Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 3 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp




  1. Objectives

- Identifying numbers in the telephone directory. 

       - Asking for and giving telephone number .

       - Developing reading , listening and speaking skills.

  1. Teaching aids 

         Pictures , cassette recorder and tape , a page of telephone directory , colored chalk .

  1. Procedures :

       1 . Class organization:

  • Greetings
  • Checking attendance

     2 . Review of the previous lesson : 

  • Questions and answers about distances , using How far . . .  ? ( on cards ) 

3 . New lesson : 

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 3 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. Do you know the question asking for telephone numbers? Name Address Telephone Do you know how to give the Number telephone number to others? - Pointing to the picture, setting up the scene : This is Lan , and this is Hoa. Listen to the dialog. - Listen. between Lan and Hoa. - T has Students listen to the tape again and repeat the dialogue - Repeat the dialogue after the tape (repetition) (class after the tape spit into half playing the roles of Hoa and Lan) - Work in pairs to - Asking students to copy the complete the table. table into notebooks and work in - Some pairs perform pairs to complete the table. before the class. 4.Consolidation T. reads the telephone numbers and Ss write them. 5.Homework - Learn new words. - Write sentences which tell their friend’s and relatives addresses and telephone numbers. - Prepare Unit 2: (A4,5). IV.Feedback: Week :03 Date of planning:28/08/2011 Period : 08 Date of teaching :01/09/2011 UNIT 2 : PRESONAL INFORMATION. A. TELEPHONE NUMBERS.( A4 – A5 ) I. Objectives • Making arrangements on the phone and talking about future plans. • Developing reading and listening skills. II. Teaching aids • Pictures , cassette recorder and tape , role cards , colored chalk . III. Procedures : 1 . Class organization : - Greetings - Checking attendance 2 . Review of the previous lesson : - New words : telephone – directory , call , soon . - Ask students some questions . 3 . New lesson : Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content * Presentation A4.Listen and read - T.guides Ss how to make a • New words & structures :
  2. WEEK:03 Date of planning:29/8/2011 PERIOD:09 Date of teaching: 02/09/2011 UNIT 2 : PERSONAL INFORMATION. B : MY BIRTHDAY.( B1, B2, B3) I. Objectives • Talking about the date. • Developing listening and speaking skills. II. Teaching aids • Pictures , cassette recorder and tape , role cards , colored chalk . III. Procedures : 1 . Class organization : - Greetings - Checking attendance 2 . Review of the previous lesson : - New words : Would you like ? - Ask students some questions (future tense). 3 . New lesson : Teacher’s activities Students’ activities content * Presentation - T. asks 3 students to write the cardinal Cardina Ordinal Cardina Ordinal numbers on the board - Ss. look at the book l Number l Number and find out the Number Number - Teacher plays the tape different between First Thirteen Thirteenth and asks students to take cardinal numbers and One Second Fourteen Fourteent notes. ordinal numbers. Two Third Fifteen h Three Fourth Sixteen Fifteenth - T. plays the tape again Four Fifth Sixteenth and asks them to check Five Sixth twenty the numbers - Some students read Six Seventh thirty twentieth the numbers aloud Seven Eighth forty thirtieth - T. asks students to before the class Eight Ninth fifty fortieth check their result with Nine fiftieth their partners. twelfth ninety twelve Ninetieth * Practice - T. has some students write the result on the board. - T. corrects mistakes - Ss write the names of - T. shows students a 12 months in their
  3. WEEK: 4 Date of planning: 1/9/2009 PERIOD: 11 Unit 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION. B. MY BIRTHDAY. ( B4 ) I. AIMS: - After finishing the lesson, pupils will be able to + Use names and the dates of month, use this in their partner's birthday party. + Structure: My birthday is on The party will be at - Developing speaking and reading skills. II. TEACHING AIDS: - Text book, Cassette player , chalk , board. - Note books and text books. III. PROCEDURES: 1. Classroom organization: - Greetings. - Checking attendances. 2. Review of the previous lesson: - T. asks Ss some questions. + What’ s you name? + How old are you? + Where do you live? + What’s your telephone number? 3. New lesson: Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities Content - T. asks Ss to look at the - Ss answer about - Who are in the picture? picture then ask some Hoa’s information. - What does Mr Tan ask Hoa? questions. - How old is Hoa? - Where does she live? - What’s her telephone
  4. The party will be at * Developing reading and writing skills. II. TEACHING AIDS: - Text book. Cassette player - chalk - board. - Notebooks and text books. III. PROCEDURES: 1. Classroom organization: - Greetings. - Checking the attendances. 2. Review of the previous lesson: - T. asks Ss some questions. + What’s your telephone number? + What’s your address? + What’s your date of birth? - Ss answer. 3 New lesson: Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities Content - T. asks Ss to look at the - Ss look at and - Who is she? picture and asks some answer. - What is she doing? questions. - T. introduce the reading * New words: and new words. - invitation card ( n ): - T. guide Ss to read. - party ( n ): - Play the tape twice. - Ss read the passage - invite ( v ): in front of the class. - fun ( n ): - Show the extra board ( T. Lan’ birthday is on May T/F ) and explain the task - Ss work in groups 25th. to Ss. and give the answers. T. She will have a party. F. She will invite all of her friends. - T. shows Lan’invitation - Ss work in groups F. She lives at 12 THÑ street. card and explains the task. and show the answers. F. The party will be in a big restaurant. T. It’ll start at 5 and finish at 9 in the evening. - Help Ss to understand the content of questions. - Ss practice in pairs. * The answers: a. a book / a record / a bag b. by bike / by bus. c. cake / candy / sweets / fruit. d. coca / lemon tea 4. Consolidation: T. asks Ss to make an invitation card. 5. Homework: