Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 15 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp


               B. WHAT DO YOU DO ? ( B3 )


       - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to give/ accept/ refuse invitations, eg. “Would you like to come…………..?- Yes, I’d love to.

              - Focus on listening and speaking skills.


Cassette recorder and tape , extra board .


       1. Class organization:

        - Greetings.

 - Checking the attendances.

2.Review of previous  lesson:

     - Call an average student to list activities American ss like to do in free time:

  * Posible answer:

- Learn to play the guitar, go shopping, eat in fast food restaurants, watch TV, listen to music, go to the movies, collect things, help old people.

       3 .  New lesson :



( A2-3 )



- After the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about some important vacations in American.                                                                       

- Focus on: reading and writing skills.


- Extra boards, tape, cassette.


1.Class organization:

- Greetings.

- Checking the attendances.

2.Review of the previous lesson:

- Ask Ss some questions about Hoa.

- Ask some questions about the students.

+ What do you do every day ?

+ How many hours a day do you study ?

+ Do you have to do a lot of home work ?

- Ask Ss to tell some important vacations in Viet Nam.

3.New lesson:

doc 6 trang Hải Anh 20/07/2023 980
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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_7_tuan_15_nam_hoc_2011_2012_vuu_kim_diep.doc

Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 15 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. read the letter aloud 5/ They usually spend their time with their families on Thanks giving and Christmas Day 1-T, 2-F, 3 -T,4-F, 5-T. *Questions : - Work in pairs *Answers: - Have Ss work in pairs - Practice in front of a/ Summer vacation is the - Call on some pairs to the class longest in America practice asking and - Copy down. b/ During his vacation, Tim answering in front of the spends time with his family class c/ Vietnamese students have - Correct the mistakes and fewer vacations than American give the correct answers students 3 .Listen. Write the name: - Look at the pictures carefully. a/ Thanksgiving - Ask Ss to look at the - Precdict the b/ Independence Day pictures carefully names of each c/ New year’s Eve pictures d/ Christmas - Ask Ss to predict the name - Listen to the tape of each picture. - Play the tape for Ss ( 2 times) - Match the name - Call on some Ss to give with the pictures their answers in front of the class - Give the answers - Correct and give the correct answers - Copy down 4.Consolidation: - Repeat the names of the public holidays. 5.Homework: - Learn by heart new words. - Prepare Unit 7 ( A4 ) for the next period. IV. FEEDBACK: WEEK: 15 Date of planning : 20/11/2011 PERIOD: 44 Date of teaching: 23/11/2011 UNIT 7 : THE WORLD OF WORK. SECTION A: A STUDENT’S WORK. ( A4 ) I. OBJECTIVES: - After the lesson , Ss will be able to know about a typical student’s life. - Focus on: reading comprehension skill. II. TEACHING AIDS:
  2. - Correct and give the correct 6/ Lucky number answers 7/ How many hours a week does - Call on 3 4 students to -Read the text then she work before tests ? read the text aloud. find out the answers 8/ Do you work fewer or more - Correct their pronunciation -Play game in than Hoa? - Questions. groups. - Ask Ss to read the text again & find out the answers - Have Ss play a game : Lucky numbers. - Remark. 4.Consolidation: - Ask Ss some questions : + What do you think of a students life ? + Do you think students are lazy ? - Remark. 5.Homework: - Learn by heart new words - Write the answers in the notebooks. - Prepare Unit 7 ( B1 ) for the next period.( New words and their meanings ) IV. FEEDBACK: WEEK: 15 Date of planning : 20/11/2011 PERIOD: 45 Date of teaching : 26/11/2011 UNIT 7 : THE WORLD OF WORK. B. THE WORKER. (B1) I. OBJECTIVES: - After the lesson , Ss will be able to know about Tim’s Parents ‘job and the time they work in aweek. - Focus on: reading comprehension skill. II. TEACHING AIDS: Extra boards, tape , cassette III. PROCEDURES: 1.Class organization: - Greetings. - Checking the attendances. 2.Review of the previous lesson: -Ask students somes questions about Hoa and themselves . + What do you think about Hoa ? + How many periods a day do you have ? + What do you think about students’ life ? 3.New lesson:
  3. IV. FEEDBACK: SIGNATURE-WEEK 15 21/11/2011