Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

I. Objectives: After the lesson:

- Teacher helps students to practice the present simple tense, time, adjectives, question words and furniture vocabulary.

1. Language knowledge:

     - Students can practice doing exercises about the present simple tense, time, adjectives, question words and furniture vocabulary.

2. Skills: Focus on the writing, speaking skills.

3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others

II. Teaching aids: 

1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board

2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks….

III. Procedures:

1.Warm up:

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

  1. -Review the use of “ to -Take note and copy in He have ” the book She has It I You We have They - Have students do -Work in groups, do the Answers: exercise in groups exercises a. get up - get ,get -Stick the extra board - Discuss the exercises - get, gets with exercises on the - get, get board b. have - Have students write the - Write the answers on - do you have, have answers on the extra the extra board - does she have, has board - do they have, have - Check and give -Correct and copy in the c. go feedback book - do you go, go - do they go, go - does he go, goes 2. Time: - Ask students question -Answer Question: - Remind the answer for -Take note -What time is it? the time It is * Giờ chẵn: - It’s + time + o’clock * Giờ lẻ: -Have students work in - Work in pairs, ask and - It’s + time + minute pairs, ask and answer answer about the time Answers: about the time and write and write the time a. It’s eight o’clock the time - Ask and answer the b. It’s nine fifteen/ it’s a quarter past -Have students ask and time then write the nine answer the time then answers on the board c. It’s four thirty/ It’s half past four write the answers on the -Take note and copy in d. It’s twelve o’clock board the book e. It’s one forty – five/ It’s a quarter - Check and give to two feedback - Take note f. It’s eight forty 3. Ajectives: -Remind yes, no - Ask and answer the Answers: questions with to be and questions in pairs a. Yes, it is / no, it isn’t adjectives b. Yes it is/ no, it isn’t - Have students ask and - Tell some W h- answer the questions in question pairs - Have students to tell - Take note 4.Question words some W h- question What, how, which, where - Remind the use of W h- - Work in pairs, complete questions the W h- questions then 2
  2. . Week:11 Date of planning: Period: 32 UNIT 6: PLACES A. OUR HOUSE ( A1, 2) I. Objectives :After the lesson students may: - Read a text about Thuy and understand the content of the reading. 1. Language knowledge: Students can describe places and use prepositions of position. 2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. 3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others II. Teaching aids: 1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board 2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks . III. Procedures: 1.Warm up: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content - Ask students questions - Answer the questions. Questions: about the surrouding of 1. What are there around your their houses. house? 2. Does your house have a lake? 3. What is there near your house? Eliciting answers: 1.There is a river, a lake, a paddy field, . - Give electing answers -Take note 2. Yes, it does/ no, it doesn’t 3. There is a zoo, a clinic 2. Presentation: 1. Listen and read. Then ask and - Stick picture A1 on the - Look at the picture answer the questions board. New words: - Introduce some new - Copy in the book - lake (n): words - yard (n): - flower (n): - Introduce new structure - Copy in the book - rice paddy (n): - hotel (n): -Read new words twice -Listen and repeat - park (n): - Call students to read - Read new words in - tree (n): new words in front of the front of the class - near (pre): class -Listen to the tape - in ( pre ): - Play the tape twice - Read the text in silent Structures: -Have students read the What is there near the house? text in silent Near the house, there is 4
  3. IV. Feedback . . Week: 11 Date of planning: Period: 33 Unit 6: PLACE A. Our house (A 3, 4, 5) I. Objectives : After the lesson students can - Practice the new words in part A1, describe simply places around their house. 1. Language knowledge: Know how to use Plural nouns and Pronounciation: ( / s /-/ z /- /iz/ ) 2. Skills: Focus on listening and writing skills. 3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others II. Teaching aids: 1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board 2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks . III. Procedures: 1. Warm - up: Teacher’s activities Students’activities Contents -Call one student to read - Read the text in part A1 -The text in part A1 the text in part A1 *Questions: -Ask students some - Answer the questions 1/ How old is Thuy? questions 2/ What does she do ? 3/ How old is she ? 4/ Where does she live ? 5/ What is there near her house? - Have students write - Write new words * New words: new words - lake (n): - river (n): - Park (n): - hotel (n): - tree (n) - Check and give mark - Take note - flower (n): 2. New lesson: - Stick the extra board - Look at the extra board A3. Write: Complete the sentences with pictures A3 on the and the pictures - Our house has a It is near a board . - Have students work in - Work in pairs complete - There is a .near the pairs complete the the sentences - There is and sentences - There are and flowers in the - Hang the extra board -Look at the extra board A4.Listen.Write the words you hear with the content of the with the content of the New words: part listen part listen - town (n): - Explain new words - Copy in the book - village (n): 6
  4. the new words in part part A3 at home A3 - Practice the structure -The structure there is ./ there - Have students practice there is / there are are . in part A5 the structure there is / -Unit 6: B1, 2, 3 ( Pick out new are - Prepare the new lesson words and meaning in part B1,2 at - Have students prepare home ) the new lesson IV. Feed back: . . / /2017 Signature 8