Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 8 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ


            Looking back & project


     1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able toRevise and make the use of  all the target knowledge in unit 3 

b. Skills:  listening and writing 

c. Attitude:  love the subject, love English

     2. Competences:

 - Self-study ability

- Communicative ability

           - Co-operative ability

      - Problem solving and creation ability.


1. Teacher: Textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, cassette tape.

2. Students: Textbooks, extra boards,….


1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

2. Checking up:   (3ms)

            Arrange these words to make meaningful sentences.

                    1. you/ have/ finished/ homework/ your/ yet?

                             -Have  you finished  your homework yet?

                    2. printer/ under/ this/ guarantee/ is.

                             -This printer is under guarantee

 3. vacation/ since/ we/ haven’t/ last/ had/ a/ year.

                             -We  haven’t had a vacation  since last year

doc 12 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1780
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  1. Ask Ss some questions others about Phuc? . 3. What would you do to help your community? Check and give feedback Take note Activity 2: Presentation (5ms) *Vocabulary Helping Ss to scan the text Read and match 1. Matching to find the words Complete this exercise - donate: food, books, clothing, Remind Ss of the wordwebs individually blood about “donate”, “provide” Guess the answer: and “help” then Ss complete donate: food, books, - provide: evening classes, food, clothing, blood. care, books, education, clothing, Activity 1 individually. attention Call Ss to check *help: the community, homeless Get feedback Give feedback people, the elderly, the disabled. Activity 3: Practice (28ms) Helping Ss review the Read sentences, then present perfect tense cicrle the answers Grammar Guess the answer 2. Circle the answers Complete this exercise 1.never 1. never 2. Last week individually. 2. Last week 3. already 3. already 4. yet 5. yesterday 4. yet 3. Put the verbs in the past Complete this exercise simple or the present perfect. Ask Ss to complete this individually. 1. has ever met exercise individually. 1. has ever met 2. Vistied 2. Vistied 3. has visited 3. has visited 4. did Shakespeare write 5. has she written Complete this exercise 4. Finish the sentences below. Check as a class, encourage individually. Suggested answers:
  2. IV. CHECK AND EVALUATE TOPIC / LESSON: - T: Who do you think benefits from that volunteer work? - S: homeless children, elderly people - T summarizes: Ss study hard. V. FEEDBACK : . Week : 08 Date of planning: 15/10/2020 Period : 23 REVIEW 1 ( Language ) I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to revise the skills they have practised since unit 1. b. Skills: Reading, listening and writing. c. Attitude: love the subject, love English 2. Competences - Self-study ability; Grammar - Co-operative ability - Problem solving and creation ability. - Communicative ability; II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: Textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, cassette tape. 2. Students: Textbooks, extra boards, . III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2. Checking up: None 3. New lesson: Teacher’S activities Students’activities Contents
  3. Give answer: A, C, C, 6. fear 12. carry B, B Ex2: In order to do this 2. Choose the word in which exercise correctly, Ss have the underlined sound is to be able to pronounce the pronounced differently. words correctly 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B themselves. Let Ss do it in Complete the exercise 5. B groups and encourage them to read the words out 3. Put the phrases below into loud among themselves. Work in pairs the correct categories and tick the activity/ activities you Check them as a class and do yourself encourage Ss to repeat the Do as teacher ask words. Activities to help Ex3: All these activities yourself Your have been taken from the Take note community first three units, so they are expected to be quite easy - washing - helping the for Ss to do. your hands old before - raising Give Ss about 10 minutes Follow to the teacher meals to read and write down the money for phrases into the correct - tidying up the poor columns and tick their your room Individual work - collecting activities. For more - gardening rubbish in advanced Ss your area - eating a lot Take note of fruit - opening Ask them to add more Work in groups classes for activities into the columns. street children Check and correct Choose one of 4. How much can you words/phrase to match remember? Ex4: This exercise is a Guess the answer: Choose one of the words/ combination of reading phrases below to match the
  4. the questions, you do have very healthy eating habits. For each wrong answer, Listen EVERYDAY ENGLISH take off 1 point. If your If you answer “ Yes” to all the score is under four, change questions, you do have very Have Ss read the questions Work in pairs first to have an overall idea healthy eating habits. of what they are going to If your score is under four, listen to. T then plays the change your habits! recording and allows Ss time to look for the Present before class answers. Only after the first conversation has been done should teacher go to Guess the answer: the second one 1. Yes, I do. Ask Ss to underline the subject(s) and the verb(s) 2. No, I don’t. of each sentence to see if it 3. is a simple or a compuond sentence. T may also allow Ss to translate the sentences into Vietnamese. The translation helps Make sure Ss understand Get the feedback the meaning of the sentences Decide the tense of the verbs in the sentences 4. Homework: (1m) - Aim: Help Ss remind how to give the idea. - T: Has Ss copy all the exercises on the notebooks - Ss : + Prepare having the test + Prepare unit 4 - T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. CHECK AND EVALUATE TOPIC / LESSON: - T: what is the form of present perfect tense
  5. Helping Ss reveiw perfect simple? tense Retell the past simple When do we use the present Remind Ss of the past and the present perfect perfect tense? simple and the present tense: What are the forms of the two perfect tense tenses? Activity 2: Presentation (5ms) *Vocabulary Help Ss review the Key: 1- A 2- B 3- C 4-B words - laughter, adventure, Activity 3: Practice positively, contribution, . (30ms) Helping practice doing exercises Help Ss read the questions and circle the correct answers individually. Then they can exchange their answers and take Reading turns to report it to the Do individually and class check their answers with 1. Read the passage and Have Ss read the questions a partner before giving choose the correct answer first to have an overall idea their answers to T to Key: 1- A 2- B 3- C 4-B of what they are going to confirm the correct Speaking: listen to. T then plays the answers. 2. Work in pairs. Interview recording and allows Ss each other to answer the time to look for the Read the questions and questions. Then report the answers. Only after the circle the correct results to the class answers individually. first conversation has been Then they can exchange Listening: done should teacher go to their answers and take the second one turns to report it to the 3.Listen and check the corect class answer.Key: Ask Ss to underline the subject(s) and the verb(s) Key: - Conversation 1: of each sentence to see if it - Conversation 1: 1- A 2- B is a simple or a compuond 1- A 2- B - Conversation 2: sentence. T may also allow - Conversation 2: 3- B 4- C
  6. . Week 08, October 20th 2020 . . . Lưu Quang Thơ