Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 14 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

45-Minutes Test Corection

I. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to know how to do the test better and correct their mistakes, consolidation about knowledge from U3 to U6

II. Preparation:

  • Teacher: Extra board, posters….
  • Student:  Textbooks, the test ,……

III. Answer Keys

doc 8 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1440
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 14 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

  1. Điểm Lớp So sánh lần kiểm tra liền 6B 6C Tổng% tăng% giảm% 8 – 10 6,5 – 7 5 – 6,4 3,5 – 4,9 0 – 3,4 V. Feedback Week:14 Date of planning: Period: 41 UNIT 7: YOUR HOUSE B. Town or country? (B1, 2, 3) I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson : - Teacher helps students to read a text about Ba’s apartment in the city and Chi’s houses in the country and students can look at the picture and describe about an apartment in the city or a house in the country. 1. Language knowledge: - Students can review “ to be” and “ to live” , question words. 2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. 3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others II. Teaching aids: 1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board 2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks . III. Procedures: 1.Warm up: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content - Hang the pictures on the - Look at the pictures Look at the pictures and answer the board pictures with What is this/ that, What are these/ those - Have students ask and - Ask and answer about ( pictures about hotel , flowers, bank, answer about the pictures the pictures with What supermarket, restaurant, hospital, post 2
  2. - Have students read two - Read two passages in Ba and Chi’s houses: passages in silently. silently. Ba’s house Chi’s house - Let some students reread - Read the two passages - He lives an - She lives in a the two passages. by themselves. apartment. house - Have students complete the - Work in pairs, - Near an - There aren’t information about Ba and complete the apartment, there is any store Chi’s houses in the table information about Ba supermarket, a - There are - Have students read the and Chi’s houses in the post office, a trees, flowers, a passage again and choose the table bank, a clinic, a river, a lake, correct answers - Read the passage market, and a zoo. paddy fields. - Have students read about again and choose the - It is noisy - It is quiet. Ba. Write sentences about correct answers Answers: Chi’s house then write a. Yes, he does. sentences on the board - Read about Ba. Write b. No, he doesn’t. - Give feedback sentences about Chi’s c. Yes, it is. house then write d. No, she doesn’t. sentences on the board e. No, there doesn’t. f. Yes, it is. B2. Read about Ba. Then write sentences about Chi’s house Eliciting answer: - Chi lives in a house in the - Stick the extra board on the Country. board -There are trees and flowers/ - Have students listen to the a river, a lake and paddy fields, It is tape and check - Look at the extra very quiet. - Have students exchange board B3. Listen and check. Complete this with a partner table in your exercise book. - Play the tape again and - Listen to the tape and Answer keys: check check - Ask students some - Exchange with a questions. partner t City Town Name House - Give feedback Country Apartmen - Listen again and Minh   check Tuan   - Answer the questions Nga   Questions: 1. Do you live in the country or in the city? 2. Do you live an apartment or a house? 4. Consolidation: - Remind the Yes, No - Take note and *Yes, No questions 4
  3. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content *Oral checking (The passage about Ba’s apartment - Have students read the - Read the passage about and Chi’s house on pages 76, 77) passage about Ba’s Ba’s apartment and Questions apartment and Chi’s house Chi’s house and answer - Does Ba live in town? and answer the questions the questions - Does he live in a house? - Is it noisy? - Have students write some - Write some new words - Does Chi live in town? new words on the board on the board -Is it quiet? New words: - Check and give mark - Take note - clinic (n) - zoo (n) - apartment (n) - clinic (n) - quiet # noisy (adj) ( bike, motorbike, car, train, - Have students tell main of - Tell main of transport. bus ) transport Questions: - Ask students question - Answer. 1. How do you go to school? 2. Do you have a bike? 2. Presentation: - Stick the pictures C1 on - Look at the pictures Listen . How do you go to school? the board. Questions: - Ask student questions. - Answer - Who are they? - What are these? - How does Lien go to school? - How does Thu to school? - How does Tuan go to school? - How does Hoa go to school? - How does Huong go to school? - Use the picture to - Look the picture and tell New words: introduce the mains of means of transport. - bike (n): transport. - Copy in the book. - motorbike (n): - Explain the new words - car (n): and structures. - Read the new words - bus (n): - Have students read the after the teacher. - train (n): new words after the - walk (v): teacher. Structures: - How do you go to school? I go by bike/ / I walk - How does he go to school - He goes by bus/ she walks. 3. Practice: 6
  4. new lesson - Prepare the new lesson + Guess the answers at home IV. Feedback: / /2017 Signature 8