Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 10 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

I. Objectives: After the lesson : 

          - Teacher helps students to read and understand ever day activities of  Ba.

1. Language knowledge: Students can review the present simple tense with Ordinary verbs and preposition: in, on, at

2. Skills:      Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others

II. Teaching aids: 

1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board. 

2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks….

III. Procedures:   

1 Warm up:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities               Content
doc 7 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1860
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 10 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

  1. text in silent - Have students read the - Read the text in front of * Retell Ba’s activities and time in text in front of class class front of the class - Check and give feed -Take note His name is Ba. He gets up at back six. He takes a shower. He eats a - Notice the change from - Take note and remember big breakfast. He goes to school at a subject I to He and get to quarter to seven. He has classes gets from seven to a quarter past eleven. - Have students retell - Retell Ba’s activities and At half past eleven. He has Ba’s activities and time time lunch. In the afternoon, He plays -Have students work in - Work in pairs games. He goes to school at five pairs o’clock. In the evening, He watches - Have students retell - Retell Ba’s activities and television. He does his homework. Ba’s activities and time time in front of the class He goes to bed at ten o’clock in front of the class 4. Post-reading: - Have students re read - Work in pairs, reread the *Write the sentences in order the passage again and passage again and write 1. Ba goes to school at a quarter to write the sentences in the sentences in order seven. order 2. Ba eats a big breakfast. - Look at the extra board 3. Ba gets up at six. -Stick the extra board on 4. He goes home. the board - Write the answers 5. He has lunch. -Have students write the 6. He does his homework. answers -Take note 7. He goes to bed at 10.00 - Check and give the *Answer key: correct answer 3-2-1-5-4-6-7 5. Homework: - Have students read the - Read the passage about *The passage and new words in part passage about Ba and Ba and learn new words at B1 learn new words at home home - Have students do - Remember and do -Exercise B1 page 47 in student’s exercises at home exercise at home work book -Have students prepare - Prepare the new lesson -Unit 5: B2, 3 ( page 57) the new lesson ( re read the passage about Ba and write the time in figures of Ba and you IV. Feedback . . 2
  2. school/ have classes/ have lunch/ go home/ go to bed? 3. Practice: - Have students work in - Work in groups, B2. Complete the table in your groups, complete the complete the table. Write book. Write the time in figures table. Write the time in the time in figures Eliciting answers: figures - Have students look at - Look at the extra board Action TIME the extra board on the Ba Me board get up 6:00 6:15 - Have students write the - Write the answers on go to school 6:45 6:30 answers on the board the board classes start 7:00 6:45 classes finish 11:15 11:15 - Check and correct - Take note and have lunch 11:30 12:00 copy in the book go home 5:00 11: 30 go to bed 10:00 9:00 B3. Practice with a partner. Use the table *Ask and answer bout Ba -What time does Ba go to school? He goes to school at 6:00 -What time does he have classes? He has classes from 7:00 to 11:15 -Have students ask and - Ask and answer about -What time does he have lunch? answer about the the activities and time of He has lunch at 11:30 activities and time of Ba Ba in pairs - What time does he go home? in pairs He goes home at 5:00 -Check and give feedback -Take note -What time does he go to bed? He goes to bed at 10:00 *Ask and answer about your friends What time do you go to school? I go to school at -What time do you have classes? -Have students ask and -Ask and answer about I have classes from .to answer about the the activities and time of -What time do you have lunch? activities and time of your your friends in pairs I have lunch at . friends in pairs - What time do you go home? I go home at -What time do you go to bed? -Check and give feed -Take note I go to bed at back 4. Consolidation: -Remind everyday -Take notes * Everyday activities of Ba and of activities of Ba and of students in part B2 students - Notice the questions and - Listen and remember answer about the 4
  3. time o f Ba Ba classes start 7:00 classes finish 11:15 have lunch 11:30 go home 5:00 go to bed 10:00 -Ask students some -Answer some *Questions: questions questions - What time do you get up ? -Check and give - What time do you go to school? feedback -Take note What time do your classes start and finish 2. Presentation: C1. Listen and repeat: -Stick the pictures - Explain some *New words: with subjects on the subjects - English (n): board -Math (n): -Literature (n): -Introduce new - Copy in the book -history (n): words and structures - geography (n): -Have students read - Read new words *Structure : new words after after teacher - What do we have today? teacher - Read new words in It’s Monday, We have . -Call students to front of the class C2. Listen and repeat: read new words in *New words: front of the class -Take note - Monday (n): -Check and give - Tuesday ( n): feed back - Tell the days of - Wednesday (n): - Ask students tell week in Vietnamese. - Thursday (n): the days of week in - Friday (n): Vietnamese -Look at the extra - Saturday (n): - Show the extra board C3. Listen and repeat: board C2 with dates on the board and say days of the week. *Structure: -Introduce ( we will - Listen to the - When do we have history ? listen to the teacher We have it on Tuesday and Thursday. conversation -Does Lan have Math on Friday? between Nga and Yes, she does/ No, She doesn’t Ba about theirs subjects and dates) -Play the tape -Listen to the tape -Notice the structure -Take note to students 3. Practice: - Have read the new - Read the new C1. Listen and repeat: words and structures words and structures ( New words ) after the teacher. after the teacher. - Play the tape C1 - Listen to the tape again. - students read part 6