Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 15+16+17 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Lê Tấn Phong

C. Road signs (C, 3, 4)

I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson students may:

- Teacher helps students to say some road sign and use  can / can’t, must / must not statements and traffic vocabulary to talk about what you are allowed and not allowed to do on the road.

1. Language knowledge:

- Students can use the questions with the present progressive tense fluently.

2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others

II. Teaching aids: 

1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board

2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks….

III. Procedures:

1.Warm up:

doc 21 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1700
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  1. Week:16 Date of planning: Period: 47 UNIT 8: OUT AND ABOUT B. A truck driver ( B2 ) I. Objectives : After the lesson: - Teacher helps students to read and understand the dialogue between Ba and Lan. 1. Language knowledge: - Students can use the questions with the present progressive tense fluently. 2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. 3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others II. Teaching aids: 1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board 2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks . III. Procedures: 1.Warm up: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content Oral checking: * The text in the part B1 - Have student read the - Read the text about *New words: text about Mr. Quang Mr. Quang - Truck driver - Have students write - Write some words, - farmer some words, and answer and answer the - food stall the questions. questions. - load - Give feedback - arrive - Take note *Questions: 1. What time does Mr.Quang get up? 2.Where is he going at 5 in the morning? 2. Where is he taking the vegetables? 3. What is he doing at 7.00? 2. Presentation: - Stick the picture and - Guess and answer B2. Listen and repeat. Then answer the ask students question. questions Questions: - Play the tape twice. - Listen to the tape . - Who is he? - Explain the new - Take note. - What is he doing? words. - Read the new words New words: - Have students read the after the teacher. - copy (v): new words after the - correct (v): teacher. The present progressive tense - Review the questions - Take note. What are you doing? with the present -> I’m + V-ing progressive tense Are you working? ->Yes, I am 3. Practice: - Play the tape again - Listen and repeat after the tape. - Have students read the - Read the dialogue in B2. Listen and repeat. Then answer the
  2. 1.Warm up: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content Oral checking: * The dialogue in the part B2 page 87 - Have student practice - Read the text about *New words: the dialogue B2 Mr. Quang - Coppy - Have students write - Write some words, - Correct some words, and answer and answer the - Work the questions. questions. - math *Questions: 1. What is Ba doing ? - Give feedback - Take note 2. Is he doing math ? 3. Are Nga and Huong working? 4. Is Tuan playing soccer ? 2. Presentation: C1. Listen and read: - Stick the picture C1 on - Look at the pictures New words: the board. - difficult (adj): - Use the picture C1 to - Listen to the teacher - sign (n): introduce to students. - one way : - Use picture about road - Look at the picture Structures: signs to elicit the content about the road signs - You can’t go into that street. of this part show by the teacher - You can’t park here. - Pay attention to each Affirmative: - Tell them the meaning road signs and its S +can + Bare-infinitive of each road sign. meaning. - Play the tape twice - Listen to the tape. Ex: I can go straight ahead. - Explain new words. - Listen to the teacher He can turn right - Explain ‘Can / Can’t’ and copy in the book. Negative: S+ Can + not + Bare- infinitive Ex: I can’t turn left . She can’t drive car. C2. What do the road signs mean? Add can or can’t - Give the examples to - Listen to the teacher Structures: introduce C2 and write down - Affirmative : E x: You can park here - Negative: Ex: I can’t turn right . She can’t go ahead. 3. Practice: - Play the tape again - Listen and repeat C1. Listen and read: after the tape. ( the passage C1) - Ask student read the - Read the passage in passage in front of class front of class and and other change. other change. - Let them practice in - Practice in groups groups ask and answer ask and answer about C2. What do the road signs mean? about the passage the passage Add can or can’t
  3. Week:17 Date of planning: Period: 49 UNIT 8: OUT AND ABOUT C. Road signs (C, 3, 4) I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson students may: - Teacher helps students to say some road sign and use can / can’t, must / must not statements and traffic vocabulary to talk about what you are allowed and not allowed to do on the road. 1. Language knowledge: - Students can use the questions with the present progressive tense fluently. 2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. 3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others II. Teaching aids: 1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board 2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks . III. Procedures: 1.Warm up: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content - Ask students to write - Write on the board Affirmative: the structures ‘Can / S +can + Bare-infinitive Can’t’ and give examples Negative: S+ Can + not + Bare- infinitive - Take note - Give feed back 2. Presentation: - Hang pictures C3 on - Look at and C3. Listen and read the board and ask answer Questions: questions -What is this ? - What must we do? -What do these road signs mean New words: - warn (v): - Explain some new - Copy in the book - intersection (n): words - slow down (v): - go straight ahead (v): Modal verb with ‘Must’ Affirmative: - Take note S +must + Bare-infinitive - Explain modal verbs with must/ mustn’t Ex: I must go straight ahead. - Give example He must have discipline. Negative: - Read new words S+ Must +not +Bare- - Call some students to in front of the class infinitive read new words in Ex: I mustn’t turn left here. front of the class - Listen She mustn’t go into that street. - Play the tape C4. Listen. Which sign? Number the signs - Stick the pictures - Look at the as you hear.
