Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 23+24 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp


B- A bad toothache ( B2 )


I. Aims:

              -By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know about Dr Lai’s job . They continue to practice about the topic of toothache .

                - Focus on listening skill .

II. Teaching Aids: 

            Extra boards. pictures ,  tape , cassette .

III. Procedures:

1.Class organization:

  • Greetings.
  • Checking the attendances.

2.Review of the previous lesson:

  • Have Ss play a game : Slap the board 
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 23+24 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. -Play the tape again for Ss. predictions . d. She explains what will -Ask Ss to give the answers . -Give the answers . happen. She gives them -Play the tape again for Ss -Check the answers advice . checking the answers . . -Correct and give the correct -Write the answers answers . in the notebooks . -Ask Ss to write down . 4.Consolidation: Practice the questions and answers again. 5.Homework: - Remember the new words again. - Copy the answers in the notebooks. - Prepare Unit 10: B3,4 for the next period. IV.Feedback: WEEK: 23 Date of planning:05 /02/2012 PERIOD: 65 Date of teaching:08 /02/2012 UNIT 10 : HEALTH AND HYGIENE B- A bad toothache ( B3-4 ) I. Aims: - The students continue to practice speaking about health and hygiene , using simple present tense . - Focus on listening skill . II. Teaching Aids: Extra boards. pictures , tape , cassette . III. Procedures: 1.Class organization: - Greetings. - Checking the attendances. 2.Review of the previous lesson: - Have Ss play a game : Networks Health and hygiene Take morning exercises - Call on students from 2 groups to go to the board and write down .
  2. class . down . -Correct the mistake and give the correct answer . -Ask Ss to write in the notebooks 4.Consolidation: Practice the questions and answers again. 5.Homework: -Remember the new words again. -Copy the answers in the notebooks. -Prepare Unit 11 ( A1 ) IV.Feedback: WEEK: 23 Date of planning:05/02/2012 PERIOD: 66 Date of teaching:10/02/2012 UNIT 11 : KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY A – A check up (A1 ) I. Aims: - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the content of the dialogue and give the requests and the reponses . - Focus on reading skill . II. Teaching Aids: Extra boards. pictures , tape , cassette . III. Procedures: 1.Class organization: - Greetings. - Checking the attendances. 2.Review of the previous lesson: - Ask Ss some questions such as + Do you eat much candy ? + Do you often eat ice- creams? + How often do you brush your teeth ? + If you have healthy teeth , what should you do ? - Remark and lead in new lesson 3.New lesson: Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Content
  3. • Comprehension - Answer the questions : questions 2 groups -Have Ss play a game : take part in the Lucky numbers game 4.Consolidation: - Ask Ss to use the structure : Would you + V ? to make the sentence 5.Homework: -Remember the new words. -Copy the answers in the notebooks. -Prepare Unit 11: ( A2 ) IV.Feedback: SIGNATURE WEEK 23 /02/2012 PHT HÀ VĂN KHẢI WEEK: 24 Date of planning:10/02/2012 PERIOD: 67 Date of teaching:14/02/2012 UNIT 11 : KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY A – A check up (A2 ) I. Aims: -By the end of the lesson , Ss will listen for details to complete the dialogue and practice asking and answering about the personal information . - Focus on listening skill . II. Teaching Aids: Extra boards. pictures , tape , cassette . III. Procedures: 1.Class organization: - Greetings. - Checking the attendances. 2.Review of the previous lesson: - Have Ss play a game : Slap the board 3.New lesson:
  4. WEEK: 24 Date of planning:10/02/2012 PERIOD: 68 Date of teaching:15/02/2012 UNIT 11 : KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY A – A check up (A3 ) I. Aims: -By the end of the lesson , Ss will practice asking and answering about the personal information . - Focus on speaking skill . II. Teaching Aids: Extra boards. pictures , tape , cassette . III. Procedures: 1.Class organization: - Greetings. - Checking the attendances. 2.Review of the previous lesson: -Ask Ss some questions about Hoa : How old is Hoa ? How tall is Hoa ? How heavy is Hoa ? 3.New lesson: Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Content - Introduce the situation of - Listen to the 3- Ask and answer questions the exercise part 3 to Ss and teacher and write with a partner. explain some questions : down . + Which school does he go to ? A: Which school does he goes + What is his surname ? to? + How tall is he ? = What’s his height ? B: He goes to Nguyen Du + What’s his weight ? = school? How heavy is he ? A: What is his weight? - Ask Ss to work in pairs : - Work in pairs . One is A , the other is B B: He is 40 kilos. asking and answering the information to complete the medical record .
  5. How old are you ? - Remark and give marks . 3.New lesson: Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Content - Introduce the situation of - Listen and copy 1- Listen.Then practice with a the lesson down . partner. - Then explain some new - Read new words + To have a bad cold : a headache . words and structures : then copy down . a virus . - Ask Ss to look at the - Look at the flu . pictures and answer the pictures and answer a stomachache . questions : the questions . + To be sick = to be ill . What was wrong with her ? + Sick note ( n ) : - Ask Ss to read the dialogue -Read the dialogue Structures : and answer the questions . in silent to find out What is / was wrong with SB ? - Call on some Ss to answer the answers . EX: What was wrong with you ? the questions in front of the - Give the answers I had a headache . Keys: class . in front of the class a) Lan didn’t go to school - Have Ss listen to the tape . yesterday because she had a and look at the books then - Listen to the tape bad cold . check the answers. and check the b) She had a headache . - Have Ss read the dialogue answers . c) Mr. Tan tells Lan to stay in pairs . - Work in pairs inside at recess . - Call on some pairs to reading the d) The doctor said that Lan had practice the dialogue in front dialogue a virus . e) The doctor wrote Lan’s sick of the class. - Practice reading note . - Ask Ss to work in pairs the dialogue in asking and answering the front of the class . questions in the books . - Work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to ask and answer the questions in 2- Take a survey: front of the class . - Practice asking - Correct the mistake and and answering in give the correct answers : front of the class. - Ask Ss to copy down . - Copy down . 4.Consolidation: - Ask Ss to compare the days lost through sickness in class 7A with those in their own class