingers) as T reads the want to lose weight? text aloud. T may Put on weight? want to check the Ss comprehension by asking some comprehension checking questions. Activity 3: Practice (28 ms) Helping Ss remember How to use “ more 1. Look at the pictures. Which advice or less” would you give to each of these people? Use the imperatives with more or less Ex1: Ask Ss to look at Look at the pictures above. the four pictures and And answer Suggested answers: call on Ss to tell the Do the exercise a. Spend less time reading
  4. Ask Ss if the ideas Follow and answer 3. Eat less junk food 4. Wash your hands more. from the class and the Read and answer ideas from the website 5. Watch less TV are the same. T may Guess the answer: 6. Spend less time playing computer games. want to encourage 1. Do more exercises class discussion here 2. Sleep more! about why some 3. Eat less junk pieces of advice are foood more important than others. Write AND, OR, Do as teacher ask BUT, and SO on the board. and ask Ss B. Compound sentences what these words are Conjunction(liên từ): and, or, but, so. Work in groups Eg: Nam does morning exercise everyday, called. so he is well- built. Ask Ss to read the first paragraph of the Guess the answer: Simple sentence 1, Conj Simple sentence Yellow Box and ask: 1. A compound sentence 1. What do we call a sentence made by Let Ss read the second 2. It joins two simple linking two simple sentences? paragraph of the sentences Answer: A compound sentence. Yellow Box and again: 3. It goes after the Divide the class up first independent 2. What does a coordinating conjunction into three large clause. do? groups. The first Answer: It joins two simple sentences. Complete the exercise group is ‘Independent *Compound sentence Liên từ dùng để nối 2 câu đơn thành câu clause 1’, the second Take note Phức (câu ghép). Câu ghép sử dụng 4 liên group is từ trên (BASO) gọi là câu ghép đẳng lập. ‘Conjunction’, and the Trước các liên từ này luôn có dấu phảy. Match the sentences third group is * Game : ‘Independent Clause Example: 2’. The whole class Take note To says: Independent Clause 1 reads the table aloud. Do exercise Each group chorally Follow Group 1 says: The Japanese eat a lot of
  5. Helping Ss review about hobby collage Have Ss read the Do as teacher ask *Read the quote about health below. quotes aloud. Then Explain each quote to your partner. ask comprehension Read and discuss Discuss the similarities and differences. questions to make Eg: Where does someone ride when she sure that Ss Work in groups rides on horseback? What does it mean to understand the Guess the answer: go somewhere on foot? vocabulary. Let Ss dicuss the Where does someone When you value something to you think similarities and ride when she rides it’s important or not? differences of quotes. on horseback? What For less able classes, does it mean to go T may want to lead somewhere on foot? the conversation as a class. T may ask Ss if When you value they can think of any something to you Vietnamese proverbs think it’s important with a similar meaning or not? 4. Homework: (1m) - Aim: Help Ss remind how to use “More and Less”. - T: Has Ss learn how to use “More and Less”. - Ss : Copy all the exercises on the notebook. - Ss prepare Unit 2: (Communication ) - T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. CHECK AND EVALUATE TOPIC / LESSON: - T: Have Ss write some sentences using: Conjunction(liên từ): and, or, but, - Ss: I like English I also like Math. ( and ) We don’t eat carrots we eat potatoes. ( but ) - T summarizes: Ss study hard. V. FEEDBACK: .
  6. Pre-teache the Vitamin (n): Vitamin vocabulary in the Sleeping in (n): ngủ nhiều, ngủ nướng Extra Vocabulary Box Activity 3: Practice Vegetarian (n): Người ăn chay (28 ms) Helping Ss remember Health. Ex1: Divide the class Ss do the command as COMMUNICATION into groups and ask the T says it. B. Practice them to complete the exercise by ticking the 1. Work in pairs. Discuss these sentences. Do as teacher ask sentences they think Do you think they are true or false? Tick are and putting cross () the sentences you think are true. Put a cross (x) next to ones you think are the sentences they Complete the exercise think are false. false. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. F Let Ss complete the Guess the answer: 1. exercise about 2 or 3 T, 2. F, 3. F, 4. F, minutes Choose a few groups Correct to share their answers with the class. 2. Listen to the radio show about “health Ex2: Introduce the Listen and check facts or myth’s and check your answers requirement then ask in 1. Ss to close their Guess the answer: books, listen, and take 1. F 2. M 3. F 4. F 5. - Ss listen and take notes. notes. M 6. M 1. F 2. M 3. F 4. F 5. M 6. M Play the recording. Check Play the recording again for Ss to check Do as teacher ask a second time. Ex3: Ask Ss to work Work in groups 3. Discuss the following in groups. in pairs, as suggested 1. Which sentence are you most surprised in the student’s book. Do as teacher ask by? Why?
  7. V. FEEDBACK: Week 04, . September 22nd 2020 . . . . Lưu Quang Thơ .