  4. prepare the new lesson lesson + Must/ mustn’t IV. Feed back: Week: 17 Date of planning: Period: 50 GRAMMAR PRACTICE I. Objectives : - Teacher helps students to practice the present simple present, the present progressives tense, preposition of place, question words, Can / Can’t, Must / Mustn’t. 1. Language knowledge: - Students can practice the present simple present, the present progressives tense, preposition of place, question words, Can / Can’t, Must / Mustn’t. 2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. 3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others II. Teaching aids: 1.Teacher's:Pictures, cassette player, extra board 2.Students': Textbooks, notebooks . III. Procedures: 1.Warm up: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content Oral checking: *Read the passage C3 ( page 90) - Have students read the - Read the passage C3 *New words passage C3 - Write new words on - intersection : - Have students write some the board. - slow down : new words on the board. - go fast : - Give feedback - Take note - go straight ahead : - warn : 2. Practice: - Review simple present - Take note and do 1. The present simple tense: tense to students exercises. *Form: - Remind the form and the - Copy in the book KĐ: He/ she/ it + Vs/ es use of the present simple I/ you/we/ they + V tense PĐ: He/ she/ it+ doesn’t+ V - Notice some adverbs - Copy in the book I/ you/ we/ they + don’t+ V going with the present NV: Does+ he/ she/ it+ V simple tense Do+ you / we/ they+ V *Adverbs: every day, every week - Have students work in - Work in groups, use Answers: groups, use the correct form the correct form of the a. go / go of the present simple tense present simple tense b. travel / travels - Have students read and - Read and write the c. walk / don’t walk write the answers on the answers on the board Does / walk / walks board 2. The present progressive tense - Check and give feedback - Take note *Form:
  5. - Have students read and the present progressive write the answers on the tense board STOP - Check and give the correct - Read and write the answer answers on the board - Copy in the book - Have students look at the - Look at the road signs 20 Km road signs and tell the and tell the meanings meanings of the road signs of the road signs - Complete the - Have students complete sentences with must the sentences with must and and mustn’t P mustn’t - Have students read and - Read and write the write the answers on the answers on the board Answers: board a. must / mustn’t - Check and give the correct - Copy in the book b. must / mustn’t / mustn’t answer c. must / mustn’t - Have students work in - Work in pairs, 7. Can and can not / can’t pairs, complete the complete the sentences ➢ You can’t park . sentences using can or can’t using can or can’t ➢ You can park. - Have students write the - Write the answers on ➢ You can’t ride a motorbike answers on the board the board here. - Give feedback - Take note and copy in the book 3. Home work: - Have students learn - Learn grammar notes Grammar notes: grammar notes by heart by heart From part 1 to part 2 - Have students re watch the - Re watch the exercise - The present simple tense exercise at home at home - The present progressive tense - Prepositions - Questions words - can, can’t/ must, mustn’t Review from Unit 1 to Unit 8 - Have students review from - Review from Unit 1 *Grammar Unit 1 to Unit 8 to Unit 8 - The present simple tense - The present progressive tense - Prepositions - Questions words - Article *Questions about you IV. Feedback
  6. They Their He His She Her 2. Practice: - Write 5 sentences of - Coy in the book Choose the best option A,B,C or to exercises on the board complete the sentences 1. This is my brother . name - Have students copy the - Copy the exercisers in is Nam. exercisers in the book the book A. Her B. His C. My D. our - Have students work in - Work in pairs, choose 2. is your name ? pairs, choose the best the best option to A. What B. where option to complete the complete the sentences C. who D. how sentences 3. ? I am ten A. How old you are? - Have students circle - Circle the best answer B. How old are you ? the best answer on the on the board C. How you are ? board D. How are you ? 4. How do you his name? – N-A- - Check and give the - Take note and copy in M, Nam. correct answers the book A. write B. read C. spell D. say - Write 6 sentences of - Coy in the book 5. My family lives Nguyen Hue exercises on the board street. A. by B. at - Have students copy the - Copy the exercisers in C. with D. on exercisers in the book the book is she? – She’s twenty. A. How B. How old - Have students work in - Work in pairs, choose C. How many D. How much pairs, choose the best the best option to 6. I’m a student. This is option to complete the complete the sentences School. sentences A. my B. your C. her D. his - Have students circle - Circle the best answer 7. Thu and Nga their homework the best answer on the on the board after school. board A. do B. does C. make D. has - Check and give the - Take note and copy in 8. Minh Television every evening. correct answers the book A. Watch B. washes C. watches D. wash 9. There is a stadium my house. A. next B. opposite C. in front D. between 10. Is there yard in front of your house? A. some B. a C. any D. an 11. My father volleyball now.