Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 4 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp


B.   MY BIRTHDAY. ( B4,5 )



-  After finishing the lesson, pupils will be able to
+ Use the future to talk about incident 

+ Understand and answer questions about coversations

+ Structure:   My birthday is on...

                     The party will be at...

           - Developing speaking and reading skills.


          - Text book, Cassette player , chalk , board.

          - Note books and text books.


    1. Classroom organization:

       - Greetings.

       -  Checking attendances.

    2. Review of the previous lesson:

       -  T. asks Ss some questions.

          + What’ s your name?

          + How old are you?

          + Where do you live?

          + What’s your telephone number?

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 4 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. b.Practice -Ss answer the + It’s on June eighth. -T. corrects questions in pairs then - I won’t be happy. write them on the * Answering: board a. Hoa’s 13 now. b. She will be 14 on her next birthday. c. It’s on June eighth. d. She lives with her uncle and aunt. e. Becase she doesn’t have -T asks SS to look at part any friends. B5 and explain. -SS listen and complet B5. Read the dialogue again. - T. gives keys the form Then complete this form. Name :Pham Thị Hoa Date of birth : June eighth Address: 12 Tran Hung Dao Street Telephone number: 8 262 019 4. Consolidation: - Ss retell about Hoa’s information: + Telephone number. + Date of birth. + Next birthday. + Address. - T. checks. 4. Homework: - Write the answers B4 into the notebooks. - Read the dialogue and comelete the form B5. - Remember new words and structures. - Prepare (Unit 2: B6 – B7.) IV. FEEDBACK: WEEk:4 Date of planning: 04/09/2011 PERIOD:11 Date of teaching:08/09/2011 Unit 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION B. MY BIRTHDAY. ( B6 – B7 ) I. : Objectives * After finishing the lesson, pupils will be able to + reading is correct pronunciation of word in the text and answer the questions suggested by teacher + Give information necessary in reading an invitation to fill in card + Structure: My birthday is on
  2. bag b. by bike / by bus. c. cake / candy / sweets / fruit. d. coca / lemon tea 4. Consolidation: T. asks Ss to make an invitation card. 5. Homework: - Write the answers in notebooks. - Prepare Unit 3: ( A1 ) for the next period. IV. FEEDBACK: WEEK: 4 Date of planning: 04/09/2011 PERIOD: 12 Date of teaching:09/09/2011 Unit 3: AT HOME. A. WHAT A LOVELY HOME ! ( A1 ) I. AIMS: - After finishing the lesson, pupils will be able to: + Know how to show their expression with exclamation sentence: -> What - Adj - noun? + Know how to desribe the room with: -> It has - There is there are. - Focus on:reading skill. II. TEACHING AIDS: Text book, cassette tape board, chalk, pictures of nice houses. III. PROCEDURES: 1. Classroom organization: - Greetings. - Checking the attendaces. 2. Review of previous lesson: - T. asks Ss some questions. + Where is Hoa from? + Who does she live with in Ha Noi? + Who are her new friends? ( Nga, Lan, Nam ) 3. New lesson: Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities Content a. Presentation - Ss take notes. A1.Listen.Then practice with a partner - T.introduces the * New words: situation of the dialogue -Ss read the new - lovely ( adj ) : and explains new words. words. - awful ( adj ) : - T. guides ss to read. - Ss listen to the tape. - comfortable ( adj ) : - Play the tape twice. - Ss model the - convenient ( adj ) : - Have Ss model the dialogue. - dryer ( n ) :