Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 10 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp


A. IN CLASS ( A1 )



       - Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about Mai.

  1.        - Developing speaking &reading skills .

       - Pictures , cassette recorder and tape , extra board .


      1.Class organization


  -Checking the attendance

2.Review of previous  lesson


        - How many subjects do you study today? What are they ?

        - How many days a week do you go to school ?

      3 . New lesson :

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 10 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. Phong Thanh Dong Secondary School English 7 the text + How many days a week does Mai go to school? + What does Mai study in her Geography class? -Answer the * Ask and answer five + What’s Mai’s favorite class? questions questions about Mai - Ask ss to read A1 and make Ex; five questions about Mai a. What does Mai study in her - Let ss ask and answer about - Pairworks. Geography class? Mai. b. What’s Mai’s favorite - Give feedback. - Ask and answer class? -Ask Ss to do exercise on the in front of class Students’questions board(extra board) -Tell again about Mai Do exercise (Groupworks.) 4. Consolidation Ask Ss some questions. a. What do you study in Geography/ English /History class? b. What’s your favorite class? c. How do you think about it? 5. Homework: - Learn vocabulary. - Coppy the answers. - Prepare Unit 5 ( A2 ) + Prepare words : household appliances, repair,Electronics + Read the text and answer the questions/ 53 IV/ FEEDBACK. === Week :10 Date of planning:17/10/2011 Period : 29 Date of teaching /10/2011 UNIT 5: WORK AND PLAY A. IN CLASS ( A2 ) I / OBJECTIVES - Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about school subjects and activities in free time. - Developing speaking & reading skill . II / TEACHING AIDS - Pictures , cassette recorder and tape , extra board . III / PROCEDURES : 1. Class organization - Greeting - Checking the attendance 2.Review of previous lesson Get an average student to answer some questions: Teacher’ name : Vuu Kim Diep School year: 2011-2012
  2. Phong Thanh Dong Secondary School English 7 3. artist c. thiết bị gia đình 4. guitar d. hoạ sĩ 1+ c ; 2 + a ; 3+ d ; 4+ b. 5. Homework: - Learn vocabulary. - Coppy the answers. - Prepare Unit 5 ( A4,5 ) IV/ FEEDBACK. === Week :10 Date of planning:17/10/2011 Period : 30 Date of teaching: /10/2011 Unit 5: WORK AND PLAY A. IN CLASS ( A4-5 ) I / OBJECTIVES - Ss will be able to listen a passage to find out the information and know some information about school subjects. - Developing listening & reading skill . II / TEACHING AIDS - Pictures , cassette recorder and tape , extra board . III / PROCEDURES : 1. Class organization - Greeting - Checking the attendance 2.Review of previous lesson - Play a game : lucky numbers 1. What ‘s Ba ‘s favorite subject ? 2. Lucky number 3. Does Ba like other subject at school? 4. What does Ba learn to do in Electronics class ? 5. LN 6. Is Ba good at fixing things ? 7. What does Ba do in his freetime ? 8. LN 9. What’s your favorite subject ? 10.What do yo do in your freetime ? 3 . New lesson : Teacher’s Activities Students’ Content Activities - Introduce the aims of the - Listen to the 4. Listen then write correct lesson teacher letters next to names: - Ask Ss to look at the - Call the names of a/ Geography pictures and call the names of subjects b/ Physical education sbject - Guess in groups c/ Computer science - Ask Ss to guess what subject d/ Technology Teacher’ name : Vuu Kim Diep School year: 2011-2012
  3. Phong Thanh Dong Secondary School English 7 5. Homework: - Coppy the answers. - Prepare Unit 5 ( B1 ) IV/ FEEDBACK. . SIGNATURE –WEEK 10 17/10/2010 Hà Văn Khải Teacher’ name : Vuu Kim Diep School year: 2011-2012