Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 28 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp


A – Sports ( A 1, 2,3 )

I. Aims:

          - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know about the ten most popular sports which teenagers in the USA like best and know the names of some sports . They will know how to change from adjectives to adverbs.

          - Focus on reading & writing skill .

II. Teaching Aids: 

            Extra boards, Pictures , tape.

III. Procedures:

1.Class organization:

  1. Greetings.
  2. Checking the attendances.

2.Review of the previous lesson:

  1. Ask Ss some questions such as :

+ Do you like playing sports ?

+ What sport do you play ?

+ When do you play …….?

+ Who do you often play with ?

+ What do you think about ………?

  1. Remark and lead in new lesson .

3.New lesson:

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 28 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. -Ask Ss to read the text in -Read the text in silent . silent . -Call on some Ss to read the -Read the text aloud . text aloud . What is the most popular sport in -Have Ss answer the -Answer the questions . the USA ? question -Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions . -Work in pairs . -Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . -Practice in front of the -Ask Ss to read the text and class . 3.Listen . Then practice with a check the answer. partner . -Introduce the situation of -Listen and write down . + Good ( adj ) => well ( adv ) the lesson , then ask Ss to -Read new words . + Skillful ( adj ) => Skillfully ( look at the pictures and call -Listen to the teacher adv the names of the pictures . carefully . + Safe ( adj ) => Safely ( adv ) -Explain some new words to + Cyclist ( n ) : Ss . -Make sentences with + To cycle ( v ) = To ride a bike -Introduce how to change the adjectives and Adjective + ly => adverb adjectives into adverbs and adverbs . EX : Slow => Slowly the use of Adj and Adv : -Look at the books and Bad => badly -Ask Ss to make sentences listen to the tape . Quick => quickly using adjectives and adverbs -Work in pairs . + He’s a good soccer player -Have Ss look at the books He plays soccer well and listen to the tape . + She’s a quick runner -Have Ss work in pairs She runs quickly . reading the text . -Copy down. • - Adjectives often go with To -Call on some pairs to Be practice in front of the class . - Adverbs often go with ordinary verbs . 4.Consolidation: - Repeat the way to change adjective to adverb . - Give some cues and ask Ss to make sentences . + Slow / slowly / swimmer + Quick / quickly / runner + Bad / badly / volleyball Make example : + She’s a slow runner She runs slowly 5.Homework: -Copy the answers in the notebooks. -Prepare Unit 13 (A 4,5) IV.Feedback:
  2. give the correct answers . • Wednesday is the WTS day . -Ask Ss to copy down . -Complete the passage • Members living near school -Ask Ss to complete the with the correct adverbs . often take part in the WTS passage with the correct day . adverbs in brackets . -Listen and write down . • -Explain some new words to 5.Write . Change the adjectives Ss . -Exchange the result in brackets to adverbs . -Have Ss exchange the result with the partner . + To be aware of : with the partner -Give the results in front + Lifeguard ( n ) -Call on 2=> 3 Ss to give the of the class . + Strict ( adj ) => Strictly results in front of the class . + To obey ( v ) -Correct and give the correct answers -Write down . -Ask Ss to write in the notebooks . 4.Consolidation: - Take a class survey : - Have Ss work in groups asking their classmates what sport they like most . 5.Homework: - Copy the answers in the notebooks. - Prepare Unit 13 (B1) IV.Feedback: WEEK: 28 Date of planning:12/3/2012 PERIOD: 81 Date of teaching:18/3/2012 UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES B – Come and play ( B1 ) I. Aims: -The students will cotinue to practice about the topic of sports and in modal verbs . - Focus on reading & writing skill . II. Teaching Aids: Extra boards. Pictures , tape. III. Procedures: 1.Class organization: - Greetings. - Checking the attendances. 2.Review of the previous lesson: - Have Ss play a game : Find someone Who . Find someone who Name Can play soccer well. Can run quickly . Can play volleyball skillfully . Can’t swim quickly . Can’t play table tennis well. - Remark and lead in new lesson .