Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 7 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


                                                       ( Communication )


     1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able  to read and talk about volunteer activities for teenagers.     

b. Skill: reading and writing.

c. Attitude: There may not be enough time for all the activities.

     2. Competences:

 - Self-study ability; Communicative ability;

          - Co-operative ability; Problem solving and creation ability.


1. Teacher: Textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, cassette tape.

2. Students: Textbooks, extra boards,….


1. Class orderGreeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

2. Checking up:   (3ms)

          Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb tense: the Present Perfect or Past Simple.

                   1. We (not begin)             to learn for the test yet.                      ( haven’t begun)

          2. I (meet)             Robert at the supermarket this morning.       ( met) 

          3. Nancy (be)                  to Viet Nam several times.                  ( has been) 

              3. New lesson:

doc 9 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1620
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  1. Guess the answer: - shelter (n): Nhà tình thương Follow the seven steps of tutor, nursing home, - mural : Bức tranh tường teaching vacab. mural, sort, - blanket (n) : chăn - sort (n,v): Activity 3: Practice (28ms) Helping Ss practice 1. Look at the photos and read reading Whole class activity about the following volunteer Ask Ss to look at the activities photos and describe what Discuss the benefits each they see. Then tell them activity may bring to the 2. Look at the photos about to compare their ideas community. community service in VietNam with the provided Keys: activities Guess the answer 1.b, Tell Ss now they will 2.c, 3.e, 4.a, 5. D 1- b 2- c 3- e learn about volunteer 4- a 5- d activities in Viet Nam. Each group chooses one Ask Ss what they think person from the group to the volunteers in the report back to the class 3. Group work. photos are doing. If Ss Can move around the 4. Have you ever done any of cannot recognize the class to interviwe the these activities? Choose three activities, draw Ss’ others. activities that you want to try. attention to small details Why do you want to do them? in the photos. Ss should take notes of exercise in groups. Each their classmates’ group chooses one answers so that they can person from the group to share the most report back to the class. interesting answers with Ask Ss to complete the - the class later. Activity4: Consolidation (5ms) Helping Ss review the lesson Retell one of volunteer Ss’answers Get students to retell one work what Ss have done - help ederly people for of volunteer work what hommework or gardening - help ederly people for Ss have done hommework or - tutor for street children Evaluate gardening - donate used or old books for Give the feedback - tutor for street library. children
  2. Individual work Control the game and Share the answer with plays a role as an a partner umpire. Activity 2: Presentation (5ms) Helping Ss to scan the text to find the words. I. READING Checking technique: 1. Vocabulary Slap the board Guess the answer: - according to: Theo mentor, tradition, - to be forced to: Bị ép buộc Activity 3: Practice according to, - mentor: hướng dẫn (28 ms) - tradition: truyền thống Helping Ss - statistic : Số liệu thống kê understand about volunteerwork in USA by reading the passage Ask Ss to look at work individually 2. True or False. (Ex 2) Exercise 2 to make write in note form, not 1T 2T 3F 4F prediction. in full sentences. Get Ss to read the tet Work in groups. After carefully to check their each person shares prediction. his/her ideas from 4, Give feedback. the group will need to Ask Ss to read the text write in note form and again and answer the not in full sentences. 3. Tick the boxes.(Ex3) questions. . 1. Providing care for animals Guess the answer: 1. Correct the answer as 2. raising mon y  T, 2. T, 3. F, 4. F a class. 3. cooking meals  Give time for Ss to 4. donating blood work individually to 5. cleaning streets  complete this task. 6. teaching young children  Encourage them to Work in groups think of all the II. SPEAKING A: We could make postcards and volunteer activities Make the dialogues they have learnt so far sell them to raise money. in this unit and any Guess the answer: B: What types of postcards? other activities they C: Where should we sell them? know. A: We could make Divide the class into postcards and sell
  3. a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to listen for specific information about volunteer work write a paragraph about volunteer work b. Skills: listening and writing c. Attitude: love the subject. 2. Competences: - Self-study ability; Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: Textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, cassette tape. 2. Students: Textbooks, extra boards, . III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2. Checking up: (3ms) Fill in each blank with the correct linking word. Paul likes to help the sick and he has donated blood several times. Take a coat because___ it’s cold outside. Homeless children are because they don’t have enough food, warm clothes and schooling. 3. New lesson: Teacher’ activities Students’activities Contents Activity 1: Warm up. (4ms) Helping Ss give idea about volunteer works *Questions Ask Ss to choose a Listen and answer the 1. When did the Americans do volunteering idea from the questions volunteer work? previous lessons. Ask the Work in pairs class: Guess the answer: 2. Are they forced or paid to do Discuss as a class the three 1. Almost everyone, volunteer? questions at one time another 3. What activities do we often do 2. No, they aren’t. Activity 2: Presentation for volunteer? (5ms) . Helping Ss to scan the text to find the words Listen *Vocabulary Give some new words Guess the answer: - self- confident (adj): tự tin Have Ss give their meanings self-confident, special, - special (adj): đặc biệt Activity 3: Practice (27 ms)
  4. into a paragraph as convincing homework Do the task individually the Have Ss combine the two compare with a sentences using because. partner Activity 4: Consolidation (4ms) Guess the answer: Helping Ss review 1. Because he didn’t 4. Combine the two sentences knowledge wear enough warm using because. clothes, he’s had a 1. Because he didn’t wear enough Have Ss work in pairs to cold for two days. warm clothes, he’s had a cold for practice 2. I stay home two days. because it 2. I stay home because it rained. 3. Because the lake is full of rained . rubbish, they’ve decided to clean it Have Ss go to the borad Do the task up. individually the 4. Because she works in that small town, she has lived there for three compare with a years. partner 5. They think they should move there because Evaluate Work in pairs to practice Guess the answer: I want to raise fund 1. What do you want to do? for street children. I 2. Why do you want to do it ? want to do it 3. How are you going to do it ? because we will be -> Answer key: 1. I want to raise fund for street Correct and give the right able to provide children. answers them with food and books. They will no 2. Because we will be able to longer be hungry. provide them with food and books. They will be able to 3. I will my friends ti help me, we read . will make postcards and sell them. 4. Homework: (1m) - Aim: Help Ss remind how to give the idea. - T: Has Ss copy all the exercises on the notebooks - Ss : + Learn new words by heart.