Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 13 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong


- Review all knowledge that they studied from unit 4 to unit 6

 - Focus on reading, writing and skills.

 - Ss know how to use some structures, read the passage then answer the questions and write the sentences using the cues given

II.TEACHING AIDS:   * Teacher:   Make the test

* Students: Do the test


doc 8 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1340
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  1. 2đ 3đ 1đ 2đ 2đ 20 30 10 20 20 % % % % % IV. THE TEST I. Listen: Question 1: Listen to the tape and choose the best answer ( 2pts ) 1. You and Nga play A. volleyball B. soccer C. games 2. Thu and Vui play . A. soccer B. soccer C. games D. volleyball 3. Do girls play soccer ?-> A.No,they don’t B. No,I don’t C.Yes,they do D. Yes,I do 4. Does Nga play soccer? -> A. Yes,I do B. No,I don’t C.Yes,she does D.No,she doesn’t II. Language Foccus Question 2:Choose the best answer to complete the bellow sentences .(4pts) 1. He does homework in the evening. A. his B. her C. your D. their 2. What time do you . breakfast? A. has B. do C. have D. does 3. When you have English ? . A. are B. do C. am D. is 4. He has history . Monday A. at B. to C. next D. on 5. I in grade six A. is B. am C. are D. be 6. She .her teeth every morning. A. washes B. goes C. brushes D. does 7. They . to school at seven o’clock. A. goes B. have C. are D. go 8. Nga is a student. She is grade 6, class 6C. A. of B. at C. on D. in III. Reading: Question 3: Read the passage and answer the questions. ( 2 pts ) Hello! My name is Phong. I’m twelve years old and I’m in grade 6. My school is in the country. It is a small school. My school has two floors and sixteen classrooms. My classroom is on the first floor. There are thirty – five students in my class. Every morning I get up at 6.00. I get dressed, brush my teeth and wash my face. I have breakfast at 6.20 and go to school at 6.40 * Check True ( T ) or False ( F ) : (1pt) T F 1. Phong is twelve years old . 2. Phong’s school is in the city. 2
  2. for each square 7. mountain -Tell students answer key is -Listen and play game 8. stadium the topic of the new lesson 9. tree with 20 marks Key word: your house -Tells students who has more marks will be winner 2. Presentation: - Have students look at the -Guess new words 1.Listen. Then practice with a partner pictures on the power point *New words: - Introduce new words - Copy in the book - new # old :( adj) - Have students look at - Look at picture A1 unit 7 Questions: picture A1 unit 7 -Who are they?-> They are Hoa and - Ask student’s some -Answer the questions Minh questions - What is this? ->It is Hoa’s house - Is it big?-> Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t - Is it old?-> Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t - Is there a well?-> Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t - Is there a yard?-> Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t - Are there any trees?-> Yes, they are/ No, they aren’t Choose ( yes or no) - Play the tape -Listen Hoa’s house Yes No - Have students choose yes - Choose yes or no 1 big? ✓ or no 2 old? ✓ - Play the tape again and -Listen and check the 3 a yard? ✓ check the answers answers 4 a well? ✓ 5 flowers ✓ 6. trees ✓ -Take note and copy in the *Structure: - Introduce the structure book - Is it ? Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t - Is there a/ an .? Yes, there is/ No, there isn’t - Are there any .? Yes, there are/ No, they aren’t - Give example -Take note and remember Example -Is your house big? -Is it old? ->yes, it is/ No , it isn’t -Is there a yard? -Is there a well? ->Yes, there is/ No, there isn’t 4
  3. Week:13 Date of planning: Period: 39 UNIT7: YOUR HOUSE A. Is your house big?A3,A4, A5) I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson -Teacher helps students to listen and recognize the house in the picture and describe the house. 1. Language knowledge: - Students can Review:What is that?. What are those? Are there any ? Is there a/an ? 2. Skills: Focus on listening and speaking skills 3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others II. Teaching aids: 1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board 2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks . III. Procedures: 1.Warm up: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content - Oral checking: * Role play the dialogue - Have students role play the - Role play the dialogue A1 ( part A1) dialogue A1 and ask and and look at the picture A1 to *Ask and answer the question answer about the house using describe. Yes, no questions with to be *Play the game slap the board and Is there ? Are there to describe the house. house garden - Let students play game - Ask and answer questions ‘Slap the board’ about the house with big yard structure Is it ? Is there ? old Are there ? small well - Give feedback and mark - Play game ‘Slap the trees board’ 2. Presentation: -Have students look at the - Copy in the book A3. Practice with a partner A3, explain some new words *New words : - bank: ( n) - Read new words -Repeat -Supermarket (n): -Post office (n): -Call some students to read -Read ne words -Review prepositions : near, new words behind, in front of, to the left , to the right. 6
  4. 4. Consolidation: - Remind Is/ Are three ? - Take note. The structure What is this? What is that? What is this? What is that? Is there ? Are there .? - Ask students some - Answer Questions: questions 1. Is there a river near your house? 2. Are there trees near your house? 5. Home work: - Have students learn new -Learn new words and -New words and structures in part words and practice the practice the structure A3 structures - Have students practice with - Practice with the structures -The structure in the part A4 the structures with Is there with Is there a ? Are there a ? Are there any at home any at home - Unit 7: B1, 2,3 - Have students prepare the - Prepare the new lesson ( pick out new words and meaning new lesson ) IV. Feedback: / /2017 Signature 8