Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 12 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

I. Objectives : After the lesson :

- Teacher help students to read a passage about Minh, their house and neighborhood 

1. Language knowledge:

- Read a text about where Minh lives to understand town vocabulary and prepositions of place.

2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others

II. Teaching aids: 

1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board

2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks….

III. Procedures:   

1. Warm up:

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 12 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

  1. 3. Practice: - Play the tape twice - Listen to the tape 1. Listen and read. Then answer - Have students read the - Read the passage in the questions passage in silent. silent. - Call some students to - Read the passage in Answer: True or false read the passage in front of front of the class. a. F, b. T, c. F, d. T, e. F, f. F the class. - Have students read the - Read the passage 2. Read the exercise B1 again. sentences on page 66 and carefully and then write Then complete the sentences ask them to choose the True or False a. city correct ones writing b. restaurant, bookstore, temple ‘True’ or ‘False’ c. hospital - Ask students to read the - Read the text B1 again, d. house, store text B1 again, then then complete the e. factory complete the sentences sentences 3. Listen. Write the words you hear - Have students work in - Work in pairs a. museum pairs - Write the answers on b. bookstore - Have students write the the board c. river answers on the board - Take note d. street - Check and give feedback - Look at the extra board TAPE TRANSCRIP: - Hang the extra board on a. There are three museums the board. - Take note in the city. - Explain - Listen to the tape. b. The bookstore is on the - Play the tape twice. - Compare the words other side of the street. - Have them compare the they hear with partner. c. She walks along the river words they hear with every morning. partner. Children can’t play soccer on the street. 4. Consolidation: - Retell the structures . - Remind. Structure : - Minh lives in the city. - There is a restaurant on the street. - Have students play - Play game. Complete the sentences - Ask students complete - Complete the sentences 1. I live a big city. the sentences with with preposition. 2. His father works a preposition. hospital. - Have students work in - Work in pairs 3. My house is to a pairs bookshop. - Have students read the - Read the answers 4. the street, there answers is a restaurant and bookstore. - Check and give feedback - Take note . the neighborhood, there is a factory and a stadium. Answers:, 2. In, 3. next, 4. on, 5. in 5. Home work: - Have students read the - Read the passage and - The passage and new words in part passage and learn new learn new words by heart B1 words by heart - Review some new 2
  2. - to the right of (pre) - Introduce the structure - Copy in the book Structures: - Read new words - Listen and repeat Where is the yard? - Call students to read new - Read new words in Where are the trees? words in front of the class front of the class - Give feedback C2.Listen and find the right - Stick the picture C2 on the -Look at the picture picture. Then write about the board three houses - Ask students some - Answer the questions Questions: questions - Where are the flowers in the picture a? - Where is the tree in the picture - Elicit the positions of the -Take note b? things around three houses - Where are the flowers in the picture c? 3.Practice: - Play he tape twice - Listen to the tape C1. Listen and read. Then ask - Ask them to read the text - Read the text in silent and answer the questions in silent - Read the text in front of Answers: - Call some students to read class. a. The yard is in front of the the text in front of the class house. - Have students work in - Work in pairs, ask and b. The tall trees are behind the pairs ask and answer the answer the questions house. questions in pairs. c. The mountain are behind the - Have students read and - Read and write the tall trees. write the answers on the answers on the board d. The well is to the left of the board house. - Check and give feedback e. The flowers are to the right of - Have students ask and the house. answer the questions in pairs - Ask and answer the f. The house is between the well questions in pairs and the flowers C2.Listen and find the right picture. Then write about the three houses Answers: a. A - Play the tape three times - Listen to the tape. b. B - Have students exchange c. B the answer with their - Exchange the answer Tape transcrip: friends. with their friends. a. Ba lives in a beautiful - Ask students ask and house. There are a lot of flowers answer in front of class. - Ask the answer the in front of the house. questions in front of class b. There is a tall tree to the - Give feedback and the - Copy in the book right of Lan’s house. correct answer. c. Tuan’s house is very beautiful. There is a well to the left of the house and there are some flowers to the right. 4
  3. - Have one student read - Read the text C1, write *Questions: the text C1, write new some words and answer - Where is the yard? words and answer the the questions - Where are the tall trees? questions - Where are the mountains? - Ask students some - Answer the questions - Where is the well? questions * New words - Give feedback and - Take note - in front of ( pre ): mark - behind (pre): - to the left of ( pre): - to the right of ( pre): - well (n ): - mountain (n): 2. Presentation: - Stick the picture C3 on - Guess. C3. Listen and read the board. New words: - Use the pictures to - Listen to the teacher’s - drugstore (n): show the students the introduction. - toy store (n): stores and the offices. - movie theatre (n): - Introduce the new - Copy in the book. - police (n): words to students. - police station (n): - bakery (n): - between (pre): - opposite ( pre): Structure : What is the bakery? - Review some -Take note It is next to the Photocopy prepositions *Prepositions In front of / next to/ to the right of / to -Take note and copy in the left of/ between/ opposite - Give example and let the book C4. Practice with a partner students play the Example: guessing game It’s opposite the movie theater. What is it? It’s the police station Yes. That right. 3. Practice: - Ask students to read - Read the new words C3. Listen and read the new words after the after the teacher. ( the text in page 70 ) teacher. - Listen to the tape - Play the tape - Read the text in silent - Have students read the text in silent - Read the text in front a. Ask and answer the questions - Have students read the of the class about the picture in exercise C3 text in front of the class - Look at the pictures Example: - Stick the pictures C3 ask and answer A: Where is the movie again. - Work in pairs, ask and theatre? answer about the B: It’s opposite the toy store - Have students work in positions of the store b. Play a guessing game 6