Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 29 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp


B – Come and play ( B2 )

I. Aims:      

             -The students will continue to practice in making , accepting and refusing an invitation , using modal verbs .

           - Focus on reading & writing skill .

II. Teaching Aids: 

            Extra boards. Pictures , tape.

III. Procedures:

1.Class organization:

  • Greetings.
  • Checking the attendances.

2.Review of the previous lesson:

  • Have Ss practice using modal verbs : one student gives the situation , one gives the advice .
  • EX: S1: I’m very cold .

             S2: You should stay inside , you shouldn’t go out .

3.New lesson:


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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 29 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. pictures in the bottom . -Work in pairs . S1: Bye . -Give some cues ; -Some pairs practice in front of the class . 4.Consolidation: Practice these dialogues more fluently. 5.Homework: -Copy the answers in the notebooks. -Prepare Unit 13: (B3) IV.Feedback: WEEK: 30 Date of planning:18/3/2012 PERIOD: 83 Date of teaching:21/03/2012 UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES B – Come and play ( B3-5 ) I. Aims: -After the lesson , Ss will know about a new sport and they continue to practice with modal verbs . - Focus on reading & writing skill . II. Teaching Aids: Extra boards. Pictures , tape. III. Procedures: 1.Class organization: - Greetings. - Checking the attendances. 2.Review of the previous lesson: - Have Ss play a game : Networks Sports 3.New lesson: Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Content -Introduce the situation of -Listen to the teacher *Vocabulary : the lesson and look at the + Surface ( n ) -Explain some new words pictures. + Underwater ( n ) to Ss -Listen and write . + Pearl diver ( n ) -Have Ss read new words + To invent ( v => invention ( in chorus and individually . -Read new words in n ) -Correct the pronunciation chorus and individually + Special breathing equipment . . ( n • Have Ss do exercise : + Scuba- diving ( n ) True or False prediction -Do exercise . + Vessel ( n ) = ship
  2. Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Content -Ask Ss some questions and lead to the new lesson. +What do you usually do - Ss anwer the in your freetime ? questions. +Do you like watching TV? -Listen. * New words: + Series ( n ) : + Adventure ( n ) -Copy down. + Cricket ( n ) - Use pictures to set up the -Read them. + To prefer ( v ) = to like scene. better - Teacher explains the new + To sound ( v ) words & structure. - Listen to the tape and + To guess ( v ) = to predict find out. - That sounds boring(exp.) -Read it in pairs. - Let Ss listen to the tape - Some pairs read it and work in pairs to find before class. out what the dialog talks -Work in groups. about. * Choose the best answer. - Ask SS to choose the best a)C b)A c)B answer. d)C e)D - Correct the false ones. - Teacher’s correction. 4.Consolidation: - Play roles talk about your freetime activities. - Practice the dialogue more fluently. 5.Homework: -Copy the answers in the notebooks. -Prepare Unit 14: (A2) IV.Feedback: SIGNATURE WEEK 29 19/03/2012 PHT HÀ VĂN KHẢI