Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 9 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp


  1.   I / OBJECTIVES 

          -Talking about the difference between schools in the USA and Viet Nam.

.         - Developing reading skill .


- Pictures , cassette recorder and tape , extra board .


      1.  Class organization

          - Greeting

    - Checking the attendance

  1. Review of previous  lesson

T. asks Ss some questions

          + How many classes do you have today ?

          + What are they ?

          + What ‘s your favorite subject ?

          + When do you have English ?

         + What time do they start ?

      3 . New lesson :

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_7_tuan_9_nam_hoc_2011_2012_vuu_kim_diep.doc

Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Tuần 9 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. Teacher’s name: Vuu Kim Diep and listen to the tape then -Groupworks a: T b : F c : F check their predictions d : T e : F f : F -Call on some Ss to give their answers - Correct and give the correct - Listen carefully answers - Call on some Ss to read the text aloud. -Give the -Correct their pronunciation answers - Ask Ss to discuss in groups about the difference between shools in the USA and school in Vietnam -Read individually 4. Consolidation T. Ask Ss to discuss in groups uniform Starting Finishing break After school time time activities Schools in USA Schools in VN 5. Homework: - Coppy the T / F statements. - Prepare Unit 4: (B1-2) IV/ FEEDBACK. === Week :9 Date of planning:9/10/2011 Period : 26 Date of teaching : UNIT 4 : AT SCHOOL( B1-2 ) I / OBJECTIVES - By the end of the lesson , the students will read the text to understand the details and practice library vocabulary & prepositions of positions - Developing reading skill . II / TEACHING AIDS - Pictures , cassette recorder and tape , extra board . III / PROCEDURES : 1. Class organization -Greeting -Checking the attendance 2. Review of previous lesson Have Ss play a game : Jumbled words Luratitere Torishy Bhygrageo Spenawpes Phong Thanh Dong Secondary School English 7 lesson plan
  2. Teacher’s name: Vuu Kim Diep - Introduce new lesson -Copy down in the back of the library. - Play the tape for Ss and ask their notebooks e.The library opens at 7 a.m them to look at the books f. The library closes at 4.30 - Explain some structures : p. -Pairworks. -Roleplay. H : Good morning 2. Listen then practice with -Have Ss read the dialogue in L : Good morning. a partner pairs. Can I help you ? -Ask Ss to look at part B1 H : Yes , where +Where can I find the math again then make the similar can I find the books, please dialogue books in English? + Do you have magazines / - Have Ss work in pairs L : They are at the newspapers here ? back of the library H : Do you have math and biology books here? L : Yes, they have on the shelves on the left 4. Consolidation - Practice the dialogue again. 5. Homework: - Coppy the replaced dialogues. - Prepare Unit 4: (B1-2) IV/ FEEDBACK. === Week : 9 Date of planning:10/10/2011 Period : 27 Date of teaching UNIT 4 : AT SCHOOL( B3-B4 ) I / OBJECTIVES - Ss will be able to ask and answer about the library plan. - Developing listening & reading skill . II / TEACHING AIDS - Pictures , cassette recorder and tape , extra board . III / PROCEDURES : 1. Class organization - Greeting - Checking the attendance 2. Review of previous lesson T. asks Ss to replace new dialogue ( B2 ) Ss work in pairs. 3. New lesson : Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Content Phong Thanh Dong Secondary School English 7 lesson plan
  3. Teacher’s name: Vuu Kim Diep IV/ FEEDBACK. SIGNATURE –WEEK 9 10/10/2011 Hà Văn Khải Phong Thanh Dong Secondary School English 7 lesson plan