Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 12 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp


   - After the lesson , Ss will be able to review the structures of giving suggestions/ invitation; refusing/ accepting.

        - Focus on: Listening & speaking skills.


        - Pictures , cassette recorder and tape , extra board .


       1. Class organization:

        - Greeting

       - Checking the attendance

 2.   Review of previous  lesson:

         * Jumbled words:

Often tefon

Usually lualusy

Never reven

Sometimes tomsemise

always lawasy

           T.asks Ss some questions.

               a. What do you usually do after school? 

              b. How often do you go to school ?

       3 .  New lesson :

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 12 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. Teacher’s name : Vuu Kim Diep Phong Thanh Dong Secondary School - Have ss check the from Liz, his American answers. friend. - Let ss ask and answer c. The stamp collector’s club them. meets on Wednesday - Get answers. afternoon. - Give feedback. d. Nam never plays games. - Listen, match. - Check. A4.Listen .Match each - Give results. name to an activity - Listen, repeat what * The answers: they hear. a. Mai- go to the cafeteria. *Post-reading b. Nam-rehearse a play. - Tell the aim: Listen. c. Ba-go to the circus. Match each name to an d. Lan-watch movie. activity. e. Kien- tidy the classroom. - Let ss guess about - Pairwork. activities Mai, Nam, Ba, Lan Kien take part in. * Ask and answer : - Play the tape twice. Eg. What does Ba do after - Have ss check. school ? - Get results. Ba goes to the circus. - Play tape again to correct. -Let ss ask and answer. 4. Consolidation: -Let ss ask and answer. + What does Ba do after school ? -> Ba goes to the circus. 5. Homework: - Coppy the answers. - Prepare Unit 6 (B1). IV. FEEDBACK: WEEK :12 Date of planning: 30 / 10 /2011 PERIOD : 35 Date of teaching: 02 / 11 /2011 UNIT 6 : AFTER SCHOOL. B.LET’S GO! (B1) I . OBJECTIVES : - After the lesson , Ss will be able to review the structures of giving suggestions/ invitation/ refusing/ accepting. - Focus on: Listening & speaking skills. II . TEACHING AIDS: Pictures , cassette recorder and tape , extra board . III . PROCEDURES : 1. Class organization: Week 12 2 English 7 Lesson plan
  2. Teacher’s name : Vuu Kim Diep Phong Thanh Dong Secondary School - Coppy the answers. - Learn structures of giving suggestions/ invitation/ refusing/ accepting by heart. - Prepare Unit 6 (B2). Prepare new words and read before. IV. Feedback: Week :12 Date of planning: 31 / 10 /2011 Period : 36 Date of teaching: 05 / 11 /2011 UNIT 6 : AFTER SCHOOL. B.LET’S GO! (B2) I . OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about what Vietnamese and American students like to do in free time. - Focus on reading skill. II . TEACHING AIDS: Pictures , cassette recorder and tape , extra board . III . PROCEDURES : 1. Class organization: - Greetings. - Checking the attendances. 2. Review of previous lesson: Call a weak student to complete the following sentences: a. Let’s (comes/ come/ to come) my house and listen to music. b. What about (to go/ goes/ go/ going) to the movies? c. Why don’t you (to relax/ relaxing/ relax)? 3 . New lesson : Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Content - Let ss play games. Using - Play game. * Bingo: extra board. Listen to music, go shopping, - Check and give feedback. watch TV, help old people, - Ask: when do you usually - Ss answer. go to the movies, learn to join these activities? (good play the guitar, eat, play ss) soccer, collect thing, skip Do you think American ss rope, play marbles, go also have the same activities swimming, go fishing. in their free time? - Listen, repeat and - Tell the aim:Activities guess the meaning of American ss like to do in the the word, then copy. free time. Using pictures. B2:Read and discuss a. Teach new words: - Do what teacher * New words: + teenager (definition) requests. + teenager (n) + attend (synonym) (take - Whole class. + attend =take part in/ part in/ participate in) participate in(v.phr) + scout (translation) + scout (n) Week 12 4 English 7 Lesson plan
  3. Teacher’s name : Vuu Kim Diep Phong Thanh Dong Secondary School Week 12 6 English 7 Lesson plan