Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 16 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp




        - After the lesson , Ss will be able to know about Hoa’s parents ‘job and the time they work in aweek . 

       - Focus on: listening , reading comprehension  skills.


- Extra boards, picture, cassette.


      1.Class organization:

- Greetings.

- Checking the attendances.

2.Review of the previous lesson:

- Ask students some questions about Tim and his family .

+ How many people are there in Tim’s family ?

+ What does his mother / father do ?

3.New lesson:


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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 16 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. - Call some Ss to give -read the text per off time their prediction . aloud . week - Ask Ss to read the text Mr. 40 Two about Mr. Tuan then check -Read the text Jones their predictions . about Mr. Tuan Mr. 84 One- -Call on some Ss to give and the letter then Tuan four or the answers make note. five -Call some Ss to read the -Exchange the times a text aloud . result with the year -Correct the pronunciation partner . . - Give the result in -Ask Ss to read the text front of the class. about Mr. Tuan again and -Write down . the letter of Tim then make note about them . -Ask Ss to exchange the -Work in groups. result with the partner . -Call on some Ss to give the result in front of the class . - give their *B4.Listen then take notes. -Correct the mistakes and predictions . give the correct answer Name Job Hours Amount -Have Ss predict what per of Peter / Susan / Jane / week vacation Phong does and howmay Peter doctor 70 4 weeks hours per week he or she Susan nurse 50 3 weeks works , amount of Jane Shop 35 1 week vacation. assistant -Call some groups to give - Ss listen to the Phong Factory 48 2 weeks their predictions . tape. worker -Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check their predictions (2 times ). -Play the tape again for Ss to check their results . -Call some groups to give their results . 4.Consolidation: - Ask and answer about the people in B4. Ex :-What is Peter’s job ? - How many hours a week does he work ?
  2. - Present some new words copy down . +Go straight ahead . Take the and structures : - Make sentences . first street . - Look at the book + Go straight to the first street . and listen to the Turn left . -Ask Ss to make sentences tape with the structures . - Answer the - Ask Ss to look at the book question : and listen to the tape then answer the question : (Using - Read after the tape cassette) - Work in pairs . Where does the tourist - Practice in front of want to go ? the class. S1: Could you show me the way - Ask Ss to listen to the tape to Rong market ? and read after the tape . - Practice in pairs . S2: Go straight ahead . Turn left - Have Ss read the dialogue . It’s on your right . in pairs . - Call on some pairs to read in front of the class . - Practice in front of - Correct the pronunciation. the class - Give some places and ask Ss to practice in pairs . Rong market , Post office . - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . - Correct the mistake if necessary . 4.Consolidation: - Ask Ss to practice asking and answering the way to the places in their neighborhood - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Remark and repeat the structures about asking the way . 5.Homework: - Learn by heart new words & structures. - Write the answers in the notebooks. - Prepare Unit 8: (A3) for the next period. ( Review somes names of places) IV. FEEDBACK:
  3. - Call some pairs to ask and the class opposite the supermarket. answer in front of the class . - Look at the street -Ask Ss to look at the street map again . map again . - Listen carefully . - Explain the aims of the exercise to Ss : Listen to the directions then find out the Ex :Go straight ahead to the third places . - Listen to the tape street , tunr right , what is - Make model : carefully between the movie theatre and - play the tape for Ss ( 2 or 3 - Exchange the the bakery ? times ). Using cassette. result with the It’s toystore . -ask them to exchange the partner . * Answers . results with their partners . - Listen to the tape a. Souvenir shop - Play the tape again for Ss then check the b. Shoe store to check the results answer . c. Hotel -Correct the mistake then - Write down . d. Drugstore give the correct answers . e. Hospital 4.Consolidation: Give some places for Ss to practice : Restaurant / museum / book store - Ask Ss to give the directions to these places . - Call on some Ss to give the directions in front of the class . - Correct the mistake if necessary . 5.Homework: - Write the answers in the notebooks. - Prepare Unit 8 (A4-5) for the next period. ( Review structure: How far is it from .to ? ) IV. FEEDBACK: SIGNATURE – WEEK 16 28/11/2011 Hà Văn Khải